CH 134

Name:When I Loved You Author:Ryu Hyang
When she patted his back, she could feel the sweat that had seeped into his suit. His face—which was buried in her neck—was perspiring, too.

“Do you have a fever?” she asked.

Muyeol shook his head. He couldn’t say anything, not after realizing how little time it had taken for him to fall apart like this.

“Then?” Yiyoung urged him to answer.

But Muyeol kept shaking his head. Once his composure broke, he’d felt so confused… because he’d never felt anything like that before. As if he’d been stranded in the middle of a desert with the massive sky stretching over him, and the ground had suddenly flipped. He thought was going crazy, turning into a psycho even. And he was embarrassed to have shown Yiyoung how shameful he was. He couldn’t even breathe properly in front of her.

It was at that moment, when Yiyoung hugged him tighter and whispered into his ears, “The kebab’s turned into dog food. It’s all because of you, so please buy me a nice dinner. But for now, I’ll wait until you’re okay.”

Muyeol’s eyes pooled with tears, and at the same time he felt the urge to possess Yiyoung uncontrollably.

* * *

Yiyoung couldn’t breathe with the passionate, endless way Muyeol was kissing her. Whenever their lips would separate, Muyeol would rush back and devour her again.

As Muyeol continued kissing her, Yiyoung’s body and heart grew hot. “I want to take a shower.”

Muyeol changed his direction at her words, heading to the bathroom instead of the bedroom. It was just a different location, it didn’t matter; the two were burning with passion, and they didn’t want to be apart from each other. Streams of water showered them like the rain. Their lips were molding together as one, their bodies were linked as one, and the sound of them kissing each other echoed erotically in the bath.

Muyeol’s hands slipped downwards. He grabbed Yiyoung’s curvy hips and wrapped her legs around his waist. Suddenly, her entire body trembled, and Muyeol gripped her body with more strength.

Muyeol had turned into a wild animal, and that explained why he was acting so rough. Yiyoung had never found making love with him to be gentle before, but today especially, it seemed like he was devouring her. From head to toe, it felt as if she was being eaten by him completely.

But that perfectly satisfied her desire. The intense pleasure was making her dizzy. It drove her crazy when their pale bodies intertwined and writhed about like animals.

She’d thought that making love with him before had granted her freedom. But now she realized she was wrong this whole time. It was only now that she was truly being freed.

Yiyoung moaned roughly and pulled Muyeol’s hair into a firm grip. His shining black eyes glanced at her, and she looked right back at him.

‘Cha Muyeol,’ thought Yiyoung, ‘The man who gifted me freedom… That is Cha Muyeol.’

Muyeol’s lips fell on top of hers again. His tongue parted her lips, and then stirred inside her mouth.

Yiyoung opened her mouth and gave him everything he so desperately wanted from her. When she could no longer hold it back, she broke into a loud moan, which almost sounded like a scream. The pleasure brought out different expressions on her face. And while Yiyoung used to feel like her body was a stick before, the pleasure allowed her to be more flexible. She matched the way Muyeol’s body moved, her hips moving and thrusting like his.

So far, every time they got intimate, Yiyoung felt like she was a woman. But now, she felt as if she was the only one woman for Muyeol. Like she was the half that completed his whole. If he turned into an animal for her, then it was okay for her to be one for him, even if it meant her body would shatter. Yiyoung thought it would be fine even if she turned into foam and disappeared like in the Mermaid’s story.

She loved him. Yiyoung loved Cha Muyeol.

And right at that moment, a huge wave of pleasure crashed at her.