Big deal?

Li Rui, listening to Zhao Ling's tone that day, felt like laughing.

"What's the big deal? Is it the MI Di who holds a malicious attitude towards our country and wants to do something, or is the country going to sink? Zhao Ling, don't whine. A girl's family should be quiet. "

As soon as Zhao Ling heard that her nose was going to be crooked, she slapped her hand on the table: "what do you mean, do you mean my husband's wife? I tell you, I'm not a woman! "

"Yes, you're not a woman, you're a real man. Let's talk about it. I also want to hear what's the big thing in your mouth. "

"Among the four families in the provincial capital, the Dai family is finished, the Zhang family and the Li family are finished, and there is only one Guan family left."

"What?" Li Rui was really surprised and asked, "what's the matter? Is Guan family so powerful? "Three for one?"

"Your focus seems to be wrong. It's not a big deal, even if it's Guan's taking three for one. The key is that the iron head society and the lost track society have been destroyed. Now the cultivation circles in Jiangnan province are talking about it. Li Rui, do you know the seriousness of it? "

"Which force destroyed them?" After a long silence, Li Rui asked.

Zhao Ling knocked on the table and said seriously, "that's what I'm going to talk about next. Do you know Zhao Kuafu? Now he's like a mad dog, crushing all the way. His strength is growing now. It's more terrifying than you! "

Zhao Kuafu? Zhao Kuafu again!

As soon as he heard the name, Li Rui was angry. He wanted to grab the inner Scripture tablet of the Yellow Emperor and throw it into the pit now. It was all the good work done by this extreme devil and made big news!

Now we all have to worry about this Zhao Kuafu, and we have to give this man a wipe!

"Did Zhao Kuafu defeat the lost society and the iron head society?" Li Rui asked in a deep voice.

"It's not just a defeat. He's sucking up 135 lives! At the beginning, he just picked a few small start, with the growth of strength, he is now stronger and stronger. It is said that he is only a few steps away from the spring of life. Now all the sects are worried that they will be sucked up by Zhao Kuafu if they are not careful. "

Zhao Ling finished, looked at Li Rui and asked, "does Zhao Kuafu have anything to do with you? I remember that he worked in your house for a while. What's your relationship with him? Is he your disciple? "

"Do you think my disciples are so powerful? He is now bohemian, love freedom, how do you want to come, what does it have to do with me? You don't want to call it a hat. "

"Hat? Li Rui, do you still need us to button your hat? Every time Zhao Kuafu killed someone, he claimed to be your younger martial brother. Zhao Kuafu is hard to find. You're always easy to find. Wait. You're a big deal. "

"What? Is Zhao Kuafu so insidious? " Li Rui exclaimed, frowning tightly.

I didn't expect that Zhao Kuafu was such a white eyed wolf that he used this move to attract everyone's attention. In the current situation, maybe it's true to draw attention to him.

"The people of the iron head society and the lost track society are not dead. If they can't find Zhao Kuafu, they will definitely find you. I came here to send a message. If you can get in touch with Zhao Kuafu, please advise him to stop and turn himself in. Otherwise, you will be dead as a senior brother! "

"According to that, tomorrow I will call myself a member of the Huaxia special action team. Aren't you all dead?" Li Rui despises the way.

Zhao Ling was almost laughed by Li Rui's logic: "don't worry, others can't annoy us, but they can annoy you. Then we'll make a statement and we'll be clean with you. "

Li Rui exclaimed: "lying trough, this is also too heartless?"

"That's why I came to inform you in such a hurry. If you are abandoned by the Huaxia special action team, I will lose my duty to monitor you! Li Rui, you have to fight for breath. For my happiness, you can't just fall down. You have to be strong and find Zhao Kuafu as soon as possible

Why does Li Rui want to beat Zhao Ling so much? It's just like the boss wants the employees to make money. If the employees don't make money, it's not enough for them to buy BMW and raise saner!

God is special!

Li Rui immediately added the color: "Zhao Ling, be polite. Don't think I don't know. At the beginning, the organization asked you to stabilize me, but you had given orders to die. You should be ready to give your life to me at any time! You'd better be conscious, or else, hum

Sure enough, Zhao Ling's face was scared white immediately: "who told you?"

"Of course someone told me."

Zhao Ling's face turns suddenly. Unexpectedly, Li Rui knows all the secret things. It seems that the organization really intends to sell her to Li Rui. It's really chilling.

"It's too much. If you let me know who this man is, I'll cut him to pieces!"

Li Rui gave a sneer, which was just her shouting. If she knew who sold her, I'm afraid she just had to cry why God didn't have eyes.

"Well, you don't want to think about it. It's urgent to find out the trace of Zhao Kuafu for me. Now you and I are grasshoppers on a rope, you must fully cooperate with my work

Zhao Ling understood the importance of it and immediately turned away. Li Rui also quickly contacted Jiansu for handover. The villa declared a state of emergency and was under 24-hour high-tech martial law.

It is estimated that the uninvited guests will arrive in these days. It's impossible for Li Rui to find Zhao Kuafu. He has to wait for the news from Zhao Ling.

But the battlefield can be chosen. Li Rui chose Houshan. Li Rui has been staying in the back of the mountain these days, training on one side and treating the enemy on the other.

The back mountain is rugged, but the top is flattened by Li Rui. It's only October now. If winter comes, the university will come down. Here is daxueping. By then, the scenery will be very moving.

However, at this time, the maple leaves all over the mountain fall with the autumn wind, and the bright yellow is also a good scene. This kind of season is really suitable for the competition between experts.

Li Rui was drinking tea at the top of the mountain.

After waiting for three days, someone finally arrived.

Two people come to Li Rui.

"At last."

"Yes, here we are."

"I'm not Zhao Kuafu's elder martial brother, and he's not my younger martial brother. Which school are you from? "

"Iron head society."

"It's said that tietou society does all kinds of evil. It's the same virtue as the seven kill sect. The seven kill gate was destroyed by my elder brother. Since you iron head club also want to come to smoke, I won't keep it. "

"What a big tone!" The old man with white beard in the iron head Society said angrily, "I'd like to see how good you are!"

"Second brother, don't talk nonsense. Kill this boy first. I heard that there are some beautiful little girls in his family. Kill him and we'll go to his family to kill his woman!"

The shorter one, though about fifty years old, was obscene.

Li Rui frowned slightly and raised his hand: "I'll kill you first, and then your second brother."

"I will die!" The old man yelled angrily and hit him with his fist.