"We came to your country just for sightseeing."

Why bury explosives in the driveway A young man laughed, "Mr. Hattori, please don't reduce the impression of the world on Yihe."

The young man's eyes suddenly shrank: "I didn't expect that you even found out this."

"We have known your purpose since you entered China. At present, Li Zhenren is one of the hopes for the revival of martial arts in our country. If you want to destroy this hope, how can you know the consideration of our Huaxia team?"

The young man said with a smile: "before Iraq, the foreign organization" black goat "had been defeated by us. I suggest that he should not act rashly and focus on his own development. "

The young man shook his head: "you can't stop us."

The smile on the young man's face slowly faded away: "don't be shameless."

The young man, Saburo Obuchi, was also adamant: "if you want me to tie my hand, I'll catch you. I'm afraid you're a fool. What's more, there are innocent people here. After the accident, I see how you can explain to the outside world... "

The young man raised his hand.

The whole carriage stood up.

Every one of them is murderous.

Takebu was speechless, and the slap came too quickly: "you are just a lot of people."

"Be realistic, Mr. Hattori!" Said the young man in a deep voice.

Who will tell you if it's fair.

If you don't hold your hand, the next moment will be a meeting of the sword.

In such a narrow place, Saburo Obuchi does not want to fall into the sea of people's War: "I can not make trouble, but I want to see Mr. Li Rui. I know. He's in the car ahead. "

The young man suddenly showed a strange expression: "do you want to see him? Are you sure? "


"But he doesn't want to see you. He's resting."

"I can wait. It's better than fighting, don't you think?"


The young man sat down in the nearest seat, without saying a word, staring at him.

Li Rui's carriage was supported by someone.

After diagnosis, Lao Bao's tongue could not be cured, so he had to get off the car and go to a big hospital for treatment.

The conditions in the car are also very limited. There are other patients in the infirmary. So they had to go back to the car.

At the moment, Lao Bao and they don't have the strength to thump before. The momentum of any business executive is illusory.

If something goes wrong, no matter how big a person is, he will be beaten back to his original shape.

In the face of life and death, no one can be an exception.


At four o'clock in the afternoon, Li Rui came to the carriage where he was.

Li Rui sits down in front of Saburo Obuchi. This is the seat specially vacated. After Li Rui sits down, he looks at Saburo Obuchi.

In terms of appearance, Saburo Obuchi looks ok, not obscene.

They're all young people, and they're pretty.

But in this young man's eyes, there always seems to be something that makes people feel that Yin duck is hidden.

"I'm Li Rui. What can I do for you?"

Li Rui spoke calmly.

Saburo Obuchi nodded: "I heard that Li Zhenren has secrets and contains martial arts classics, which is enough to make the martial arts world go up a new level. As a representative of Yihe, I came to seek the true scriptures from Li Zhenren. We sincerely admire your culture and want to make it strong. "

"What we haven't popularized ourselves, how can we give it to you? Why do you still think like this? You speak Chinese so fluently. Don't you know the meaning of "everyone shouts four words?"

"Of course, I know, but the service department had to come because of the national martial arts interests. I've heard that Huaxia is the land of etiquette in the world, so I'd like to have a try. "

"It's like your family is rich. I want you to give me some for free, because my family is really poor. So I can't help it. Please give me some money. "

Li Rui said with a smile: "this kind of ugly tone, you can tell me openly. Do you know what we have learned from the humiliation of the last war over the decades? "

"We have learned to be stronger and to prevent disasters. Once you learned our culture, we want you to learn it, so it seems that we have a mind. But after that war, we wake up

"Don't think about it any more. Even if it's for a dog, it won't be for you. You are just nodding on the surface, but holding a knife behind you. It's just a scene. It's just a good one. "

"When it comes to admiration, it's still a kind of barbarism. I want to kill all the men and rob all the women. What kind of admiration is that? It's just pure brutality. "

Li Rui sighed and shook his head.

If I hadn't sat for a long time and wanted to have activities, I wouldn't have come here even this time.

Who are these people.

But he said with a smile, "I hope Mr. Li can come with me."

"I don't know why I'm going with you?"

"If Li Zhenren does not follow me, I will not be able to complete the task, and my superior will execute me. Li Zhenren has to go with me. I promise Li Zhenren's woman will not have any problems. "

Li Rui looked down and thought about it.

"You mean my woman might be in danger?"

"They are already in danger. Our ninjas in Yihe are famous all over the world. Mr. Li should have heard of them."

"Yes, but what can you do? Just these people? "

"No, our people have long been with Mr. Li." There was a dangerous light in the corner of his eyes. "As long as Mr. Li is willing to accompany us, your woman will be safe, otherwise..."

"Or they'll all die?" Li Rui said curiously.

Saburo Obuchi's face changed. From Li ruiman's indifferent attitude, he felt a trace of unusual.

It's not scientific.

Li Rui was listless from the beginning to the end, and he didn't have any emotional fluctuation about it. Not even surprised, let alone alarmed.

There are some people who are really able to deal with major events without being surprised, but Li Rui's attitude is more like he doesn't care.

Doesn't he love those women at all?

Saburo Obuchi stares at the expression on Li Rui's face and refuses to let go of every minute expression.

"Kill that woman named Sang Sang."

He said.

I don't know who I'm talking to.

Anyway, it's an order.

Li Rui stood up and shook his head: "stubborn."

"One more."

Then he gave orders.

Li Rui turned his head and glanced at Saburo Obuchi: "don't give your ridiculous orders. Those guys who pretend to be business people have long been controlled by me. Especially the one who takes the lead. What do you call him Lao Bao? Is that what he can call him? "

With a light smile, Li Rui said faintly, "Lao Bao is my roommate in college. Your man deserves to be compared with him?"