After a meal, Zhang's father calls Li Rui to his study. Zhang Qing also wants to listen to what her father wants to say, but Zhang's mother doesn't allow her to sit in the living room and watch TV with her.

Li Rui and Zhang Fu come to the study. Zhang Fu points to a chair and Li Rui sits down. Zhang Fu said with a kind face: "Li Rui, do you have any plans for the future? Are you going to be a doctor, a scholar or a business in the future? "

Li Rui's heart was filled with awe. He knew that President Zhang really cared. Otherwise, he could send people away after a meal. Why did he come to the study to have a heart to heart talk. Li Rui honestly said: "the recent goal may be to be half a scholar and half a doctor. I want to carry forward Chinese traditional culture and make some contribution to the cause of Chinese medicine. "

Li Rui has a plan. The country has suffered from wars, internal strife and external aggression, and many excellent cultures have lost their inheritance. It is undeniable that the rule of historical tide is to extract its essence and discard its dross, but there are also many excellent cultures that have been cut off for certain special reasons.

For example, from ancient times to today, a lot of inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine relies on the master to pass on an apprentice and cultivate an apprentice, which takes a long time. In addition, there are some rules that do not spread to the outside world, so that they are not trusted by the world today.

"I think TCM needs a revolution. With the development of modern western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine has gradually become a reluctant choice. Many people choose traditional Chinese medicine with a kind of mentality of going to the doctor in an emergency rather than relying on it. However, in the last millennium, we did not have western medicine, but we also had outstanding medical talents. "

At this point, Li Rui's heart is not calm.

After listening to this, the old headmaster also sighed: "it's very difficult for traditional Chinese medicine to cultivate a disciple, and the time span is long. In addition, it's all based on experience, and it can't be explained clearly by system theory. When you think about it, it's human nature. People are always afraid of the unknown. "

"Dr. Zhao Yue and I recently tried to explain the principles of traditional Chinese medicine with the chemical data of Western medicine. We think that maybe we can use western medicine as a springboard to give people data support. Together with the highly developed modern medical science and technology tools, we can realize the refinement and controllability of traditional Chinese medicine. "

After listening to Li Rui's words, the old headmaster's eyes gradually deepened. He saw Li Rui's wild look.

If it can be done, it's really a great change!

"Qingqing often praises you in front of us, saying that your future is limitless. Now it seems that you are really an ambitious person. If you can do it, you will be able to make a name in history in the future! "

The old headmaster said with admiration, "but where are you going to find the essence of ancient Chinese medicine supporting this system? It is absolutely impossible to find what is lost. It's a small illness, a small pain, and it's useless. "

The most difficult point is that there are finished products, which can be cracked. It's feasible. However, you can't create things that you have lost, can you? Do you go to the folk search? It's even less likely.

However, for Li Rui, this is not a problem at all.

With the capacity of the underworld, there are a large number of outstanding ghosts waiting for Li Rui to explore. When the time comes, piles of Ming coins will burn. Are you afraid that you will not have the knowledge?

It doesn't exist.

"Old headmaster, I try my best to do things. As for success or failure, I don't pay so much attention to the results. I didn't say what I had to do. I just wanted to do it. For example, I have a lot of money now, and then I can find reliable old TCM doctors through some channels, and I will try to find a way. "

The old headmaster began to laugh, and the wrinkles of his eyebrows spread out: "you have this original intention, which is very valuable."

Li Rui smiles and does not speak.

All of a sudden, Zhang Fu asked, "you have such good conditions. Why haven't you found someone yet?"

Li Rui felt the old headmaster's divergent thinking, and said: "there was one before, but no woman ever liked me."

Zhang's father laughed: "it's impossible to be trapped by love."

Li Rui was slightly sad.

In fact, he was forced to grow up. If he didn't experience Bai Xiaohua's relationship, he didn't know how to control his heart. Injured, then strong, and will not be so silly, casually give the heart out.

The scar in my heart turns into a thick cocoon. In particular, those who are difficult to go back once, dust in the memory, let it old.

In the past, I have thought about saving. But in the end, it turned into a sigh. White floret is no longer that white floret, he is no longer that he used to be. Ke shanyong once asked Li Rui, it seems that he came out very quickly.

But in fact, it is because of the touch of despair. Irretrievable, irretrievable. Growing up and maturing is something that happened for a while. Because I know it's impossible.

Of course, in front of the old principal, Li Rui did not show any sad posture. As I said at the beginning, I will find someone better than Bai Xiaohua, so I'm not in a hurry.

"Old principal, is there a collection room in our library? I heard that there are many good things in it. When can you take me to see the world?"

Zhang Fu laughed: "where did you hear this rumor? Is that what Qingqing told you

"No, once I went to the library to read a book. When I was tired, I went up for a walk. As a result, when he was stopped, he knew that there was a treasure house on the top floor, but ordinary students couldn't get in. "

"Of course, I can't get in. What's inside are all the treasures of the school. Even ordinary leaders don't have the honor of being invited to enter." When Zhang Fu said this, his tone revealed a bit of bookish spirit.

"I want to see it. Can the old headmaster help me?"

"Well, let me think about it. OK, you and Qingqing can go up and have a look together tomorrow. She has been there several times and is familiar with it. But there are very few people there. When you go, you must be careful not to damage anything. "

"All right." Li Rui promised.

"There are also these rare books of traditional Chinese medicine when the school was founded. At the beginning, the medical college was established by relying on these collections and talents. "

"Oh? Is there anything else like that? I really don't know Li Rui was surprised.

Zhang Fu nodded and said, "it's normal for ordinary people not to know. It's not a big deal. They are all from our generation. At the beginning of the establishment of various colleges, we need to deal with the superior departments and fight for wisdom and courage. Fortunately, it's good to see the school getting better and better over the years. "

Li Rui was respectful. Although the old headmaster said it lightly, it is undeniable that without their foresight, things might not be as good as they are now.

People always like to say that the times make heroes. In fact, heroes make their own heroes.