CH 130

Name:When I Loved You Author:Ryu Hyang
“When you’re surrounded by so many people, it makes you dizzy sometimes,” said the woman.

“And sometimes, it allows you to meet a friendly stranger. My name is Yoon Yiyoung,” Yiyoung greeted with a sunny smile.

The woman looked Yiyoung in the eyes and said in Korean, “Are you Korean?”


“My name is Cho Seungah. Nice to meet you.”

“You, too. I never imagined I’d receive kindness from another Korean in a place like this.”

“This must mean it was meant to be. I came here alone. Do you have a companion?” Seungah asked with a bright smile.

Yiyoung’s breaths began settling down during the conversation. Since the conversation took all her attention, she was able to calm down completely. “No, I came here alone, too.”

“Oh, you’re so brave! Do you travel often?”

“No. This is my first time outside Korea.”

“Oh, maybe that’s why you were dizzy,” Seungah said as if she knew exactly what Yiyoung was talking about, “Isn’t it amazing to look at this place with your own eyes? When I first saw it, I almost couldn’t breathe because of how beautiful it is.”

Yiyoung nodded. “That’s right. I felt like I walked into another world.”

“Right? I’ve been here several times, but every time I come, it looks just as magnificent.”

“You’ve been here several times? I feel so jealous.”

Seungah looked up at the high ceiling of the Hagia Sophia. “At first, I couldn’t even imagine myself traveling around like this. I was always scared, and wasn’t active at all. But after visiting this place once, my personality completely changed.”

Seungah was speaking the truth. She’d visited Istanbul with her husband ten years ago and fell in love with the place. Eventually, the couple moved to Istanbul. Her husband was an engineer, and Seungah started working as a tour guide.

Yiyoung was now able to breathe normally. “I understand what you mean. It was overwhelming.”

“There are so many places to visit in Istanbul.” Seungah’s eyes lifted into a smile. “After this, I’m planning to visit the Blue Mosque, the Basilica Cistern, and the Grand Bazaar. All these places are nice, too.”

Yiyoung’s eyes widened upon hearing the plan.

‘What a coincidence,’ Yiyoung thought, surprised that she’d met another Korean who planned to visit the exact same places as her.

“The places you want to visit are the same ones I want to go to!” Yiyoung pointed out as she wiped her sweaty forehead.

“Wow, really?”

“Yes.” Yiyoung smiled.

After pondering over it for a bit, Seungah suggested,  “Then, do you want to go there together? We really were fated to meet.”

“Really? Even though I might not be much of a help since this is my first time traveling abroad?”

“Everyone has their first time!”

Yiyoung felt better after hearing that. Though it was fun to explore unfamiliar places alone, going on a journey with someone friendly seemed even more exciting.

“Well, if you insist. I’ll be bothering you, then,” Yiyoung said.

“Oh, you’re not bothering me at all. I’m excited to travel with someone who’s like a younger sister.” Seungah beamed. “Let’s eat something delicious on the way. You know, I love eating! So…”

As Seungah talked, Yiyoung’s face regained its rosy color. Seungah stared at her, remembering the call she’d received earlier.

“I know you’ve probably heard it already, but just to make sure, I’ll ask you again…” the man over the phone had said.

When Seungah first heard about it, she’d thought the condition was weird. She was told to chase around a ‘Madam’, and was promised a decent amount of money if she did it for the next two days. She’d laughed when she heard the word ‘Madam’. People seemed to call everyone a ‘madam’, including dogs and cows. But once she was informed of the pay, her attitude changed instantly.

And this morning, she’d received a call from Yiyoung’s husband. “I heard you’re the best guide in the area. I would appreciate it if you could provide my wife with a great memory of Istanbul.”

He’d sounded polite and respectful, but his voice was confident, too. Seungah didn’t know much about him, but she could tell he was rich and he loved his wife very much. Feeling motivated, she’d come out to meet Yiyoung today. And with the ten years of experience of working as a tour guide, she could tell right away that Yiyoung was a good person. So she felt very lucky to be able to work for such a great offer for two days.