Young people have many dreams in their hearts. The simplest way to realize their dreams is to seize them.

This is also the most brainless way, because others will not give in. On the contrary, it will give a head-on blow.

Li Rui gave Qingyang a head-on blow.

Qingyang was knocked unconscious by Li Rui. If he didn't feel that it was too violent to beat someone to death, Li Rui would have let him fall down from high altitude.

When Qingyang was about to fall to death, Li Rui gave him a hand.

Qingyang fell to the ground like a corpse.

Passers by in the shopping mall are also curious to see a young man suddenly fall on the ground.

"Where is this young man from? What a pity. Why is he lying on the ground and not talking?"

"Are you too hungry to speak?"

"So miserable..."

Among the sighs, some kind-hearted people called the ambulance.

Li Rui walked into the shopping mall, went to the door of the underwear store and continued to wait. After a while, Jane came out of the underwear store.

"There was a woman in the shop who was so strange. She kept staring at me and didn't speak. I was a little scared."

"Is that her?"

Li Rui raised his hand and came out of the underwear shop. A woman had no expression on her face and almost no focus in her eyes, just like a puppet.

She came to jiansuyan with a wooden gesture and looked at her directly.

In short, it's close to Li Rui.

Don't mention it. It's really scary.

"She's under my control. Don't be afraid."

"You are frightening In short, I was so angry that I was controlled. As early as I said, "I was so upset when I bought an underwear that I was afraid that she would kill me the next moment."

"She did come with bad intentions, but I didn't feel it in advance, so I controlled her."

Li Rui lifted part of the control, and the woman immediately screamed.

Li Rui controls her again, leading to a sudden stop of her scream.

The next moment, it's lifting, it's screaming.

Control, sudden stop. Release, scream. Control

Repeated several times, passers-by are looking at the general look of neuropathy at this woman. In short, it is even more laughing: "sister, you can stop it."

The woman was blushing and embarrassed.

It's a shame.

"Calm down, no one wants to kill you. But if you control it a little bit, you'll scream incessantly. You don't have the posture of Kunlun secret place. "

Li Rui forced himself to smile and reminded him.

"What kind of magic do you use and why can you control my body?"

The woman was furious and felt offended. Li Rui said with a smile: "it doesn't matter whether it's a magic trick or not. If you can't fight it, you can't fight it. What's more, the method itself has no consciousness. It's about the performer himself. Some skills are very authentic, but what can you say if they are used to do bad things? "

She was speechless.

"What's your name, sister? Why do you want to hurt me? " In short, he frowned.

"Qingyu. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted you to see us. Who makes Mr. Li dare not fight? "

"That's why you know you're vulnerable when you fight?" Li Rui sneered at the little girl's skin. She really did not know where to be confident. "I know you are proud, but unfortunately, in my view, you are just a group of woodlouse."


Qingyu's pupils contracted.

"How dare you insult the secret place of Kunlun!"

"So? What can you do to me? "

Li Rui laughed, and stood up. "Look at your woodlouse, you must take you back to educate for a few days."

In short, I can't laugh or cry: "there are enough servants at home. Why do you like doing such things so much?"

"I don't think there's a florist yet."

Li Rui took Jiansu by the hand and went to the car. Qingyu followed him honestly, expressionless and dull.

When I got home, I simply put my shopping in the living room, which immediately aroused a burst of cheers.

"Wow! So many good things! "

It's all cosmetics and beautiful clothes.

In short, she said with a smile: "it took me a lot of time. They were all carefully selected. I like to take them myself."

"Thank you, rich woman!" Sakura happily chooses.

"Rich woman, please accept my thanks." Guan Feixue is a good student.

Soon a big bag of things was divided up.

After sharing things, we found that there was a strange woman.

"It's my birthday! There's another woman in the house. She's still ugly! " Sakura exclaimed in a loud voice.

For a moment, everyone laughed.

Qingyu has a black face. She's also a woman. Who doesn't care about her face? She's said to be ugly and upset!

It's a pity that she can't speak now. Now she feels as if she lives in a small house called "body". This house is too small. Her soul has no place to place on the path. She can only see, listen and can't move.

"Help, my soul is trapped!"

Qingyu wanted to ask for help, but she couldn't even open her mouth.

"From today on, Qingyu is our gardener. She will deal with the flowers and plants outside. I believe Qingyu will be a very good gardener. We are looking forward to her performance! "

Li Rui took the lead in clapping, clapping, clapping, while others were holding their smiles and clapping.

"It's the gardener. I was surprised. I thought your taste was reduced. That would be terrible. We can't be pulled down here. We need to maintain a high standard. " Sakura said.

"If you have only one skin, you owe me a spanking." Simply laugh and scold.

Yingzi snorted coldly and turned to walk upstairs. As she walked, she said, "don't think I'll be soft handed if I take your things. I'm a man who can't get in and out. I'm a big thief in the world. Hum..."

Jane Su Mei was so amused by her that she went up to play with her.

As for Qingyu, who cares.

All in all, the day of her humiliation began without any surprise. In the afternoon, I went to water and trim the flowers and plants on time. In the evening, I stayed at the door and didn't move.

The next day I went on pruning the plants.

It's hard.

This feeling makes Qingyu want to commit suicide. She lost control of her body and did all the things she didn't want to do.

At noon, Qingyu finally couldn't stand it and broke down. But even if it was a mental breakdown, all she could do was cry silently.

"What are you crying for?"

Li Rui saw it and asked her.

Qingyu doesn't talk.

"I asked you, but I didn't tell you!" Li Rui is so angry that Qingyu wants to tear Li Rui alive.

Is she don't want to say it?!!!

"Oh, I forgot. Maybe you should talk. Well, I'll allow you to talk for a while Li Rui relaxed his control.

Qingyu gritted her teeth: "you devil, you will be cut to pieces by me! How dare you humiliate me like this! When my elder martial brothers arrive, I will make you die! "

"Oh, I'll wait."

Li Rui light should be a, the idea is dispirited, let Qing Yu shut up again.

Since you are so disobedient, you might as well suffer more.