Muyeol softly touched her chin. “Then study about it. I’ll do the same.”

Yiyoung laughed as she remembered what she had told him earlier. They were like dumb and dumber, trying to think about such things. “Somehow, we’re like idiots.”

Muyeol dipped his head to kiss her on the lips. “Maybe. Anyway, welcome home.”

Yiyoung nodded with a grin.

“I’ll go take a shower. Feel free to join if you want to,” said Muyeol as he made his way to the bedroom.

“Okay. I’ll think about it.” After he left, Yiyoung hid her blushing face with her hands.

She regretted staring at his pants so shamelessly. It was an amazing sight to behold, but she still felt bad.

Soon, her face turned to its normal color, but her imagination ran wild with what Muyeol could be doing in the shower. ‘By now he’s probably taken all his clothes off. His broad shoulders, hard chest and abs, and…’

Her face flushed a furious red as her heart began to pound. Her blood pressure rose with her desires, warm blood rushing to the ends of her entire body. Yet Yiyoung couldn’t stop herself. Then she began feeling anxious because she hadn’t planned on how to make her first time feel enjoyable.

But her phone suddenly rang and brought her back to her senses. She checked the caller ID; it was Dr. Park Jaehee. She has said she would call later. Yiyoung picked up the phone right away.

“Yiyoung!” Jaehee greeted.

Yiyoung laughed a bit, “How have you been?”

“Have you been discharged yet?”

“Yeah. I’m home now.”

“There were so many things I wanted to talk about, but my mind’s completely blank now. I had so many questions!”

“I knew you would. When do you have a day off? Let’s have lunch together.”

“I don’t think I’m going to get a day off for a while. We’re short on staff right now.”


“But I’ll try to make some time! Let’s eat together.”


“By the way, Yoon Yiyoung. Wow… What a surprise it was. So you’re married, huh? How could you hide it from me? And your husband is the president of the hospital?”

“You had already asked me about it back then. You asked whether he was going to confess his feelings for me.”

“So the person you encountered was the president?”

“Yeah. It was him.”

“Wait, wait. I need to listen to the whole story properly.”

“There’s no story to it.” Yiyoung looked at Muyeol’s empty bedroom. “I don’t even feel like it’s real yet. It’s like I was swept up by the currents.”

Suddenly, it all became clear to her. Speaking about the currents reminded her of the memories she had formed with Muyeol, starting right from when they were in 6th grade. They had been deskmates then, and she vividly remembered his expressions, his personality, the tone of voice, and the protection he had provided her from behind the scenes. Their strangely thin yet long relationship that seemed fated to be had made her make a promise to him, which finally led to their marriage.

Yiyoung’s eyes widened as the realization sunk in. ‘The currents that swept me up… Could it be that since the beginning I was always adrift in them?’

“Are you listening to me?” Jaehee’s voice snapped Yiyoung out of her daze. “Why did you suddenly become silent?”

“Oh, sorry. What did you say?”

“There’s a rumor going around in the hospital. People keep talking about how much the president loves his wife. Is it because you guys are each other’s first love? First loves are so romantic! They’re so pure.”

‘Pure love… Loving husband… All the things he’s given me…’ Yiyoung thought, ‘It’s always been Muyeol.’

“Is that so?” Yiyoung questioned as she made her way to his bedroom.

“If not, then why else would he stay beside you for three weeks straight? Although not as busy as us, he’s a man with a lot of work to do,” Jaehee added, “You should have seen Professor Jung’s face.”

“Oh, I saw that face.”

“Yeah, it was a great sight,” Jaehee laughed before suddenly saying, “Oh, they’re calling me now. I have to go.”

“Okay. We’ll finish this when we meet.”

“Alright. I’ll call you.”

“Have a great day,” said Yiyoung before hanging up.