Chapter 139 - I Gained A Sister

Allie woke up to the weight on her waist. She thought Chloe had hung up her leg again across her body, an unconscious act a child always did. To her surprise, Chloe was hugging her bear far from her and the weight came from her other side. She turned in the opposite direction and saw Ajie fast asleep, his right arm hugging around her. This man is really stubborn, she thought, as a smile spread across her face. She never allowed him to sleep with them last night, only to find him sneaking around.

Ajie woke up to her movements and smiled sheepishly. He was now being caught but he never felt guilty at all. How could he sleep alone when his little family was here?

Allie started to confront him but he ended up drowning her complaints with his kisses.

"Let's get married again, please, " he begged, afraid that something might come up again.

She smirked as she looked at him. "You're in a hurry? Is changing a spouse an easy game?"

Ajie knew she was right. Announcement had been made and the turn of events was not that easy to cope up with. "Then I'll be your suitor again."

"Let's see how good you are," she laughed.

"What God has put together, let no man put asunder, " he added but regretted it as quicky it came into his mind. He felt silly and was almost tempted to giggle and shrink at his own mistake.

"Who's talking here?" she confronted, challenging him with her raised eyebrow.

Ajie smiled with a pang of guilt in his heart. He hugged her tighter like it was his first and probably his last. "Can we just forget about it, please?'

"Then let's avoid bringing up the mistakes of the past, " she added, easing up his discomfort.

Ajie felt his chest tightened and a sudden urge to cry gripped him up. Who would expect that he would be holding again the only woman he loved this soon?

"Allie..., " he paused as he pressed his lips on her forehead for a long while, "I'm really sorry."

Allie was moved by this heartfelt sincerity. He had his own reasons and she understood. He shouldn't be the only one to take the blame. She herself caused that foolish decision of solving her problems alone. She should have shared her worries with him in the first place and allowed him to help in coming up with the best solution. In marriage, every plan and decision should be discussed by the couple together. No secret should ever be kept between them. This failure almost destroyed them totally. They were just being fortunate that there were unexpected circumstances that brought them back together.

Somehow, this decision had brought about a positive result on the other hand. It changed the direction of Hayri's life and resulted in great success for both of them. Allie realized that in life, God allows His children to endure the consequences of wrong decisions to make them grow and learn. Yet, in every trial His people are called to endure, He does not put them in a situation beyond what they are able to bear.

"I'm also sorry, Jie. You're right, I have stained our marriage. I shouldn't be kissing another man. If only I was strong enough to reveal myself earlier..." Her statement was interrupted by his hand which covered her mouth.

"Enough with that, let all that be in the forgotten chapters of the past."

Allie did really dropped the topic. She buried her face in his chest and Ajie pulled her closer, wishing that the storm of their lives would finally be over. If ever there would be another trial to surpass, he would make it sure they would be facing it together.


It was four in the afternoon and the two ladies walked into a coffee shop. Jane picked up a table on a corner beside a glass wall where they could see Ajie and Chloe on the children's playground. Allie sat across her, bringing with her the menu list she picked up from the counter. She ordered non-coffee beverages for her and Chloe and two cups of frappucino for Jane and Ajie. They were taking Chloe for her day out and Jane invited her to see an interior designer for the baby's room. They would be meeting her in few minutes.

"Jane, if you don't mind, may I ask something personal?"

Jane looked up and after a moment of hesitation, she nodded and smiled. "Go ahead but I'm nervous."

Taking her smile as a sign to go ahead, she continued. "You know, I am worried about you. I'm also a woman who understands your feelings. How were you able to accept the situation between you and Ajie?"

Jane's pupils reacted instantly to her unexpected question. It threw a shocked glint for a moment,  being taken aback by her boldness. Somehow, she managed to reply in a nonchalant way.

"Even from the very start and until those moments where daddy insisted that we should get engaged, our relationship was just within a plain friendship. We enjoyed each other's company and nothing more than that. It went on like that until we start to set our minds into a new level of a relationship," Jane started to explain and then paused to give out an amused laughter.

"I know from the start that it is always you and that he treats me as just a sister or a friend. The change only took place after he returned from Turkey where everything looked real. Even then, our relationship was just a plain friendship and nothing special..."

Allie couldn't help but feel a sense of pity towards her. If only beauty and brain could guarantee a perfect and happy life, she would surely take it all.

"I'm sorry, Jane, " was all Allie could say, her tone spoke heavily of pity and guilt.

Jane laughed again though her eyes clouded up. "I would be lying if I say I was not affected but the truth was there from the very start. I don't lose anything, after all. I gain a lost family, instead. It really feels wonderful  to have a mother again waiting for me  in our home."

Allie felt those unspoken pain inside her. She couldn't help but admire her wonderful spirit despite the fact that she grew up in a broken family. She held a sad gaze towards her and Jane laughed in response, stretching out her arms to enclose both of them in a warm embrace.

"Before I forget, I also want to tell you that I am happy that I gain a sister," Jane added as she rubbed Allie's back, sending drops of tears gliding towards her neck.