“You should stop.” Muyeol’s words echoed in Yiyoung’s mind. “If you don’t want to end up dying while slaving away for the benefit of others, you should stop before you collapse again.”

Yiyoung had never complained about her life before. Just like Muyeol pointed out, she always strived to do her best, always relying on her own ability; she had no choice but to be this way, especially when situations forced her to depend only on herself.

But Muyeol made it seem like she would stay like this forever, spending every moment of life desperately. He had declared that though she seemed fine on the outside, she was struggling inside.

Without even realizing it, Yiyoung reached out to grab Muyeol’s arm. Startled, Muyeol looked down at her.

“I’m pissed off. This is so annoying!” she said, “I hate myself for being like this. I want to act selfish, too.”

“Then do it.”

“You say it as if it’s not a big deal.”

“That’s what you think,” he replied.

Muyeol’s response made her heart ache; the indescribable pain drowning her in emotions.

Suddenly, Muyeol softly patted her forehead. “Just eat the ramen. It’s the first one I’ve cooked in my entire life, so you should feel honored.”

“Okay.” Yiyoung sat down to eat, and Muyeol sat right across from her, drinking wine as he accompanied her until she was done.

* * *

The next day was just like any other for them.

Yiyoung was back to working herself to the bone, and Muyeol’s day wasn’t going well again. In fact, it was worse than usual; Mr. Cha was back from the States, and Jaeho had made a flashy return to Korea.

The moment he came back, Mr. Cha announced the transfer of executive personnels, and as predicted, Jaeho was appointed as the executive director. And on top of that, Jaeho was accompanied by his fiancée. Muyeol had no clue that his half-brother had a fiancée. Jaeho had probably desperately needed one to secure his future, and somehow managed to get one, too.

When Muyeol went to meet Mr. Cha after receiving a call from him, Jaeho was right there with his fiancée.

“Sit,” Mr. Cha ordered coldly, and Muyeol took a seat.

“It’s been a long time. Have you been well?” Jaeho started with a gentle smile. “I’ve heard a lot about your accomplishments.”

Muyeol chose to ignore Jaeho, focusing on Mr. Cha instead. But the man in question did not say anything, waiting for Jaeho to continue speaking.

Jaeho continued, “Because Dad wanted me to assist you in any way possible—”

“Cut the crap.” Muyeol put an end to the peaceful atmosphere, causing Mr. Cha’s dark eyebrows to furrow in anger.

“Tell me, why should I share the project which I established with my team with someone else?” Muyeol asked arrogantly.

“What do you think? Do you think this business revolves around you? And what do you mean, sharing the project? For the company to develop and gain profit, you need as much support as possible! And all you can think about is yourself?” Mr. Cha said icily.

“Yes. The project is proceeding successfully, so I’m going to be in charge of it, just as I have been so far!”

“Wait, Muyeol! I don’t mean to steal your accomplishment,” Jaeho explained before turning to his fiancée, “Oh, I’m sorry, Heesu. My brother is pretty competitive.”

Muyeol’s lips lifted into a cynical smile; so this was all Mr. Cha’s plan to embarrass him in front of Jaeho and his fiancée. He was being pressured into exposing his bitter, angry side in front of everyone. But Muyeol didn’t let it bother him. “Who would believe the words coming from an ex-drug addict, Mr. Cha?”

The smile on Jaeho’s face fell. But Mr. Cha pointed at Heesu with his chin. “She’ll assist Jaeho in many ways. She’s the third daughter of K group’s CEO, and is an efficient diplomat with connections with high-ranking officials in Istanbul.”

Mr. Cha had never planned to discuss anything with Muyeol to begin with. There was no room for any compromise or understanding; as always, he simply announced his decision. Mr. Cha desperately wanted to put Muyeol’s contribution down by having Jaeho and Heesu take the spotlight.

“I refuse. My team’s work will be affected by the change.” Muyeol stood firm.

“Being unable to control a team is a reflection of your ability,” said Mr. Cha.

“Then, is squandering a project a reflection of your ability? When I asked you for your support, you ignored me, but now that the contract is on the verge of completion, you’re throwing it away?”

“Cha Muyeol! How dare you talk to our father like that?” screamed Jaeho.

Muyeol ignored Jaeho again, continuing to address Mr. Cha, “Do you think it’s possible to put me down at the stockholders’ meeting next year by forcing me to share my project with an ex-drug addict?”

Mr. Cha grabbed the ashtray on the table nearby and flung it at Muyeol. “How dare a filthy-blooded b*stard like you talk to me like that!”

It happened so quickly that Muyeol couldn’t avoid it; the ashtray hit his shoulder with a thwack. But Muyeol didn’t reveal even a hint of emotion, calmly picking it up and placing it back on the table.