“What could you possibly achieve after growing up when you’re so weak? You can’t even control your own feelings.” Mr. Cha’s icy words echoed in Muyeol’s head.

That was the first thing Muyeol was told when he was summoned to Mr. Cha’s house a few days ago. When the monster had thrown a vase at him, Muyeol made no attempt to avoid it. The vase had shattered into pieces when it hit the wall behind him, splashing the water inside it all over Muyeol’s head. But he had not dared to move; the consequences of that would have been much worse.

“You’re utterly rotten. Not a single thing about you pleases me! If you want to be respected, then conduct yourself properly. Do you not have anything to do except fight with your brother? You should know how to control Jaeho by now! If you can’t even control one person, how can you possibly run a company in the future?” Mr. Cha had angrily stared at him.

Then, he paused, noticing the anger in Muyeol’s eyes when he looked at him. It had offended him.

“Look at you… I was going to end our conversation here, but I don’t think that’s possible anymore,” Mr. Cha had said he removed his watch and picked up a golf club, “How dare you look at me like that?”

Muyeol recalled the loud whack the golf club had made as it hit his skin and clutched his forehead, pain shooting through his skull. He didn’t mind the aching of his body; he was prepared to put up with the pain when he was hit. But this fever was different, he couldn’t deal with it with the same ease. His brain seemed like it was melting, and his hair felt like it was on fire. It was driving him crazy, but he tried to endure it by biting his lips.

Soon, his skin was covered in goosebumps as his body trembled uncontrollably. Muyeol moaned in pain, the pitiful sound echoing in the empty infirmary. The nurse wasn’t there, she had a meeting she needed to attend. So Muyeol was left all alone to struggle against the fever. 

It was then that he heard her. “What? You’re here by yourself?”

Yiyoung reached out to feel his temperature. She had never found someone’s skin so hot to touch.

“Where’s the nurse? Does she know about your condition?” she asked in shock.

Yiyoung knew Muyeol wasn’t someone who openly revealed his situation to others, so she didn’t really expect him to answer. She looked around frantically, trying to find something to help with his fever. 

“I can’t believe she just left you alone like this! She must be out of her mind.” The sound of her buzzing around noisily made Muyeol smile unwittingly.

“Your temperature is so high… Just hold on,” she muttered.

Muyeol’s eyes burned as tears streamed down his cheeks. Yiyoung noticed him crying, and quickly brought a towel soaked in water. She went to the bed and gently pushed his shoulders down. Muyeol turned away from her, trying to deny her help.

“Stay still,” Yiyoung commanded, and he immediately settled down.

“Okay, good,” she said as she put the towel on his forehead. Muyeol frowned, the feel of the towel bothering him as the fever made him too sensitive. 

But when Yiyoung suddenly cupped his face in her hands, Muyeol’s eyes snapped open. 

“What are you—” he choked out, no longer able to comprehend what was happening,

“It’s okay. You’re going to be fine soon,” she said soothingly.

Muyeol wanted to push her away, but couldn’t do so. He had no strength left in his body.

“You should be grateful that I’m your deskmate. I’ll treat you for free as an act of special service,” she whispered, her hands still cupping his face.

Muyeol’s lips tilted upwards. This girl… she did anything and everything to earn money. She cleaned the classroom, organized supplies, and completed her classmates’ assignment whenever they requested it, and the kids happily paid her for her service. He could understand why they gave out the money so easily. Yiyoung had the highest grades in the country, after all. Even he fell one place below her in ranking. 

“Are you… smiling?” she asked.

“No way,” he rasped.

And she giggled. “You sound like Gollum.”

Muyeol hadn’t spoken for a long while…

“Thank goodness! You didn’t speak even once ever since we started junior high school. I was worried about you,” Yiyoung exclaimed.

“About me?” he trailed off.

‘How can she worry about someone else when she’s the one who needs help?’ Muyeol chucked silently, his chapped lips stinging slightly in the process.

“I was worried that something bad had happened to you. I thought that’s why you just wrote in your diary instead of talking. There are books about kids who disconnect themselves from the world, you know?” she rambled. And it sounded so ridiculous to Muyeol that he didn’t want to respond to her.

But listening to her talk made it easier for him to breathe, and Muyeol let out a deep sigh, immediately feeling more comfortable.

“You can’t sleep now. I need to go home and attend my online classes!” warned Yiyoung. She always attended free online classes after going home, devouring each lesson one after the other. Everyday, she would study like a madman to ensure she maintained her grades.

“I’ll pay you.” Muyeol closed his eyes.

The money-crazed girl immediately took the bait. “Really?”

“Yeah…” he muttered.

“How much?”

“You tell me.”