Not long after, with the vigorous promotion of qingcangzhen, the black League successfully joined the grand meeting.

Everyone is very happy, the arrival of the black League, for the current stalemate situation to bring change.

Su Hongying, a demon, is very powerful and ambitious on Yingzhou island. Human beings must unite as soon as possible. This move of the black alliance is the great cause. Li Rui's participation has also added a lot of strength to this East West alliance.

As a result, the people and horses on the tianmeng side praised a lot:

"In front of Dayi, the black League has come forward!"

"He can be a real person."

"It's a good man!"

Sometimes, Li Rui feels ironic. It was these people who tried hard to belittle the black League at the beginning, but now it is also these people who try hard to praise the black League.

It's the hip that decides the mind.

Of course, Zhao Kuafu may care about what these people say and how they say it. Li Rui is determined not to rest assured. Whether they flatter or belittle, it's just their business.

Li Rui just does his own business.

Michael met Li Rui several times and tried to contact him, but the result was not good. The reason is very simple. Li Rui made a scene in the temple before and killed several angels.

Moreover, one of the angel candidates was arrested by Li Rui as a servant. If these things spread out, it would be a great shame to the temple.

But that's already true.

Michael talked to Li Rui on this pretext. At noon that day, the unbearable Michael came to the area where he was and found Li Rui: "immortal Li, it's three days since our last communication. What do you think?"

Three days ago, Li Rui promised Michael that he would give a clear answer, whether he supported the temple or opposed it.

Li Rui procrastinated at that time and did not give a clear reply. He only said that he would consider it for a few days.

I didn't expect Michael to come again today, and Li Rui was also very upset: "my opinion is to wait and see what happens. You should know that Pushkin is not an ordinary warrior, and his strength is also very strong. But there is no doubt that the extinction of the advance team has sounded an alarm for us.... "

"I knew that you Oriental practitioners are cowards!" Michael looked ferocious and gnashed his teeth. "You cowards, you procrastinate every day. Are we here to watch it change?"

Li Rui was also furious: "Michael, don't you Western powers use brains?"

Michael was furious: "that's courage! Li Rui, don't think we don't know what you've done. We know all about you! Including the chicken

Li Rui showed a mysterious smile: "so what do you know? Don't forget, the land you stand on doesn't belong to the temple. "

Michael stares at Li Rui, ready to start.

But Li Rui is not afraid at all.

Michael did nothing in the end and left angrily.

After this incident spread, the eastern camp naturally felt proud of it.

"Michael, he thought he was too good. Li Zhenren didn't sell him. What could he do?"

This is also a leisure topic in the past few days.

Before Li Rui didn't come, Michael didn't have a little arrogance to suppress the Oriental practitioners, and said something like cowards. Now Li Rui let Michael eat shriveled, but it is also a popular thing.

Qingcangzhen went out of his way to have tea with Li Rui. When he talked about it, he was very happy.

However, he is not a person who only looks at the surface. Although Li Rui's arrival has a certain impact on Michael, it can not fundamentally change anything.

There is still no consensus between the East and the West.

Since there is no consensus, it is impossible to decide on the dominance of the whole Japanese war. If there is no unity, then the world martial arts Congress will be meaningless.

Even in the end, it will only become an Oolong event and a laughing stock in the cultivation world.

For the organizer Qingcang Zhenren, this is intolerable.

"In your opinion, Li Zhenren, how can we solve this problem?"

"I think Michael is a big problem. Only by getting rid of this man can we form a unified opinion."

In Qingcang real person's room, Li Rui sits opposite to him and talks about the solution. Li Rui's murderous plan is obvious: "one mountain can't tolerate two tigers. You must know better than me. If I guess correctly, you have been hesitating before."

Qingcang said with a smile: "unity is the most important."

"Am I not as good as a Michael?"

"I don't mean that. You're better than him, I know. But after all, he represents the Western camp. If he died not on the battlefield but in his own hands, I'm afraid our alliance will split immediately. "

"It's split now." Li ruiman doesn't care about Tao.

Qingcang's brow was locked, and he fell into meditation again: "if there is a way to let him go back..."

"Unless the Pope gives orders, the question is, how could the Pope give such orders?"

"So the temple needs a little change."

"Our strength can't get there."

"But we can support the blood sucking people to take revenge. The former royal family was killed by you, and the temple participated in it. If we spread the news, even if the blood sucking people can tolerate it, they still need to find their face. "

"As long as there is a full-scale war between the temple and the vampires, Michael will have to return."

Qingcang immortal gently put down his tea cup: "at that time, it's time for us to agree."

Li Rui nodded: "good strategy, but how to guarantee?"

"My people are ready for this kind of action, just a command."

Li Rui stared at Qingcang for a long time, and slowly raised his thumb: "brilliant!"

"I'm flattered, but before that, we need to build momentum together. Michael can go back, but most of the strong members of the Western camp, we should also stay, otherwise we can't stand alone. With Su Hongying's strength, I'm afraid we can't resist. "

Li Rui is happy in his heart. Even if all of them are united, they are not opponents of others!

The main task at present is not to give away the head.

Unfortunately, they don't know that. And even if Li Rui tells Qingcang Zhenren this now, he won't believe it, let alone agree.

This is the heart.

No matter how high a person's accomplishments are, as long as he is an individual, he will know how to calculate. The final loser is the people's heart.

At the same time, Li Rui also noticed that qingcangzhen was not a brilliant leader.

A good leader should push the team to do a good job efficiently and quickly.

Qingcang didn't do it.

He may be good at scheming, but he is not a good leader.

What's more, he didn't know that once Michael left, the next dispute between the black alliance and the heavenly alliance would begin.

Li Rui is not Michael.