CH 116

Name:When I Loved You Author:Ryu Hyang
“What’s wrong?” asked Yiyoung, “Why did you stop eating?”

“That much was enough,” he answered.

It was absolutely nonsensical for a tall and well-built guy like him to eat the amount of food a bird would eat. With such a small amount of food, Yiyoung thought, he wouldn’t be able to do anything! So she tried giving some of her food.

“It’s okay,” Muyeol said.

“My arm will start hurting if I have to wait any longer for you to eat this.”

“Why don’t you eat it?”

“Let’s eat together and gain weight together!”

Without even realizing, Muyeol let out a scoff, and then ate what she gave him. .

Once she was done eating, Yiyoung stood up. She couldn’t feel her hips from having remained seated for so long, and she wanted to brush her teeth, too.

The person inside the bathroom Yiyoung stood in front of was taking too long, so she ended up using the bathroom on the other side. She felt refreshed after brushing her teeth. But on her way back to her seat, Yiyoung noticed a woman from a foreign country.

Yiyoung came to stop as she stared at the woman’s face; it did not look good at all. From just a brief look at her, Yiyoung could tell the woman was experiencing cold sweat, and her lips were turning slightly blue, too. The woman was walking slowly while clenching her stomach, seemingly having indigestion. After watching the woman return to her seat, Yiyoung sought out a flight attendant.

“Yes, ma’am. Do you need anything?” asked the flight attendant.

“I’ll warn you now, I’m a bit nosy…” started Yiyoung.

The flight attendant didn’t understand what Yiyoung meant to say. She’d already received a call from the purser, who’d informed her that Yiyoung was Muyeol’s wife. But since she was aware that Muyeol hated receiving special treatment from the employees, she didn’t treat Yiyoung any differently. Still, everyone was nervous, trying not to make a mistake. And it was amongst this anxiousness that Yiyoung had approached the flight attendant. So the poor attendant assumed she was going to get fired or something.

The attendant automatically turned stiff from nervousness, but she forced herself to smile. “If there’s anything making you uncomfortable, please let me know. We’ll fix it right away.”

But Yiyoung didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. She continued with what she wanted to tell the flight attendant. “Do you see that lady with light brown hair sitting in the back row?”

‘What? What is it?’ the flight attendant thought curiously. She quickly searched for the woman Yiyoung was talking about. Upon finally seeing her, she realized that it was the same woman who had talked about having symptoms of indigestion and asked for medicine earlier.

“Um…” Yiyoung thought for a bit and then said, “I don’t think this is something as simple as indigestion.”

“What do you mean? I don’t understand…”

“I’m worried about that lady’s condition. Can you observe her for a bit more, and if something happens, can you call me?” Yiyoung added, “Oh, by the way, I’m Yoon Yiyoung, and I’m a doctor at the ER at Seoul S University Hospital.”

“You’re a doctor?”

“Yes. I hope I’m just being nosy and nothing happens to her, but I’m still slightly concerned about her.”

The flight attendant patted her chest in relief and responded in a friendly manner. “Thank you for your concern. I hope there’s nothing wrong with the lady, but if there are any signs, I’ll let you know.”

“Thank you. My seat is—”

“We all know where your seat is, ma’am.”

Yiyoung suddenly turned beet-red. She wondered if she was being too nosy and had done something unnecessary.

But the flight attendant displayed her gratitude with a smile. “Thank you so much for letting us know. We’ll observe her continuously, and if something happens, we’ll immediately seek your help.”

“Okay.” Yiyoung hid her red cheeks with both hands and muttered, “It’s embarrassing…”

“Do you need anything else? Would you like any drinks?”

“No, no. I already had enough drinks. Thank you, though.”

“Thank you,” the flight attendant replied.