"Thank you." She drained the ice water in one breath, pushed the empty glass aside, and took another glass of wine. "But let's make a quick decision." She said so, but her head hung lower, as if she had been a bit unstable, no longer as straight back as before, most of the weight of her body was leaning on the bar.

"The third question." She extremely difficult, shallow pull a lip corner, ask him: "our game, when can end?"

Different from the first two questions, he did not answer immediately this time. He was silent until she put her hand on her cheek and looked at him with her head. Then he said, "I don't know."

She was stunned for a moment, but then she was laughing. She seemed to take his answer as the answer. She shook her hands and took up the third glass of wine. Just as the glass had touched her lips, she was held by him. He held the glass firmly in his fingers, took it away from her hand, and said in a cold voice, "this wine is mine."

With that, he looked up and drank the glass of wine.

She looked at him, perhaps because of alcohol, and her eyes were so surprised that she asked him, "have you flustered?"

He did not answer, slightly frowned, as if some displeasure, cold voice asked her: "He Yan, are you drinking too much?"

"No, not at all." She waved her hands to deny, clearly drunk and naive, but she reached out and tried to take a glass of wine, and said vaguely: "the next question. The next question is, Fu Shenxing, how can you end the game? "

Looking at her, he couldn't help sneering, "what's the difference between this and the last question?"

"Eh? Is there no difference? " She asked him dully. After a long pause, she continued, "well, let's change another one. How far can you be satisfied with this game?"

He was obviously angry, pursed his lips and looked at her coldly, refusing to answer.

"Oh, not yet? Another question? " She asked in a low voice. She fell powerlessly on the bar, buried her head deeply and muttered to herself, "but I just want to know the answer to this question. Fu Shenxing, I really want to know. I can't bear it any longer. I can't hold on to it. The most common thing I say to myself every day is to tell myself not to be crazy. Don't be crazy? "

She had been burying her head, and he could not see her face, but from her deep nasal murmur, he thought she might be crying. Sure enough, the next second he heard her sniffle, and then listened to her continue to talk to herself.

"I haven't done anything bad. I haven't done anything bad since I was a child. I study hard, be kind to others, live a positive and optimistic life, and believe in the goodness and beauty of the world. Fu Shenxing, what did I do wrong and bear your revenge? Oh, I forgot. I still did something wrong. I stopped the car and tried to save a stranger who had nothing to do with it? As a result, I killed a man. I didn't even kill a chicken before, but I killed a man. Then I had nightmares endlessly, and my eyes were covered with blood. "

She giggled and laughed, but somehow coughed. Her body was bent into a shrimp, but she still couldn't stop. At first, he just looked on coldly, but he didn't know what was wrong with him. He stretched out his hand and patted her on the back. He sneered in a cold voice: "you are stupid enough to dare to play this game even if you have the capacity to drink."

Her eyes are still full of tears, and her red face is also full of tears. She covers her mouth with force and shouts vaguely: "I want to vomit."

He was stunned for a moment, got up and dragged her to the bathroom, but her feet were so soft that she couldn't stand, her body swayed from side to side, and she could hardly walk at all. He simply stretched out his arms to copy her, held her in his arms, and walked quickly to the bathroom. Seeing her retching, he bowed his head and threatened her: "if you dare to vomit me --"

before she finished speaking, she would have already“ "Wow", he vomited all the wine mixed with gastric juice into his chest.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" She even knew how to apologize. While he was stunned, she struggled from him. She ran to the toilet two steps and knelt down there, holding the toilet and vomiting.

Fu Shenxing's Nightgown was covered with a lot of stains by her. He looked down and frowned in disgust. He took off the robe and threw it into the laundry basket. Then he turned to lean on the washing table and frowned at her. She was still vomiting, but she couldn't vomit anything, except for two glasses of wine and a glass of ice water that she had just drunk.

The woman didn't eat anything at night! He looked at her coldly, but rarely softened. He took a cup of warm water and handed it to her. He said in a cold voice, "don't vomit. Drink your mouth and gargle."

She seemed to have taken off her strength and knelt down beside the toilet. Her hand, which stretched out to pick up the cup, trembled violently, and could not reach her lips for a long time. He couldn't see, so he bent down to grab the glass, handed it to her mouth, and fed it to her until it reached the bottom.

Her face was wet. She didn't know whether it was tears or water. She said "thank you" in a low voice.

He didn't pay any attention to her. He stepped over her and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower again. In the mist, she was still sitting on the ground, as pale as paper, only her thick eyelashes were so black that crow's wings were covered there, which made people feel shocked.He looked at it twice, but he couldn't help cursing. He broke the rule again. He stepped out and put her hands under her armpit. He lifted her from the ground, carried her into the bathroom and put it on the cross chair against the wall. He stripped her clothes clean and took down the flower sprinklers to shower her.

She was suddenly drenched by the water, and finally had some reaction. She gave a low cry, and subconsciously dodged to hide. However, he pressed her down on the cross chair and continued to flush her body with water. She said impatiently, "don't move! Be honest

This was the first time that he served a woman. It was the time when Shen Zhi festival was held before. It was also the time when women rushed to post him and play with women in the water. However, it was the first time for him to bathe a woman like this. He did not do such a thing, it is inevitable that his actions were strange and rude. When he gave her a punch, he even sprayed the flower sprinklers directly on her face. In addition, she was confused and choked for some reason. She coughed so much that he was a little scared. He squatted down and looked at her nervously and asked, "are you ok?"

Her face is full of water and tears, her eyes are red like rabbit eyes, and her voice is as hoarse as a broken Gong. The first sentence she said when she opened her mouth was: "Shen Zhijie, I don't owe you. I have never done anything sorry for you."

He was stunned for a moment. He felt that he couldn't laugh or cry. He looked at her silently for a moment, reached out and patted her face, and said, "He Yan, you are so good at playing this game with me for your drinking capacity." He stopped and raised his eyebrows and asked her, "you are not pretending to be drunk, are you?"

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