The real Tauren is the one in front of him. Even after his body shrinks, he is two meters tall. He sat there, like an iron tower, exuding the smell of crazy bloodthirsty.

At the moment of meeting, Li Rui was totally unable to match this iron tower like man with the guy in the underground wechat group who kept fighting with Ma Mian. The real Tauren was a tank fighter with a big black axe beside his iron seat.

After saying hello to each other, Niu tou casually pointed out: "please sit down."

There are no sofas in this place, only wooden chairs. After Li Rui sat down, a slightly slender Niu woman came over with a big cup: "drink tea."

Li Rui took the tea. It was very heavy. It was estimated that it would weigh one jin.

"Thank you for your hospitality."

The cowgirl left with a smile.

On the iron seat, Niu tou asked, "how do you feel?"

"It's a little novel, but I'm also curious. How are these realized?" Li Rui looked at the teacup in his hand, soul body, how can he feel "heavy"? And the essence of these four areas, such as these chairs, how did they come from?

Niu tou laughs heartily: "this is the hell. Don't say you, even I don't know what's going on, but you can understand it as' law '"

"What is the law?" Li Rui asked.

"The law is the formation of heaven and earth, which is natural. For example, how do people come and why chairs can sit? These things, in our view, are laws. Of course, today's world stresses science and materialism, but the earth is different. "

"The biggest difference from the world is actually the moon. There is no night in hell, it is always day. The bloom of the moon is the material we must grow. There is no sun in the hell, and you can never see the sun, otherwise, you will be killed by the sun. "

Tauren's eyes through the window, looking at the moon, the heart has infinite gratitude.

Li Rui couldn't help saying: "is it as strong as you can't enter the world and face the sun?"

"I don't want to. Entering the human world and facing the sun is too much for us. Besides, just like you come to the earth, do you think this is your home? When we enter the world, we will not feel that it is home. " Niutou said.

Li Rui understood what he meant, and then asked, "isn't the hell fighting a war now? It doesn't look like a fight. I see peace in the central district and people living and working in peace and contentment. "

"The war in the underworld starts from the 19th level hell. You can see the peaceful and prosperous times because the central district is all led by the upper class. If there is no peace here, then the whole hell will be over. "

"There's a nineteenth floor to hell?"

"The 19th floor is the battlefield prison. Entering the 19th floor, there is no life but death. " Niu tou took a look at Li Rui and said, "what are you doing here?"

"I don't think the world can provide effective support to the underground government any more. Today's plan is to find a solution from the underground government itself."

"Nonsense!" Niutou's voice suddenly became loud. He left the iron seat, walked around restlessly, and said, "the hell hasn't solved this problem for thousands of years! The earth and the earth are one and mirror to each other. If the world can't help the hell, the world will also perish! "

This is a threat, Li Rui knows. However, Li Rui was not afraid at all: "the world can no longer rely on waging war to support the local government. The most recent one was about 300 years ago. It's unrealistic to rely on the war in the world to fight for the living power of the local government. In today's world, it is easy to perish. I'm here to see if I can find a solution from the hell itself. "

"You are a little boy, dare to speak bravely?" Niu Tou is angry. The problem has not been solved by the local government for thousands of years. How can Li Rui say that he can solve it.

Li Rui was also angry: "if you don't speak bravely, do you dare when you are old?"

Young people are always enthusiastic and brave. They can't understand it, but they can't be suppressed. This is prejudice.

Besides, the hope always lies with the young people. It is true that one generation is better than the other.

"I'm not one of those predecessors who used to complete the mission given to me by the underground government by waging war after war. The human world is not the melting pot of hell, when it is needed, it will take countless lives to fill. This model is more than enough. "

There are countless deaths. Even people who have not experienced that era can feel the cruelty of war only from history books. Hundreds of thousands of people die. What's the concept of hundreds of thousands? The population of an ordinary county is only 5.6 million!

When the industrial age, the era of science and technology war, the death toll in tens of millions of units!

It's a human disaster.

Mankind can no longer bear the cost of a world war, because this time, it is likely that mankind will be completely destroyed. Or, civilization goes back completely to the stone age.

In that case, Li Rui would rather die than launch this war for the prefecture.

Niu tou's eyes stare at Li Rui, as if he wants to see through this man and make him feel afraid. However, dozens of seconds later, Li Rui was not afraid at all.

What Niutou saw from Li Rui's eyes was firm determination and will.

"You're very good. I'm here. I don't see the cruelty of teaching me to take responsibility for the people in the world rather than the people in the world. The education of this generation is really good. Human beings have been evolving. "

Taurus returned to the iron seat and sat down slowly: "but you don't have the ability to solve this problem."

"How do you know if you don't try?" Li Rui is good at persuasion.

Tauren was not moved: "what's your strength and position? Take life to try, 19 layers of hell, your current state, simply can't enter

"What can I do?"

"You can't do anything." Niu tou looks at Li Rui impatiently. He seems to dislike the low level of his realm. "At present, you can't do anything for the hell."

"Well, I'd like to have a look around the underground, OK?"

"Turn if you want." Niutou has nothing to do. Originally, he was talking about business, but now it's better. This boy has used the underground as a tourist site. Where to help? It's a vacation.

Niutou thought that he was really wrong.

Li ruicai didn't care so much. He got up and left.

It's his business that Niu tou doesn't believe in people. You can't listen to the opinions of one family. You can only know the truth if you have a down-to-earth look at it.

"I don't believe it. For thousands of years, we can only rely on waging war to supplement. Is there no other way? There must be! As long as you are willing to use your mind and think more, you will be able to find a solution to the problem. The thinking of the underground is too fixed and decadent. "

Immortality for thousands of years is both the advantage and disadvantage of the prefecture.