The investigation would not affect her parents that much, but it was better for Madam Kang to lay low in times like these, so she could only rely on Muyeol. And though Muyeol had threatened her before, her Hyunseo was suffering, and she just had to save him.

Madam Kang lifted her chin and arrogantly as she sat down. “If you help me just this once, we don’t have to be tied together as a family anymore, just like you wanted.”

Muyeol had learned how selfish a human could be after interacting with Madam Kang and Mr. Cha. Even now, she was asking for a favor that would only help Hyunseo. He envied his half-brother for receiving such unconditional love from his mother because Muyeol had never received anything like that.

“The filthy-blooded b**tard has no family, correct?” said Muyeol.

Madam Kang turned pale, her heart sinking to her stomach at his response. But it was not out of guilt. She just finally realized that she could not get any help from him. She began crying, wondering in desperation whether there was any other option for her.

Muyeol did nothing, just stared as Madam Kang cried. He had been trained to act constrained from a young age—which eventually helped him in several ways—so he felt nothing as he heard her sobs.

“What should I do about Hyunseo now.. I’m incompetent to help him,” Madam Kang whimpered.

Then, Muyeol recalled the time when he first learned what a paternity test was.

“Mom! Mom!” he had yelled.

The test itself had not been painful. What hurt him was the way Mr. Cha had looked at him, the tone of his voice, and the environment he had created. Mr. Cha had treated him like an object, not a human. And Muyeol had wilted in such an atmosphere, always scared and confused as he grew up.

“Check if this filthy b**tard has my blood in him,” Mr. Cha had ordered.

Perhaps it was because they were all afraid of Mr. Cha, but no one had shown kindness to the young Muyeol. And from then, disbelief and hatred toward others developed in Muyeol’s mind.

But Muyeol did not detest Madam Kang because she didn’t stop Mr. Cha from treating him like that, but because of her own attitude toward him. Muyeol had yearned to be hugged and comforted by her, but Madam Kang had nothing of the sort.

Instead, she had pushed him away with a sigh. “I’m trying to like him, but he’s really off-putting. I gave birth to him with my own body, but I just can’t seem to like him. Nanny, take him away.”

But after remarrying, Madam Kang never let go of her second child. And she was still the same. Hyunseo might have given up on being a human with the way he had gotten himself into trouble, but as a mother, Madam Kang had not let go of her dear son.

She seemed to have forgotten she was Cha Muyeol’s mother as well. Muyeol felt calm, not feeling a hint of emotion. Mr. Cha had treated her like an animal, so there was no need for him to respect her as his parent.

“I’m sorry. I can’t help you,” Muyeol said.

Madam Kang lifted her head, realizing her relationship with Muyeol had reached its end. She abruptly stood up from her seat.

“I can’t believe you’re my son. I can’t even see you as a human!” she screamed at him, “You’re going to be a father one day, and I hope you have a child who’s just like you.

Then you’ll know how I feel right now. You won’t be able to do anything, no matter how much you regret it.”

Muyeol checked the time. It was time for Yiyoung to take her medication.

“Take care,” he told Madam Kang before saying, “Mr. Hong, please escort her out.”

“Yes, director.”

“No need. I will walk myself out,” Madam Kang seethed.

She walked out of the guest area, and the place fell quiet.

“I’m sorry for causing a scene,” Muyeol said as he walked into his office.

“Would you like to have tea or coffee?” asked Mr. Hong.

“No. It’s okay.” Muyeol closed the door behind him.

He sat down at his desk with a stoic face, and took out his phone to call Yiyoung.