Chapter 1319 Cap 1317: Divine Tournament

Name:Will Of Chaos Author:
Chapter 1319 Cap 1317: Divine Tournament

Now we were in the crystal castle on the top floor of the Dungeon, Unmar seems to be friends with Natasha and the two were fighting in the space outside.

I was with Elizabeth, it seems that she really put her damn tests aside and has been trying to be of help to make up for what she did before, she is not ashamed to admit her mistakes.

"So this has never existed before?"?(I)

"At least not in my lifetime."?(Elizabeth)

"But there were some similar situations."?(Elizabeth)

"Tell me more about it."?(I)

After the completely one-sided fight I had with Unmar, he told me more about the mission this time, but the mission was very strange in different ways to the point that I couldn't understand the Beast God's thoughts.

The mission I received was a competition, a tournament to be more precise, it reminded me of the first mission that had an Evil God as its target.

The only difference is that I would have to enter this tournament personally and I cannot use any of my Familiars in battle, that alone puts me at a disadvantage, my fighting style focuses on versatility and that is why I am not a specialist in any area.

"Why are these 4 Gods having this tournament? Especially the God of War since his tournament was just now?"?(I)

The tournament in that Coliseum was held with the participation of the Religion of the God of War himself, he was also watching the fights since I met him on that occasion. This content originates from n0v3lbin•

I can't understand how he goes from one tournament to the next in such a strange way, for a battle addict there must be a break.

"From the looks of it, the previous tournament could be a way to recruit suitable people for this tournament, that explains why you're doing it out of turn."?(Elizabeth)

"But what is the reason for this tournament?"?(I)

"You said it yourself before, it was the bet between them."?(Elizabeth)

I've been talking about the same thing with Elizabeth for several minutes now, she has met and interacted with many Gods for millennia, and she knows how they act and think to a certain extent.

Unmar told me that the 4 Gods have a bet, no one knows what that bet is, not even he knows about it, which made me doubt the real reasons for this tournament, especially when I listened to those who are going to participate.

"This is crazy, what kind of place could resist this kind of combat?"?(I)

"A Tournament only for Deities and those linked to Deities."?(I)

"Don't waste your time thinking about it, you just have to participate, don't you?"?(Elizabeth)

"Actually the mission is to be in the top 5."?(I)

"That's impossible, for that you would have to face enemies of similar strength to that Demonic Goddess of the Fairies, you wouldn't be able to do so even using your Familiars, let alone fighting alone."?(Elizabeth)

"..." (I)

The situation only gets worse and worse for me, after everything that has happened so far I know that my power is only considered average among Demigods and that's considering the use of my Divine Weapon, something I can't use in a place like this since I'm hiding Niryna.

"I can't carry out this mission, this is insane!"?(I)

"We still have time, you can get stronger by then."?(Elizabeth)

"Now that we're alone, tell me more about this tournament?"?(I)

"The Gods who are participating are the God of Beasts, the God of War, the Demon God of Sin, and the Demon God of Evil."?(Unmar)

"Is this serious? You guys called the Evil Demon God!?"?(I)

"Don't ask me anything, I know as much as you, as far as I know, is that they bet something and the prize for the winner of the tournament is a Divinity Fragment, the winner can choose 1 among the 5 Divinity Fragments that will be there."?(Unmar)

"Can be..." (I)

In the middle of my sentence, I swing my elbow towards his face, but he didn't even move, the difference in strength is simply too great now, I can't kick his band like I used to before.

"Did you need that?"?(Unmar)

"Old habits, now let's start something while my arm finishes healing."?(I)


Pov Yntra (Mother of Truth):

"This body is more stable, merging the brain cells with all the body cells was more complicated than I imagined."?(I)

I look at my arm noticing some tumors forming before healing, I also feel some stiff joints, I focus on my hand making the flesh twitch as it hardens forming a large red and white blade.

"It's going to take some tweaking, but it's going well."?(I)

With that I walked outside looking at the planet below, my main body was still in the process of transformation, I would like to increase the evolution of the creatures in this world, but nothing seems to solve this problem.

"Mom, everything is ready, when are we leaving?"?(Haku)

"Now, I need that in my hands, we can't count on Greed, he already tried to betray us once."?(I)

"From the information we've gathered these are Dragons protected by the Church of Light, they haven't been a problem so far."?(Haku)

"It doesn't matter, the flesh and blood of a True Dragon is very interesting, we need something like that for the final part of the main body's transformation."?(I)


Pov Zenos:

I was with Layla in the garden of the mansion inside the Dungeon, I already performed her Divine Awakening, it was almost the same as when I performed Nix's, we were actually seeing the changes happening in the Temple of the Fairies when suddenly flowers grew forming an arch of flowers from where a flash of light flies towards me.

She was just a young girl who I had only met once, but I couldn't forget.

"Aurora, what are you doing here?"?(I)

"I came to spend a few days here, my mother said that you were guilty and that's why you should do something useful."?(Aurora)

"(I became Goddess' caregiver?)" (I)

"(I may look young, but I have all the memories of my predecessor, there's no need to treat me like a mortal child.)" (Aurora)

"Alright, let's start with some rules, like not getting into other people's minds unless they are enemies."?(I)

"That won't be a problem."?(Aurora)