After the fire dance, Li Rui felt comfortable and went back to his room to read.

As soon as Li ruicai sat up, he received the news that EVA was visiting.

This foreign girl is so brave. She still doesn't leave, and even dares to visit!

If put aside before, Li Rui a turn over can give her up, in order to promote our national prestige!

But now Li Rui doesn't have that idea. There are many beautiful women in his family. Who can still look up to a foreign girl? He has a fat figure when he is less than 40. He doesn't look like that. Let's forget it.

How can they say that they are good, 40 years old, it is called a charm, more charm!

Li Rui politely asked EVA to come to the living room to talk.

"Long time no see, Li."

It's a cool climate in autumn. Although the sun at 10 a.m. is dazzling, it's not hot. It comes from the window obliquely, with dense dust in the air.

EVA's long legs are crisscrossed, and her toes can almost easily touch Li Rui's knee.

Li Rui took his eyes away from EVA's legs and said, "what's the point of looking for me?"

"Li, I'm here to tell you something. We, the Templars, will have some experts coming soon. I want to exchange views with you at that time. Do you want to know? "

It turned out to be the letter of war.

Li Rui laughs: "why dare not, but what is the significance of fighting?"

"Chris was killed by you, the enemy..."

"Forget about Chris." Li Rui impolitely waves to interrupt EVA's words, "Chris is nothing, but a small person, his status is not even as good as you. The Templars may not know my strength, but you can't not

"EVA, what do you want to do?"

Li Rui's eyes are fixed on EVA's long legs.

It's really a good pair of legs.

EVA quietly pushed her body forward for a few minutes, and the black skirt fork was more open, so that Li Rui could see more scenery.

They just know how to cooperate.

"You should focus on the conversation. I appreciate your legs, but in fact, your legs are not enough to conquer me. They can only satisfy my curiosity for a moment."

Li Rui raised his head and said seriously.

"The simple thing I want to do is to ask you to wake them up." EVA pursed her lips, and then said, "the Templars have been corrupt all these years, as arrogant and indulged in enjoyment as your predecessors."

"They see drugs as a fashion and eroticism as fun. Indulge in the glory of the past, refused to wake up, condescending look as if invincible. I spit on their graves, and I've been impatient with those old undead people who hold high positions and refuse to step down. "

"Li, can you do me a favor?"

Li Rui lowered his head to think about it, a little unhappy: "what's my reward?"

EVA can get everything she wants. Whether Li Rui wants it or not, the Knights Templar will send people to March eastward. Their hegemonism can't tolerate a trace of disobedience from others, otherwise it will be regarded as treason.

On this point, it is indeed somewhat similar to the previous dynasties, they are so blind and ignorant, but they pretend to be superior.

There is always an inevitable collision between the two sides.

However, EVA is the best among them, all in accordance with her ideas.

For what?

"Why should I be your knife?"

"Because you don't have a choice."

"No, I have a choice. According to the book, the tide of history is vast and mighty. It does not depend on people's will. It is a hero created by the times. But I don't hold an absolute view. It is also possible that heroes create the times. Different choices will lead to different changes in historical direction, such as reform and revolution. Another person may be a different result. "

"EVA, if I change you, there won't be a steady stream of templars coming to die. At the very least, you are not a profit earner, let alone a trader. "

"So I've come to see you, and I'll be yours if you like." EVA's toes, gently in Li Rui's calf side slide.

"Men like to conquer women, and I want to be conquered by you." EVA clamped Li Rui's leg and rubbed it up and down.

The amazing feeling from EVA's legs lit up Li Rui's desire.

But Li Rui's eyes are always clear.

"Don't be silly. I don't have a partner. I don't have to go through your muddy water. I'm not heartless to you, that little desire is not enough to make me dizzy. EVA, from today on, don't stay in Jianghua any more. I don't like you. "

Eva was stunned.

"It seems that my charm is not enough. But I also have a twin sister... "

"What's so great about twins? I have them in my family." Li Rui said.

EVA had nothing to say.

"Well, I'll go. I hope you can contact me when you think of me one day. "

"If it's not my race, it will be different. EVA, you must die of this heart. "

EVA sighed and got up to leave.

When she left, Li ruitou did not return.

Jane Su Mei came down from the upstairs and came to Li Rui's side: "Hey, why didn't you look back just now? That foreign girl's back is so coquettish. Even I, a girl, can't help but want to touch her hands?"

"Really?" Li Rui looks back quickly.

"Oh, man." Jane Su Mei sneered.

EVA left long ago.

You can't see it anywhere.

"What did you just mean, what twins did you already have?" Asked Jane Su Mei.

Li Rui sneered: "don't make waves. Don't think that I can't see you fake your sister..."

"Shut up, cheap and good smelly man!" Jane Su Mei ran away as if.

She always thought she was very good, but Li Rui had already seen through everything.

Oh, pretending to be my sister, I ran into the room with no shame and rashness, oh, woman.

Li Rui smiles.

Suddenly, Li Rui felt a strong breath approaching.

Li Rui left the sofa and walked towards the door.

In the sky, a line of Feihong is rapidly approaching.

A tattered figure falls from the world to Li Rui. He reaches out to Li Rui in silence.

Li Rui holds his hands.

Massive aura came from the man's hand.

Soon, the man became a mummy.

Li Rui returned to the house and went into the secret room.

The inner Scripture stele of the Yellow Emperor.

"What happened?"

Just now, that person is just a container, a container that stores the supernatural power of the extreme Tao.

That person's consciousness has returned here.

"You are in danger. The old dragon of Tianchi white family is born."