"Drive! Unless you think we're done! " When foam Qing angry stare at him, peat! Two people are waiting to see the play! He even let her cooperate! She's not an actress!

"Well! For the sake of my wife and children, I drive seriously Lu Zhan is serious.

"I'm not pregnant! Are you trying to rebel against me? " When Mo Qing angrily grasps his ear to gnash teeth! How dare you make rumors for her!

"How many times do you come?" Lu Zhan drives wrongly. He can't do without making rumors! When will he get a wife? Mo Qing's family has too many relatives. When her grandparents agree, he doesn't have to live. Fortunately, it's not ancient, otherwise he won't even have a chance to get close to his daughter-in-law!

"Do you want to sleep alone at night?" When Mo Qing gently hummed to take back the hand, the root behind the ear was unconsciously red.

"No, I'm trying to make children." Lu Zhan depressed way, in fact, he wants to roar. Is it so difficult to give birth to a monkey for me? But he can't roar. Mo Qing didn't refuse him every time. Sometimes he was even more enthusiastic than him. But he had been together for half a year, and her stomach didn't respond!!

"Dead end Zhan! Which eye of you can see that I am more enthusiastic than you are! " When the shameless, angry things make complaints about her in the bottom of her heart, is it clear that every time he is like a tiger? How can she know why she is infertile, she is normal anyway!

"Wrong! I'm so enthusiastic Lu Zhan make complaints about them quickly, and forget that after they have repaired them, they are connected by their minds.

"Hum! I know my own body. It's healthy When foam Qing light hum, suddenly she maliciously looked at Lu Zhan, "Dear Zhan Zhan, do you want me to help you check?"

Lu Zhan micro Leng, then lightly aimed at the eye, she evil smile, "wife adult want how to check? From the beginning to the end or from the outside to the inside? In the car? Or go back? Whatever you like, I promise you will not resist! "

As expected, there is no more shameless, only the most shameless! Shi Mo Qing gave him a big white eye and said solemnly, "we are both normal. Is it because of double cultivation?"

"Maybe it's because psychic powers are too active that infertility is normal! Otherwise, there are so many novels about cultivating immortals. How come the descendants of cultivating immortals become less and less? Otherwise, they can roll the sheets every day, and the children can form a basketball team... " Lu Zhan said, and then crooked.

When Mo Qing speechless looking at him, two goods!

At noon, the motorcade stopped at a hotel to have dinner, and then continued to move on. There were too many cars and the speed was not fast. It was only in the evening that we arrived in D city. When we got home, it was dark and it was nearly eight o'clock.

"Didi..." With the sound of a few sirens, the waiting people ran out of the room, "back! Come back! It's time for dinner

"Aunt Dong, uncle Dong!" When Mo Qing jumped out of the car, the first one out was aunt Dong.

"What's going on so late? Are you hungry? Eat first and toss and toss Aunt Dong warmly greet people, except for the two leaders on the car, are basically acquaintances.

"No! I'm starving. I'll take two bites for lunch! Where's my old man As soon as Luli got out of the car, he yelled. He had been enslaved for several months and suffered him! He's not going to do it!

"They're holding the baby! Go ahead and say, it will snow again this day Aunt Dong pushed him in helplessly. The boy has been the chairman of the board for several months, but he still wants to unload his burden.

Lu Zhan jumped out of the car to help carry things. Fu Shuhe, the housekeeper, was sent in to have a rest. This is what young people do!

"Old man Lu! Come out quickly! Here comes the guest As soon as Nie got out of the car, he roared in the yard with his voice.

When the chief officer gets out of the car and looks around, even if it's dark, you can see that the surrounding environment is very good!

"Guest? Do any guests go to other people's homes during the Spring Festival Father Lu murmured to go out, although he knew that the chief executive would come. At the moment when he went out to see him, he was still stunned.

"What? Aren't you excited to see the old man? Don't be dazzled! Give one a hug When the head of the party walked towards him with a smile, his muddy eyes glowing in the light.

"Are you finally willing to come out of the turtle shell?" Father Lu went down the steps, reached for him and patted him on the back.

"Isn't it just a tortoise shell? For so many years, he doesn't go to my house every time he is asked to go to the new year's Eve! " Nie chief followed and muttered.

"Nie! I haven't seen you for decades. You haven't changed When he let go, the old man Lu sighed.

"Old, aren't you? This is the age of young people! " Nie head picks eyebrow to see a few figure that the side of courtyard is busy.

On the other side of the yard, Shi Mo Qingzhu is helping Lu Zhan's people carry things. Shi Mo Yin and Gu Pan Pan Pan, Dong Jianwen, run out of the house, saying hello to several old people and helping them with their things.

"My God! Sister Moqing! Why do you have so many things? " Gu Panpan opened his mouth in surprise. She came here with a suitcase

"One hundred percent of the stuff of those two smelly boys!" Dong Jian said with a smile.

"I went abroad a few days ago and bought a lot of things for both of them!" There are three bags coming out of the trunk"Not ours? You will spoil the children Tao Shufen came out of the house, just heard this sentence, helpless way.

"I will spoil it! Where's the fat boy? " When Mo Qing blinks.

"They are willing to be held by two big men at the second youth road!" Tao Shufen smiles with a bright face.

"Sister Fen! Don't talk to Mo Qing! Come and see the big things I've brought After living here for more than a month, Xinzhu had already known Tao Shufen. She pushed Mo Qing to Lu Zhan's arms and pointed to Han Wei, who helped carry things at the door.

"Big star! Would you please buy a smaller one next time? It's really difficult to get in the door! " Han Wei laughs bitterly. They've been stuck here for a long time. Now they can't get in and out.

"Poof! I can't get in. From the door... " Tao Shufen was amused by several people.

"Well, it's not that the kids can't drive it. I just want to think that my grandfather or uncle Dong can sit in and take them to play..." Xinzhu embarrassed way, she really did not think so much

"Ha ha, it's better for us Xinzhu to think about it. Are you going to make the car public?" Lu Laozi was attracted by the movement here and laughed after hearing Xinzhu's words.

"The store manager said that an adult can sit. I specially bought two cars." Xinzhu winks at the public.

"After that, it will be difficult to get in and out. Your door will be changed!" Nie made fun of it.

Several people talk, Han Wei several people finally got in a car, the rear one is really moved in from the door.

All the things moved into the courtyard, and Tao Shufen asked everyone to go in for dinner.

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