After careful observation for a long time, Qin Guanglin looked for it and didn't find it for a long time when the white hair fell off naturally in June.

I don't know where it is.

Half a year after the end of the cartoon, he didn't write any more. He accompanied his daughter at home or went out for a walk every day. The rocking cart at the door of the supermarket was almost covered by Xiao Anya. I don't know how children like it so much.

He also tried to feel it - no other meaning, just to understand his daughter's fun, but as soon as he sat on it, it creaked. Qin Guanglin got up in a hurry, but fortunately he didn't really sit down.

Otherwise, a 30-year-old uncle would have broken the rocking chair in front of the supermarket, and he might even be on the news.

It's true.

"Father's father is called grandfather, and father's mother is called Grandmother ~"

the sun is shining, and the heat is raging outside. Qin Guanglin can't resist his daughter's insistence. He takes her downstairs to put in a coin and sit in a chair, while he stands by to take a small video for her.

Find out what's wrong, send it.

"Your daughter is addicted to this. "

why don't you just stare at the students' exams in the school? As a invigilator, your job is to sit on the platform with a cup of tea and scan around with sharp eyes.

Feel out the mobile phone to see Qin Guanglin's news, she curled her mouth, crackling typing.

"Your daughter. "

there is no air conditioning in the classroom, only a few squeaky fans hanging on the top of the head, whistling and blowing hot air. The good students are sweating and writing hard, while the poor students are scratching their ears and gills with a sweat on their head. They can't wait for the chance to touch their mobile phones and stretch their necks to peek at them.


A chalk head accurately fell on the student desk, why not put down the mobile phone with a straight face, the goods immediately honest.

"Picture. JPG"

"would you like ice cream? I'll send it to you after class. "

the news of Qin Guanglin comes back. Why don't you think about it and refuse it, and then continue to throw the chalk head repeatedly.


Qin Guanglin is eating ice cream and installing his mobile phone. If he doesn't eat it, he doesn't want to send it on such a hot day.

Another bite, suddenly feel Youdao look at himself, he bowed his head, Xiao Anya mouth water almost flow out.

"It's shit. Oh, it stinks." Qin Guanglin made a hard to swallow expression, showing his teeth and acting with Anya.

The stomach of a four-year-old child is not well developed, so she can't eat it after reheating.

"Then why do you often eat it?" Anya is not so easy to fool, blinking, blinking, staring at the ice cream in his hand, rocking chair is not so fun.

"Because you're going to sit here. Once you're happy, dad will eat shit. Oh, it stinks."

There's nothing wrong with it. I don't blow the air conditioner at home, so I have to eat ice cream to cool down.

Qin Guanglin frowned and ate happily. After fooling Anya, he turned his back and continued to eat.

Maybe we can consider buying one for her to play at home But it's too noisy. I don't know if it's still fun if it's silent.

"Dad, I want to eat shit, too."

Tangled for a long time, Anya can not resist the temptation, drooling for sharing.


"I'll just take a sip, will you?"

“…… What would you like to eat? "

Qin Guanglin's eyes turned, felt out his mobile phone and began to record small videos.


Why don't you shake your cell phone in your pocket, take it out and turn down the volume to see the message sent by Qin Guanglin, in which your daughter is shouting, shit is delicious.

It's not suitable for a man to take a baby.


Outside the supermarket.

"Well, I can't eat it."

Qin Guanglin carefully peeled off the outer layer of chocolate and gave her daughter two mouthfuls. She helped her wipe her mouth, and her mobile phone rang.

I thought it was just a matter of calling. I took it up to have a look, but I found it was a string of numbers, and I felt a little familiar.


"Hello, Mr. Qin, this is Penguin express. I have contacted you before..."

Indeed, in the two months after the cartoon ended, they called several times to find a place to chat, but Qin Guanglin declined.

This time, there was no result. After a few polite chats, Qin Guanglin put down his cell phone and couldn't help thinking deeply.

In principle, in such a large platform, most of the famous painters have cooperated with them. They should not be so enthusiastic about him, who is a little famous painter, and call him again and again to communicate.

Even once or twice, Qin Guanglin thinks that he is not worthy of it. Even if his fame is a little higher, the treatment is a little too much.

There are obvious problems.

Turning back to his daughter's rickshaw to add a coin, he looks at the distance, thinks for a while, finds out Chen Rui's phone, dials it, and talks about it briefly.

There was a long silence."They're going to make a big move." Chen Rui said.


"In the past six months, they have acquired several small companies. There are not many platforms like ours. The famous ones have become penguins."

Qin Guanglin was silent. Although he didn't quite understand the twists and turns, he could still understand such an obvious thing.

After the annexation, it is to expand the market, and once the Big Mac expands, the space of other companies will be compressed.

"Is the situation so tense now?"

"More nervous than you think." Chen Rui said with a bitter smile, "we are different from other families. Others can cooperate with them. We can only cooperate with them."


Qin Guanglin vaguely understood that Chen Rui knew that he would be against him, so he must also know.

It's not wine that makes a drunk man.

Sure enough, Chen Rui's next words confirmed his conjecture, "digging you is not the purpose, the purpose is to dig the roots of our company..."

As long as Qin Guanglin and several of them can leave, it doesn't matter whether there are works behind or whether the works will catch fire. In other words, it's OK to dig Qin Guanglin to have a rest.

It doesn't matter where Qin Guanglin goes to work. As long as he leaves chenrui company, their goal will be achieved.

"I'll tell you, half warm painters like me are not worth their repeated calls..." After he figured it out, he shook his head and almost drifted away.

"Half warm is not fire, for them, for me, you are carrying the flag."

"Don't you have more fun? His fantasy cartoon is on fire. I think it's going to surpass the peak of "wife."

"Luck, the original book has a lot of fans, but it mainly borrows the light of the original book. He doesn't have many fans himself, which is different from you." Chen Rui can't help sighing, "originality, the most important thing is originality. We have a lot of stories. When the copyright was cheap, we left a lot of them. There is no shortage of good stories. What we lack is a cohesive author like you."

Qin Guanglin shrugged his shoulders and looked at his giggling daughter. "If you want me to tell you, don't jump and buy it for them. You should stay at home and be a full-time painter, get married, have a daughter and take her to a rocking chair."

"I'm 40 years old. I'm married."

"Hey, don't tell me. An expert said that the best thing in this society now is that a woman in her twenties marries a man in her forties, and a man in his twenties struggles to be forty, and then marries a woman in her twenties. Ha ha ha..." Qin Guanglin laughs, "you are the most popular uncle with wealth and art. Marry a 20-year-old Meizizi."


Chen Rui tut said, "when I am 49 years old, I will marry a 29 year old."

"When I'm 49, I'll be my grandfather."