Li Rui has never been afraid to look at other people's treasures with the greatest malice.

Zhang Qing takes Li Rui into the special collection room. Li Rui looks around all the way, just like Grandma Liu walking into the Grand View Garden. Whatever is good, you have to look at it.

"This Twenty-Four Histories was collected by Zhang Taiyan, a famous writer in modern times. After the war, it was finally collected by Jianghua University. And the brush wash, which belongs to Mr. Zhou Shuren... "

Zhang Qing is introducing in front, just like a little sister of an interpreter, Li Rui and Wang Ke listen attentively.

However, Li Rui is a little absent-minded. These things are good, but they have little practical effect. If we only understand these things and their historical value with modern people's thinking, it must be something collectors like to do.

Li Rui only hoped that he could learn useful essence from the tide of history.

Naturally, if you come here to have a look, you can satisfy part of your curiosity, but if you can get something better, it would be great.

Zhang Qing seems to see that Li Rui is a little absent-minded. Although her ears are erect, she doesn't think about these things, so she takes him to another place, where there is a glass counter and a copy in the glass bottle.

"This treatise on Febrile Diseases..."

"Is this the only one?" Li Rui's eyes shine.

Zhang Qing shook her head: "it's not an isolated edition, but a rare one. It is said that the historical origin can be traced back to the Song Dynasty, with inscriptions and seals on it. That's OK. After all, the original is the year of the Eastern Han Dynasty, 150 A.D., more than 1000 years ago. "

"This rare book is the most powerful material for the establishment of our medical college. It is the treasure of our school and is not one of them. Don't you think our glass bottle is very impressive? But once there is no secret key to open, it will automatically alarm. Li Rui, wipe your saliva. "

Li Rui takes back his greedy eyes and wipes them casually until he finds that he doesn't drool and is cheated by Zhang Qing.

"Li Rui, don't think about it. Most people are not allowed to see it or touch it."

"I didn't say to touch it!" Li Ruizhen had a word and said, "I just think it's a pity to put it here. If I could copy it, how nice it would be."

"That's a good idea. Unfortunately, once this kind of treasure with a long history is put on the copier, it is likely to turn to ashes. Light, the damage to the paper is too great. " Zhang Qing explained.

"Can't you copy it by hand?" Wang Ke saw Li Rui's salivation for the book and couldn't help asking.

"You can't copy by hand. If it's spread everywhere, how can it become the treasure of our school? And the book "why?" Wang Ke asked.

"At that time, the conditions were special, and the school's consideration was that if the school had no funds in the future, it could be auctioned for money."

"How can it be for money..."

"Of course money matters." Zhang Qing impolitely interrupted Wang Ke's query, as if in response to Wang Ke's jealousy just over there in the playground, saying, "money is more important than training talents. Without funds, the school can't go on. It's nothing to auction a book."

When he said this, Zhang Qing was unquestionable.

Wang Ke's momentum was suppressed and he didn't make a sound.

"That's it? Is there any other treasure? " Li Rui doesn't seem to be very interested in this. He asks Zhang Qing. Zhang Qing has been here several times, and everything in it is very clear.

Still remember, Zhang Qing all the way forward, stopped in front of a small stone tablet: "this is a meteorite, you look at the words written on the meteorite."

The meteorite was cut into a small stone tablet, dark blue and cold color, faintly emitting light. But Li Rui couldn't recognize the words on it. The handwriting was so crooked and crisscross that it was hard to recognize.

"It's oracle bone inscriptions. I know what it is." Wang can read here, quite proud to see Zhang Qing, "after turning, Li Rui shows respect, Zhang Qing is satisfied, take them to a wooden chair to sit down.

"How is it, all right?" Zhang Qing is not without pride.

Li Rui nodded and said, "it's really good. Our school has a profound cultural heritage."

"I just feel a little overcast here. It's sunny." Wang Ke shrinks her neck. I don't know why. She always feels a little chilly sitting here.

"Of course, it's not so hot here. It's a little bit shady to better preserve these treasures." Zhang Qing explained, "when designing this collection room, experts specially inspected the east-west direction to avoid being exposed to the sun."

"Does anyone come in to clean up?"

"Very little, very little. Because it's on the top floor, there's very little dust. In addition, there's no need for people to come in and clean it in a dry and sealed environment, so as to prevent the occurrence of theft. "

Li Rui understands that. It's not often reported in the news. Some museum supervisors replace the real ones with fake ones. As a result, all the treasures and real ones in the whole museum are sold, so they put some fake ones on the shelves.

Just think, a gust of wind blows, Wang Ke hit shiver, Zhang Qing is also the hair on the neck stand up.

Li Rui's eyes narrowed: "there is no reason why there is Yin wind. It's not normal here."

It seems that this phenomenon exists in many places where treasures are stored, giving people a gloomy feeling. It's just something left by the dead. Psychological effect? I'm afraid not.

Vaguely, Li Rui feels strange here.

But at this time, I don't know where the ring, the three people were scared.

"Where's the noise? I didn't find it when I came here before." Zhang Qing is very puzzled.

"Or let's go out. It's terrible here." Wang Ke shrinks his neck.

Li Rui nodded and said yes, go out.

But in my heart, I was thinking, of course, there will be no exception if there are too many people.

Whether it's people or ghosts, they are afraid of too many people.

If there are few people, that's not necessarily the case.