Book 1: Chapter 46: A Terrible Decision and Payback

Book 1: Chapter 46: A Terrible Decision and Payback


After the sparring, I take a quick shower before calling it a night. But the next morning, Im woken up by the sound of loud footsteps entering my suite.

I rub my eyes as I sit up in my bed, more than a little annoyed at being woken up. Again. For the third time since coming here. Out of three nights.

Its not a robot this time, as robots dont have footsteps. They simply roll in or hover over the ground.

Which means its someone with the clearance to enter my suite. And I can only think of a few people who would likely have that clearance

Soon enough, I hear Allen shouting while banging on my door, not daring to open it when I could be undressed or something.

Scarlet! Wake up right now and explain to me why the fucking hell you thought it would be a good idea to fight a demon knight over fifty levels above you!!!!


I scowl at the door.

Hes just mad about that.

I glance down at myself to find that Im wearing a tank top and shorts before muttering, Its too early to deal with this. Then I glance at the clock to find that its six AM, only to look up at the door through sleep filled eyes and call back, Come back in a few hours!

Come back in what?! You cant just ignore this, young lady! he shouts, but Im already going back under the sheets and using my pillow to cover my ears.

Then I fall back into the comfortable confines of sleep.

Several hours later

I groan as I climb back to my feet from the mat, only to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Michael looks down for a second before looking at me and answering, Well, the status it grants me when Im out of the Association and the university campus. That and the magi-tech in it.

I blink in surprise, raising my head slightly.

It has magi-tech? I mutter, a little bit more curious about the uniform.

The nature magic Guardian looks at me surprised for a second before answering, Yeah. You didnt know? Silver Works makes the uniforms.

My mouth parts open slightly for a second before closing again.

Oh. I mutter, only for the sound of food, err, the waiter approaching to grab my attention away from the man.

Somewhere in the corner of my mind I hear him chuckling as I quickly begin digging into my food the moment its placed in front of me.

I can ask Allen later what the magi-tech in the uniforms do. For now, filling my empty stomach is more important.

Time seems to freeze as I practically devour all of the food in front of me before I make my way through towards my suite. And after sluggishly closing and locking the entrance, I walk over to my room, then flop on my bed, not bothering with a shower this time, instead using clean. Because that would be more effort, and we cant have that.

I let out a sigh of relief the moment my face hits the pillow, and I dont even bother taking my jacket off to sleep, just like the first day I got here.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Tar appearing and tugging the blanket over me.

Thank you I mutter, my eyes drooping before fully closing.

The number of times he told me not to push myself, and now hes doing this to me?

Must be karma.

Its got to be.

Just go to sleep, Tar says as I feel him lying next to me. So I hug him while going to sleep.