Three days after being a dad.

A grand ceremony to welcome Li Xiaoman was held in the Li family, with lanterns and decorations to celebrate the arrival of the first little princess. The guests are not too many, but they are all the best friends and relatives.

Like Ke shanyong in the university dormitory, Ma Donglai after detoxification, Chen Changsheng, Li Laozu, Jidao Tianmo

There are twenty-two tables.

Li Rui smiles like a flower and toasts everywhere. During the dinner, people asked the most: "what's it like to be a dad?"

It's hard to tell the feeling.

A sense of responsibility, happiness, a new course of life, all kinds of feelings meet. More care, more warmth.

God's best gift.

"I feel what you feel." Li Rui said.

These guys are basically married. Except for a few, like Ma Donglai. Ke shanyong and his children are all one year old and can walk.

Individual can play soy sauce.

"Didn't you order a baby kiss? Why don't we book one first? "

There are also many joking, Li Rui said with a smile: "one by one first line up, later let her choose slowly!"

When he came to Li Laozu's table, Li Laozu looked at Xiaoman and said with a smile, "you're a chicken thief. You paved the road for her just after she was born. You also carved patterns and made cloth patterns."

"I'm afraid she'll be bullied." Li Rui said.

"Since she is the descendant of the Li family, I also wish her happiness." Li Laozu took out a jade pendant and handed it to Xiaoman.

The extreme way demon scratched his head: "I can't make jade pendant. I only made such a gadget."

He took out a piece of paper and put it in Xiaoman's hand.

One hand jade pendant, one hand talisman.

Xiaoman stares at them with new big eyes and smiles.

Shallow smile.

Li Rui and Jian Suyan also laughed together, and so did Li Laozu and Jidao Tianmo.

laughing covered by greetings.

"I don't know where my daughter is now." "I'm not a good father," he said

Li Rui patted him on the shoulder: "there will be a reunion day. As long as you have a heart, it's more important than anything."

Li Laozu also said: "you don't have to lose your friends. You still have something to pursue. Your wish will come true."

He is the most open-minded.

In fact, the saddest person should be Laozu. He often looked at the mountains and rivers alone, watching the spring bloom, autumn fruit and winter snow fall.

The four seasons are changeable. His era has long passed. Today, only a few posterity are alive, so the only one he is close to in this world is Li Rui.

"Daoyou, stop talking. Come on, drink!"

The devil sat down and raised his glass. Li Laozu took the wine cup and had a big fight with the devil.

"Happy today, not to mention that. If you don't get drunk, you'll eat and drink well! " Li Rui greets them and drinks with them.

A big drunk.

It's hard to get drunk.

In the afternoon, Li Rui lay in his room to rest. In his busy home, he had the warmth he wanted.

Protecting the family is the most important thing in life.

There is no happiness here, no other place.

"Look how happy you are. Drink so much." In short, he nestles up to Li Rui and Xiaoman sleeps in the cradle beside him.

"Of course, I'm glad to meet many old friends. They all like their daughter very much."

Li Rui was in a daze, with tears flashing in his eyes: "seriously, I never thought that this day would come. I once thought that I would be a father one day, but when Xiaoman came to us, I felt very different. "

"And how do you feel?"

"For you to love the world."


The couple looked at each other with a smile.

The next day, Li Rui returned to the underworld. There are things of our own in the world, so we can only find some time to investigate in the underground. On this side of baoshuzhai, shuier sees Li Rui coming back and makes him a cup of tea.

"Young master jiuyu came to the store once and left when he saw you were away."

"Well, I'll see him later."

Li Rui asked about the bookshop. Although it's a small business, it's also a business to start. Of course, things in jiuyu are important, but we should not be too eager.

It's not his running dog.

"Sisi, you go to sharpen the ink. I'll write a notice."

Li Rui went to his desk, spread out the red paper and wrote hard.

"The way to practice lies in understanding. The way of understanding is through education. Baoshuzhai has opened a wide way of education. From now on, baoshuzhai's "Introduction to practice" and other educational books are 50% off. Every visitor will be given a wolf's hair and some paper... "

Shuier and Sisi are watching Li Ruilong's feifeng dance. Shuier wonders, "young master, don't we lose money by sending so many things?"

"Habit is the most important thing." Li Rui said, "once they develop the habit of learning, they will form a long-term consumption. In doing business, you can't just look at temporary profits. "

"But what if it fails?" Thought worried.

"It doesn't matter if you fail, just try again." Li Rui said with a smile, "it's time to make a good relationship and advertise."

After finishing the paper, Li Rui wrote a few more and asked Sisi to post them everywhere.

After thinking about it, Li Rui sent a text message to ask Zhao Kuafu to inform the studio and burn a printer. Since we want to do business, we must use unconventional means to reduce dimension.

Advertising these, the government's thinking is still stuck in the same old way. The local government pays more attention to cultivation than science and technology, but the power of science and technology plays a very good role in people's livelihood.

Although the reform of learning from the world has been promoted, the effect is not good. For example, the wechat group in that prefecture has not made many speeches, but it was more lively at the beginning.

After that, few people spoke.

It can be seen that the deep-rooted thinking and behavior habits can not be changed overnight.

But some things can't be replaced by magic power, such as this printer.

In order to make the printer appear reasonably, Li Rui specially arranged it. First of all, I burned the printer to water. The water didn't know what was going on, so I received a printer.

Of course, there's a bunch of other stuff.

"Young master, someone gave me a gift. What should I do, young master? Are you a bad person?"

"Childe, childe, I have received a gift again!"

"Young master... I was informed by the goods department that I should go to get the gift again!"

The key department connecting the underground and the human world, the object department, is actually equivalent to the express company of the human world. They will burn things from the world after a certain test, and then inform the underground people to receive.

But in fact, many gifts are not received at all. The reason is simple. Most soul bodies are reincarnated.

They didn't stay long in the underworld.

Most of the gifts are just a kind of sustenance. The missing of the living for the dead is expressed in such a way.

Shuier had never received a gift for a long time, so she was very surprised.

Li Rui asked, "did you worship your ancestors, so you will receive so many gifts?"

"Well, maybe." This is the only possibility for water to think about.

Every new year's day, or large-scale ancestor worship activities, they can receive a gift.