CH 101

Name:When I Loved You Author:Ryu Hyang
It was because Muyeol had never left her side that she was able to heal so fast. But more importantly, she could now tell herself that she wasn’t alone; she later realized that it was this belief which gave her tremendous mental strength. This peaceful rest was important for one’s health.

‘I can finally be an unflawed doctor,’ she thought.

But there was still so much time before she could begin work again. Yiyoung lied down on the couch, guessing that it was around three in the afternoon.

“It’s so boring,” she muttered.

Now that she was able to have all three meals in the day without fail, Yiyoung felt more energized than ever. She didn’t know how she had been able to survive working at the ER with the meager strength she had before. Like Muyeol had said, her unyielding spirit was the only thing that had kept her going.

Yiyoung flipped around and took out her phone. “Let’s see who I can play with…

Suddenly, her phone started ringing. Startled, she froze at first, but then quickly realized she needed to pick up the phone.

“Jaehee!” Yiyoung greeted.

“How have you been? Is your unemployed life going well?” asked Jaehee.

“Oh, don’t even start. I’m going crazy from boredom.”

“You have so much time now, why don’t you go out and learn something new?”

“I can’t go out by myself yet. My husband doesn’t let me go because he’s scared of me going alone,” Yiyoung said nonchalantly, but only silence remained on the other side of the line.

“Hello?” It seemed like the connection was lost, but Yiyoung didn’t want to end the call; she was too bored. “Hello? Jaehee? Hello?”

“I’m so jealous,” Jaehee sighed deeply, “After comparing my life with yours, I don’t want to live my life anymore.”

“Sorry,” Yiyoung chuckled, “I spoke without thinking.”

“Still, what you said must be true.”

“Yeah, it is.”

“I’m sorry for putting it this way, but think of it as the bad luck that brought a blessing into your life. You can rest now, and you’re so loved by your husband.”

“That’s right… But what do I do about this boredom?”

“Do something that you couldn’t do before.”

“Something… I couldn’t do?”

“Yes. If you don’t try stuff now, when will you ever get the time? If you can’t think of something right away, just get some paper and start writing ideas. It could be something like changing your hairstyle, getting a full body massage, having your nails done, or learning how to cook, dance or paint. And yeah, stop by the cultural center when you go to the mall.”

“The culture center?”

“Yeah, I guarantee you, the center is full of things that you’ve never done before. It’s the perfect place for you to spend your free time.”

Yiyoung’s face brightened. Jaehee was like a savior for her. “Thank you. I’ll try your suggestions.”

“Okay! How about changing your hairstyle first? Your hair is really curly.”

“Should I straighten my hair? Is that even possible?”

“What isn’t possible nowadays? Stop saying old-fashioned things and just do it. When you change your hairstyle, you’ll look like a completely different person, Yiyoung. Don’t go too far to find a place if your husband isn’t okay with it, just find somewhere close by.”

Yiyoung giggled, “It seems like you’re teasing me.”

“Not at all. I’m dying from jealousy instead. You buy dinner next time.”

“Of course. I’ll treat you to a delicious meal.”

“Yiyoung, I really miss you.”

“Me too. Call me whenever you have time.”

“I want to see you as soon as possible, but I don’t have a day off until next week. It would help if Dr. Kang came back, but he’s taking his time. His wound is nothing compared with yours, so I don’t know why he isn’t back yet.”

“You never know. He probably can’t return because of the trauma.”

“I doubt it. When he was discharged, he stopped by the ER and said he would return as soon as possible, then left with a huge smile. He said the incident hadn’t affected him at all.”

“Then it would be great if he returned soon.”

‘Was Dr. Kang really not affected by the incident?’ Yiyoung thought.

Yiyoung looked around the house, and then her gaze wandered toward the entrance. ‘I haven’t left the house by myself ever since…’