Muyeol’s mouth twitched, finding her antics funny. Yiyoung seemed like she had already let go of all the negativity. She didn’t look disheartened, and Muyeol was glad to see her feeling better.

“I feel so good knowing that,” Yiyoung exclaimed.

“Glad to hear that you feel great. Now, why don’t you take your medicine while you keep up this good mood?” Muyeol smiled.

After acknowledging her panic disorder, Yiyoung underwent examinations to obtain accurate evaluations. Her background as a doctor could have made her hesitant to go through the process, but Yiyoung didn’t refuse it. Unlike others who hid their weaknesses, she didn’t mind facing hers.

“My career involves saving people’s lives, so I feel the need to be examined properly. It’s fine if the evaluations are reflected on my record. I’m willing to overcome this disorder, so the records will later show how much I’ve improved,” Yiyoung had said.

After completing the examinations, Yiyoung was prescribed medications. Now that she had plenty of time for herself, she would be able to focus on recovering from the disorder.

“Okay,” Yiyoung said with a wide smile. “I better enjoy my freedom.”

Muyeol patted Yiyoung on the head. As they walked down the hallway, they spotted Professor Jung and the hospital director standing at the end, almost as if they had been waiting for them.

“Hi,” Yiyoung greeted them.

“Hello, ma’am.”

Yiyoung almost burst out laughing in front of them; it was so unusual to hear them greet her so respectfully. She understood how uncomfortable they must have been feeling. Professor Jung looked especially anxious; he had no idea what to do. He looked as if he hadn’t slept for days. But Yiyoung knew he wasn’t here because of her. The biased professor was probably here because of Muyeol.

Muyeol walked ahead after returning the greeting. Yiyoung followed after him, but not before briefly stopping in front of Professor Jung. “Life’s so ironic. It never tells us what’s ahead of us, right?”

The professor turned even more pale, but Yiyoung didn’t feel an ounce of pity. She wanted him to feel awful for constantly creating conflicts between her and Dr. Kang. She probably wouldn’t be working in the same ER after a year of break, but she hoped he wouldn’t repeat his actions.

Muyeol and Yiyoung entered the elevator, the crowded space forcing them to stand unnaturally close.

Yiyoung leaned on his arm. “I have to say goodbye to this place now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Once the break is over, I’ll have to transfer somewhere else if I want to avoid the rumors,” Yiyoung explained.

Muyeol instantly understood what she was referring to. The contract for their marriage was only for a year, and he had promised to let her go after February next year. He suddenly felt emotional; the relationship which had just begun already had an end written for it.

‘Of course, Cha Muyeol. What else did you expect?’ His lips curled bitterly as he thought.

Muyeol didn’t say anything in return. By the time Yiyoung would have to go back to her work, they wouldn’t even be together. He would lose all right to be in her life. Imagining a life after the end of their contract… It made Muyeol feel empty.

Yiyoung glanced at him. “Why do you look like that?”

“What about it?”

“Your face looks blank.”

“We’re going back home, and I want to collapse already.”

“Oh, I hear you. I always felt like that when returning home after long hours of work. But hey…” Yiyoung trailed off.

Muyeol stared at her face, trying to remind himself that this was only a year of marriage agreed to through a contract.

Yiyoung carefully looked around to check if someone was listening to them, then stood on her toes to whisper in his ears, “We’re going to sleep like a married couple tonight, right?”

Muyeol broke into a grin. He was willing to do it as long as she wanted. His heart began to pound crazily again.