CH 103

Name:When I Loved You Author:Ryu Hyang
Mr. Hong knew that fever reducing medicines didn’t work on Muyeol, and also that his boss was not someone who would go to the hospital. Muyeol hated showing his weak side to others.

But it was a good thing that today, Muyeol hadn’t been stubborn about holding out till the end, and had listened to Mr. Hong’s suggestion. Muyeol had changed after getting married; if it were before, he would have continued working through the fever until it came down, but now that he was married, he wanted to go home.

It seemed like this marriage was felicitous for Muyeol; he laughed now, and he finally had someone to rely on.

“Have we arrived?” asked Muyeol.

“Yes, sir. We have reached,” Mr. Hong answered.

Muyeol opened his eyes and sat up straight. “Thank you for driving.”

“I only did what I had to do, sir.”

Muyeol got out of the car, Mr. Hong followed after him, trying to support him by holding his arm.

But Muyeol waved his hand. “No. I’m fine now. Get home safe.”

Muyeol pulled out his wallet. He grabbed all the bills inside and handed them to Mr. Hong, who accepted them without any refusal.  At times like these, Mr Hong always accepted the money, paid for the taxi, and bought coffee for Muyeol’s entire secretary department with the change. The money Muyeol gave him got spent for a good cause like that all the time.

“Go on now,” said Muyeol.

“Yes. Then, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Mr. Hong bowed and walked away. Muyeol stood in his place and watched him until he disappeared into the distance.

Muyeol’s body felt like it was on fire, and his eyes were burning, too. His hot breath had dried up his mouth like the desert. But he knew he would be fine once he got home. Because Yiyoung was there.

He quickly hopped into the elevator to the penthouse, but a bout of dizziness came over. The last thing he remembered was opening the door to his house.

When Muyeol finally opened his eyes again, it was way past midnight. He was lying down in the living room, his head supported by a fluffy pillow. His tie was undone, leaving room for his neck to breathe, and he noticed his socks had been taken off, too. He automatically took in a deep breath, then let out a sigh.

“How is it now?” Yiyoung brought her hand to his face. “Your fever has reduced.”

Instead of responding, Muyeol nuzzled his face further into her hand.

“How did you get home? Did someone drop you off?” asked Yiyoung.


“I don’t think I can ask you for money this time since you’re suffering because of me. But, just know that I’m taking good care of you,” she said as she put a new towel on his forehead.

Muyeol chuckled and thought that she wasn’t exaggerating; she really was taking good care of him. “Did you drag me here?”

“It was easy. I’ve done it plenty of time at the hospital, so I know how to do it properly. It didn’t require much strength.”

“Wow,” Muyeol commented, “Incredible.”

“Of course! I’m incredible, so incredible!” Yiyoung also changed the towels that she had placed on his neck and underarms. “When your fever gets better, let’s eat some porridge. Get some rest for now.”

“Okay.” “Okay.” Muyeol puts his arms around Yiyoung’s thighs.

Yiyoung stroked his hair. “You’re lucky to have me, aren’t you?”


“You suffered a lot because of me. So trust me, and rely on me. I’ll take care of you so you don’t get sick again.”

“Okay.” “Okay,” Muyeol repeated.

“Good. You listen very well,” Yiyoung said, “Very nice.”

Muyeol smiled softly and rested on her thighs.

His fever was completely gone by the time it was early morning the next day. Yiyoung had stayed awake overnight and hadn’t left his side. When Muyeol woke up, he patted her hips and complimented her for taking such good care of him.

Her kindness had heated up his heart, turning it hotter than the fever.