The princess is wrong. Li Rui doesn't really care.

He's just enjoying the process.

Watching the princess die.

The realm of divine consciousness completely occupied the realm of the princess, and heilian could no longer take her away.

And it is further encroaching on the space of the princess.

In the end, only the black lotus was left.

Li Rui walks slowly to the princess.

The three foot green sword in his hand radiates cold light.

It's the cold pool sword. The sword was given to him by the Sword Fairy.

This sword has never killed such a big man as the princess. Li Rui even feels that the cold pool sword is a little excited and hard to understand.

That's ok.

When you think about it, the princess has done many things behind her back.

I should have been dead long ago.

The princess is aware of Li Rui's killing intention. In fact, Li Rui's killing intention can't be concealed at all.

It made the princess palpitate.

"Li Rui, you are so bold. I am still Wang's woman after all. Have you considered Wang's face when you treat me like this?"

"It's too late for you to go back now. I just need to admit my mistake in front of the prince, and I'll still be the princess! And you are always just an outsider. When is it your turn to intervene in life and death for the first level of the underground? "

The princess thinks that this is her second layer of dependence.

This is also the reason why she dares to make trouble behind her back. No matter what she does, she is always a princess. To put it bluntly, she is also one of the leaders of this prefecture. No matter what, it's not Li Rui's turn to decide her fate.

Li Rui nodded.

"I understand you."

If Yexiao hears the same words, he will think of something.

The princess did not know why.

Li Rui came to the princess and said, "I understand that you have the courage to do this and that. If you were me, maybe you would be very brave. But I'm sorry, you hurt my feelings, several times, I was almost killed by you. Bronze, it's amazing. "

The sword in his hand pointed directly at the princess.

The princess was upset.

"Crazy, you're crazy! I will definitely report to Wang if you are a wolf

"Do you still think Wang will take care of you? He just didn't want to care about you, so he let me kill you. Don't you think about it? It's been a long time since the order of ten kings was issued. Don't you think about it at all? "

In disbelief, the princess shook her head: "no, it's impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible. From the day you make the opposite choice, your destiny is doomed. And from the day the ten King order was issued, I must kill you. If you don't die, how can I bear such a big pot? "

Li Rui smiles slightly, but there is a trace of bitterness in his smile.

For this, shuier died.

If this account can't be reckoned with the princess, it's really too cheap for her.

Too many people died because of bronze.

Because of the princess, too many people have resentment.

There has to be a result.

Li Rui's field of divine knowledge is wide open. What does the princess perceive? Her eyes are crazy!

"No one can kill me, only I can! If you are not benevolent, I will be unjust! "

The princess's face was twisted, and the black lotus was transformed and expanded.

But see the Black Lotus, countless ghosts in the scream. At the same time, heilian began to collapse!

Collapse of the heilian, the outbreak of a strong space turbulence.

The princess's figure slowly disappeared again. But this time, her body turned into fly ash!

"You won't make me better, and I won't make you better! No one can think of a better life here! "

"The gate of chengdi, open it!"

Buzz, buzz!

The palace was suddenly enlarged, and the door of the earth was opened. At the other end of the door, there seems to be something terrible, and it's moving rapidly towards this side.

Li Rui is so angry that Han Tan sword kills the princess several times.

But at this time, the princess was determined to die. With all the fields open, the door of inheriting the land, which was transformed by heilian, could not be broken at all. The cold pool sword can't rush through the gate of chengdi and reach the princess.

"Who is calling me?"

A loud noise came from the gate of chengdi.

At the first moment of hearing that figure, Li Rui felt numb.

That's the voice of the Dark Lord!

"Black sky! It's time for you to come to this plane! "

The princess's voice was venomous: "you must remember our deal, my people, you must be reborn!"

"It's you. Don't worry." The Dark Lord said quietly.

The princess clenched her teeth: "sacrifice!"

The princess put her hand on her neck and sprayed blood on the gate of chengdi.

The gate of inheriting the earth opened ten times more than before.

Summoning the Dark Lord requires a great sacrifice.

The princess is willing to sacrifice herself in exchange for the arrival of the Dark Lord!

This crazy woman!

Does she really know what she's doing? She's making a deal with the devil!

Li Rui's field is wide open and he's going to kill the princess. But the princess's figure did not care about Li Rui's attack at all. Besides, she could not attack her through the door of inheriting land.

A huge arm, from the door of chengdi.

That arm is slowly planning to pull the whole body away from the gate of chengdi and enter the frozen hell.

Li Rui's hand generates electricity. Lei Yu Dao is a knife. Look directly at the arm of the Dark Lord.

When the sound, the Dark Lord's arm pain.

"What is it?"

The Dark Lord was very angry: "how dare you obstruct the coming of the great being!"

Li Rui doesn't speak, just attacks in silence.

Never let the dark lord come to this plane, otherwise something will happen. Let's not say that the underworld alliance has no defense at all. If the Dark Lord hides here, and when the underworld alliance withdraws to this frozen hell, if the Dark Lord suddenly attacks, it will be terrible.

Once the hell is finished, the world will not last long.

Li Rui still understands this kind of relationship.

Even if you do your best, you should stop the Dark Lord outside chengdi's gate. You can't let him enter the hell!

Li Rui's attack is fiercer and fiercer every time!

The defense of the Dark Lord is amazing, and Li Rui's attack can't cause any substantial damage to him. No matter Lei Yu Dao or Han Tan Jian, any kind of killing move can't work. The level of both sides is still very big.

Suddenly, Li Rui gave up attacking the Dark Lord and turned to attack chengdi gate.

Sure enough, the gate of chengdi is hard to stop Li Rui's attack. The gate is gradually being cut off by Li Rui.

The Dark Lord was furious: "bold!"

He waved his arm directly at Li Rui. The dark harvest from the arm of the Dark Lord made Li Rui vomit blood.

But even if it was hematemesis, Li Rui also made up his mind and would never retreat!

Li Rui madly attacks chengdi gate, which is unstable after all, and finally collapses!

The Dark Lord felt something. He took back his arm and sighed.

"This gateway is still too weak."

"Red cherry, you go first."

"Yes, father!"

The gate of the earth collapsed.

A beautiful figure, but it is successful.

Su Hongying, Princess of the demon clan.

Come true!