The tingle took over her; unable to resist anymore, Yiyoung finally opened her eyes. As her eyes fell on his face, she exhaled sharply.

His eyes seemed darker than she remembered them to be; it looked like they contained the depth of the oceans. They looked marvelous, to the point that she couldn’t stand it anymore. His looks were blinding, every inch of his body suddenly seeming sensual to her.

When he dipped his head toward her, Yiyoung instinctively shut her eyes. When his lips met hers, the tingling swept over her entire body.

Her nether region throbbed, wetness seeping through the underwear she had just changed into. It was her first time experiencing arousal. She parted her lips, both arms wrapping around his neck. And as if he had been waiting for her to do so, his tongue instantly entered her mouth.

The kiss was the best stimulant.

* * *

Three weeks had passed since the incident, and Yiyoung could finally be discharged from the hospital. Her last hospital lay in front of her, and Yiyoung muttered, “Ah, finally going home. I’ll finish this whole meal before leaving.”

“Do as you like.” Muyeol laughed. “Start eating. I’ll be back after completing the necessary procedures.”

Yiyoung took her wallet out of a drawer. “I’ll pay for it.”

“Let it be,” said Muyeol.

“I have money.”

“I know.”

“I don’t want to be a burden for you.”

“It’ll be better if you get used to it,” he said bluntly.

Yiyoung took a spoon and stirred the meat soup. “That’s not a good thing to get used to.”

“You said you want to date me. And I don’t let my lady spend any money.”

“Yeah, right,” Yiyoung snarked, “You make more money than me. Good for you.”

“Isn’t it true, though?” he replied, completely unbothered by her sarcasm.

“I’ll be back.” Muyeol said as he moved to the door.

“Give me my phone,” Yiyoung called after him.

Muyeol paused. “You don’t need it right now.”

Yiyoung shook her head. “I’m getting discharged today, so let me at least text my colleagues.”

Muyeol frowned. He had taken her phone in case it would disturb her recovery process. He also didn’t want Jaeho, Heesu or anyone else from his family to bother her.

Yiyoung stood her ground. “I have my own social life, too. I know I said I’ll take a break from work, but at least let me contact them before leaving.”

Muyeol took out her phone and passed it to her. “You never—”

“Don’t worry,” Yiyoung interrupted him, “Go on now.”

Muyeol reluctantly left, and Yiyoung turned on her phone with a huge smile. It was fully charged, which she thought was thoughtful of Muyeol to do.

“Let’s see…” Yiyoung muttered to herself, “I have to text Jaehee first.”

Yiyoung earnestly began to type, “I’m so sorry for responding so late. You might have already heard about it, but I’m feeling better now, and I’m getting discharged today. I wish I could tell you in person, but it’s not possible—”

A sudden call from an unknown number interrupted Yiyoung, and she accidentally pressed the wrong button, automatically connecting the call to her.

“Hello?” Yiyoung greeted.

“Mrs. Yoon Yiyoung?” asked a woman.

The moment Yiyoung heard the voice, she knew what to expect from the call. Finally, she was going to experience something she had only seen happen in the soap operas.

“Yeah. I’m Yoon Yiyoung,” she said harshly, as if ready to pick a fight.

“My name is Gong Heesu,” said the woman over the phone.

“Excuse me. Who are you?”

“I’m Cha Jaeho’s fiancée. Didn’t my brother-in-law tell you about me?”

“I’m sorry,” Yiyoung said in a firm tone, “but Muyeol does not have a brother.”

The long stretch of silence after she finished speaking made Yiyoung wonder if she had been too rude. She rolled her eyes, thinking about what to do with this situation.

But it was true that Muyeol had no brother; he had never approved of Jaeho as his brother. Besides, Yiyoung was already familiar with the kind of person Cha Jaeho was. Back in school, everyone used to call him an angel, but the fact of the matter was that he was a piece of trash.

Anger bubbled inside her as she recalled how the other kids had dragged her around because of Jaeho, but Yiyoung kept her cool, waiting for the opponent to break the silence.

“Oh yeah? You think he does not?” Heesu finally spoke.

Yiyoung’s face hardened; she could feel the condescendence in Heesu’s voice. She had heard it multiple times before.

“Yes. I don’t know how you got my number, but I think you called the wrong person.”

“Jaeho had mentioned that you’d be tough. You’re not an ordinary person. By the way, I heard you’re getting discharged today. Congratulations! All you have to think about is how to spend Muyeol’s money now. Anyway, I just called you to congratulate you.”

Yiyoung couldn’t make out Gong Heesu’s intention behind calling her, but she could sense the sarcasm in her words.

‘Why is she saying that? Is there something going on at Muyeol’s company?’ Yiyoung wondered.