It's an adult's mental process to accept departure and accept all the accidents that may happen in life.

But the truth is that, if it really happens in front of you, it's actually very difficult to accept. There will be a sense of helplessness to be passively accepted by the reality.

"Why didn't she tell me."

"She came, but you didn't wake up."

"So it's all my fault, I know."

"The wedding is next week."

"I see."

Li Rui returned to the living room and sat down. Since Xiaoman was born, Li Rui has given up smoking. But at this time, Li Rui wanted to have a cigarette. The scoundrel chatted. Li Rui picked up the gum on the table and chewed it.

"I thought she would wait for me."

"When do you want us to wait? Or are you blaming her, or all of us? "

Jiansu came to Li Rui, sat down and leaned on his shoulder: "do you know why there are so many couples who are more in love than Jin Jian at first, overcome many difficulties, and finally get derailed by life? A man is busy with his career and feels stable. He doesn't have to worry about his wife. As a matter of fact, people need to care about contact. "

"Once the cold goes down, no matter how good the past is, no matter how colorful the future is, it will lose its attraction. We can only live in the present, not by memory, not by the future. Don't blame her. "

"I don't blame her, I'm just... A little sad."

Li Rui rubbed his hair. People really need to be together to have real warmth.

Zhang Qing.

Li Rui recalled seeing Zhang Qing for the first time. It was on the bus. Later, he became a friend and slowly got together. During the period, he has experienced a lot, mostly helping her deal with some blind date problems, helping her identify scum and block those frivolous people.

At that time, Li Rui was very firm. If Zhang Qing could find her husband, he would bless her.

Now it's hard to say blessing.

"I'll go upstairs and have a rest." Li Rui sat on the sofa for a while, got up and went upstairs. In short, he hugged Xiaoman and laughed: "who doesn't know what you want?"

Li Rui went back to his room and set up a wooden man. He pushed open the window and flew out. Li's family is not far away from Jianghua University, and the flight took only ten minutes. Li Rui came to the familiar campus with a lot of emotion.

It has been more than ten years since graduation. Many buildings on campus have changed. Wandering in the campus of the students have changed batch after batch, once the campus legend, most of the students do not know.

Only occasionally I can see the introduction of Medical Alliance and the name of its founder on the campus wall.

"Yes, I was one of the first founders of the medical alliance, and it was Zhang Qing who helped to promote it."

Li Rui walked along the shady path towards the headmaster's office. It has been two years since Zhang Qing took over the post of president of Jianghua University. In Jianghua University, this is also a legendary story.

The legend is not that Zhang Qing's father is the president of Jianghua University, but that Zhang Qing also made brilliant achievements after taking over the post. Many new buildings of Jianghua University in recent years, as well as vigorously eliminating some of the University's shortcomings, are her achievements.

What's more, Zhang Qing often strolls around the campus with a dog after work. Students have a high chance of meeting her. Zhang Qing has no airs.

Therefore, in the campus, Zhang Qing's reputation is very high.

What makes the schoolgirls even more envious is Zhang Qing's scholarly temperament, as well as her excellent figure and appearance. It can't be seen that she is a 40 year old woman, at most in her early 30s. What's more, Zhang Qing's appearance has hardly changed in the past ten years.

Li Rui knows where these sayings come from. It's not the precious medicine he found to keep them young forever.

When he came to the headmaster's office, Li Rui knocked on the door. A familiar voice came from inside: "come in."

Li Rui goes in. Zhang Qing sits at her desk, looks up, lowers her head and continues to work.

"The reaction was so cold. I thought you had to look at me for a while. Then I burst into tears and said," you're back at last! "

"It's a pity that you don't act or write novels." Zhang Qing snorted and sneered, "what are you doing here? You are such a superior immortal, and you are still interfering in human affairs?"

"Don't grow cactus by cactus. You are not an ordinary person. The picture on the campus wall is like you are 28 years old. If you don't retire after a few years, you will be regarded as a monster. Believe it or not?"

"Believe it, why don't you believe it? Some time ago, a star from our school came to me and asked me how to beautify my face. I told her to study more."

Zhang Qing put down the pen in her hand, and she was happy: "the key is that she actually believed it."

"Speaking of this, don't let me be young forever. I don't want to be an old witch like Tianshan TongLao. Help me to get rid of the medicine. I want to return to the life of ordinary people. There is aura, you also help me to remove it, you will not absorb people's internal power? Help me suck it away, don't suck me to death

Zhang Qing looks at Li Rui, his face is calm, without any other color.

She really gave up. At that moment, Li Rui understood everything in Zhang Qing's eyes.

Even those can give up, what can keep her.

Li Rui went to the water fountain, poured a cup of tea by himself, came out of the window and looked at the campus.

"You can't get rid of the medicine. Once you get rid of it, there will be a negative effect. You will become an old lady. It's extremely harmful to absorb the Dharma. Once I absorb your aura, you will become unable to take care of yourself. Once you can't take care of yourself, people will dislike you. Once they dislike you, they will abandon themselves. Once they abandon themselves, they will begin to destroy the world. Once they begin to destroy the world, the earth will be finished. "

"So I can't help it. It's all for the peace of the earth."

Li Rui took a sip of tea and squinted: "in other words, today's weather is really good, and the setting sun is also beautiful."

In the distant horizon, the sunset is gorgeous.

"The setting sun is infinitely good, just near dusk." Zhang Qing said softly, shaking her head, "it's very difficult for me to do this. I don't want to be a superwoman. I just want to be an ordinary woman."

"You can't be an ordinary woman, just like I can't go back to work and be an ordinary person. Of course, you can try to do that, including your wedding in seven days, and I'll go too. "

Li Rui returned to the table and put the cup down gently: "but I advise you to think about it again."

"What to think about? You can't give me everything I want. Because of this, you don't know how many tears I shed. You know how to open your back palace like a stallion. "

"Mr. Zhang, I have never approached you with malice. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it's fate or all kinds of fate in the world. But I didn't come to you with malice. I hope you can understand. "

Li Rui bows and turns to leave.

As if he had never been here.