Li Rui is in the room at the moment. Young people, their health is very important. Although they are young, they still need to pay attention to the way of recuperation.

When the mobile phone rings, Li Rui takes it up and looks at it. He immediately sits upright.

It's a message from Niu tou: "what's the progress?"

Li Rui's scalp numbs as he stares at the message. What's the progress? There's a ghost's progress. Yesterday, he lost 20 million, but fortunately, he didn't lose himself. When he called Wang Jianshu, Li Rui wanted to laugh.

These, of course, can not be said.

After thinking about it, Li Rui replied: "yesterday, I went to visit the master to find a way to establish my faith. But the master asked me to ask you, "does the hell want to be a God?"

"What kind of God?"

"Believe in gods."

"You tell him that the hell doesn't dare, it just wants to protect itself."

"All right."

There was silence on the other side of the bull's head. Li Rui's question can be said to be enlightening. It's God's decision to be a deity. The hell can't be a deity without permission. Otherwise, it will be ultra vires.

After all, there is only soul in hell. There are souls and bodies in the world. Heaven is possessed by soul, body and spirit.

Which is better? Naturally, it is the more powerful side. Even the Taoist priest of Tianxing was not in awe when he talked about the hell, and thought that the hell was only the convenience of occupying the soul. If you are successful in cultivating your soul, you are not afraid of the hell.

That is to say, the hell has great deterrent power only when it is below the distraction stage. Of course, it's different if it's the underground magnates. After all, the underground magnates are also gods.

However, the level of gods should also be bound by certain rules. Can they come to the world if they want to come?

"We should not talk about the worship of gods in the future. The hell doesn't dare and can't. Then you can... "

Niu tou finished the sentence and stopped for a long time.

"You can collect souls."

"It's good to collect souls." Li Rui wants to laugh and collect his soul, which is a good thing. He can absorb part of it by himself. Anyway, the absorption is only a small part.

What's more, it's a good time.

"Brother Niu, my strength is low. If I go out to collect my soul, I will be collected by others first. You see, I have no support or master. What can I do to collect my soul? Go to the cemetery to collect? This kind of thing, isn't the underground government sends a ghost errand to be able to do casually? "

Of course, it's not easy.

Li Rui had long guessed that it would not be so simple. What he said on purpose was to test.

Niutou said: "those low-level souls come here to die. Here, you need to do something, your opportunity has come. The hell needs a strong soul body. Naturally, the more the strong die, the better. In addition, there are more and more strong people. In the past, at this time, there were frequent wars, such as the spring and Autumn period and Warring States period, the Anshi rebellion, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

"In such an era, a steady stream of talents and strong men who died in war have been brought into the local government... The ups and downs are just opportunities for the common progress of the human world and the local government... In a peaceful and prosperous age, if there is no such opportunity, then you have to create such an opportunity."

Li Rui saw it, and it was cool.

What are you doing? Are you going to bring disaster to the country and the people?

Dry mud is cool!


I knew there was no good thing. Li Ruijian would never do such a thing! There is no such thing. Now people live and work in peace and contentment. Although there is a huge income gap among the people, they can still live well. In the event of a war, it is the common people who will suffer.

Li Rui can't agree with Niutou's practice of raising poisonous insects!

But if you don't talk, you have to say it well. Joking, such a big guy, how can you spray him directly? Be euphemistic, be euphemistic.

"Brother Niu, we don't like this now. In the past, when the two armies faced each other in a war, there would always be fierce generals like Wanfu enemy. But nowadays, the way of law is very small, so it is rare for people to cultivate themselves. If there is a war and a nuclear bomb goes by, the death toll will be thousands of people. If it is brought into the underworld, it will have little effect. "

"You have a point." Niutou agreed and said, "it's not convenient to start a war in today's situation. Then, we have to start to cultivate practitioners, good and bad, as long as the strength is high. So it's up to you. "

"Brother Niu, do you think I should improve my strength first? Otherwise, I will be destroyed by others before I cultivate others. What can I do? " Li Rui began to behave.

"Naturally, I won't treat you badly. Just a moment, I'll give you the benefits."

Niutou is smart. In fact, this monster who has lived for a long time has accumulated wisdom, which is far more than that of Li Rui. Even if the local government has no access to information and develops slowly, the development of daily use is left over from the world. However, the accumulation of wisdom is always the older the better.

Unless it's Alzheimer's.

At this time, when Li Rui bargained with Niutou, he always had the feeling that "he had expected this for a long time". This kind of feeling is often not an illusion, but includes dialogue and benefits, all of which are well prepared.

Li Rui even thinks that maybe Tauren knows everything, it's almost the same, but it's just that he doesn't want to break it.

When you think it over, you will feel horrible.

Not long after, a dense white light flew out of the mobile phone and into Li Rui's eyebrows.

When Li Rui opened his eyes, hundreds of cultivation scripts and a large number of alchemy inheritance appeared in his mind.

"This is one hundred of the most top cultivation techniques, including Daoism, swordsmanship, sabre, internal strength cultivation... And cultivation methods relying on the elixir to reach a higher level. As long as you spread these secret books quietly, someone will be tempted to practice them."

"At that time, if the strong are like a forest, there will be fights. Under the struggle, there must be death. When death comes, my underground government can come and collect people's heads. At that time, in order to avoid the high and strong people's resurrection, our underground government will take pictures of the strong people coming and directly arrest their souls. "

Niutou's words made Li Rui feel cool again.

Isn't that the end? After all, the hell will send the strong to come. My life is still unprotected.

The situation is really unforgettable.

Li Rui sighed in his heart, but he still cheered up: "brother Niu, I will work hard and try to cultivate strong people as soon as possible."

"Well, I'll wait for your good news. I need to hurry up. In addition, just now I gave you a token to arrest your soul. During the special period of the underground war, the souls of good and bad people can be captured by force. You just need to recite the four words of the gate of inheriting the earth, and naturally you will be able to capture your soul. "

Li Rui looked at it quickly. Sure enough, he saw a small token with four words on it

The gate of the earth!

Li Rui recites the gate of inheriting land.


Among Li Rui's eyebrows and eyes, a dark eye appeared. There was no wave in that eye. He opened it and looked at it, then it disappeared.

However, what Li Rui saw was really shocking.

He just clearly saw that a high gate appeared in front of him, which opened slowly. Inside the door, it was dark. In the middle, there seemed to be two red lights, which were bigger than the big red lantern.

What's that?

Is the pupil of the demon God?