Food color is also the first. Spicy crayfish, delicious.

Li Rui's hands are full of oil and he eats it. Eating and eating, a girl with a small bag came out on the corner of the road. Li Rui's eyesight was very good. He saw that the girl was a little familiar. He looked at her carefully and called out: "Jian Su Mei!"

The girl, dressed in plain clothes, looked at her suspiciously. Li Rui waved to her: "come here!"

Jane Su Mei lowered her head and walked slowly to Li Rui's table: "who are you?"

She doesn't seem to remember Li Rui.

Li Rui said: "did you forget the last time you were in the Internet bar? Sit down. I'll treat you to food. I'm worried. There are too many things to eat. "

Jian Su Mei looked at Li Rui, her eyes calmed down and shook her head: "I'm not feeling well. I can't eat these greasy foods."

"Oh, all right." Li Rui took off his plastic gloves and wiped his mouth with a paper towel. "The five brothers didn't bother you any more, did they? How come you're not afraid to come back at this point. "

"I'll make up for the students." She clasped her hands and laughed, very quiet.

Li Rui was stunned. He always felt that Chien Su Mei was a little different today, as if she had become more and more sparse.

Maybe it's because I haven't seen you for a while.

Li Rui has a deep impression on this beautiful girl who is a senior high school student. People have an appreciation of beautiful things, especially beautiful women.

"Since you can't eat and it's not early, why don't you go back to rest early." Li Rui didn't mean anything special to Chien Su Mei, just wanted to raise her eyes.

"I can't eat, but I can have a drink," she said

Li Rui patted his thigh: "boss, give me four cups of watermelon juice!"

Ma Donglai and Lu Zhao, sitting opposite each other, wanted to laugh, but did not dare to. They were so depressed that they did not say a word.

If you are interested in your sister, you have to pull on us to hide something.

Ma Donglai couldn't help thinking that brother Li's skill of picking up girls was really bad, and he almost let her go.

The boss brought watermelon juice, and Jian Sumei sat next to Li Rui. She drank watermelon juice and asked Li Rui, "what are you doing here?"

"It's nothing. I just came to eat big dog." Li Rui took a look at Ma Donglai and Lu Zhao and said, "rob the rich and help the poor."

"Brother Li, you all live in villas. Are you poor?" Ma Donglai said with a smile.

Lu Zhao also said with a smile: "people who drive more than one million Mercedes Benz still need our help? Brother Li, you are not kind. We only have pocket money. We don't want to be your own boss. "

Li Rui waved: "roll roll roll, I earn hard-earned money, we are not the same."

"Yes, you are the same as Jane Su Mei, but different from me and Lu Zhao. Ah, you say how you are so predestined. I say brother Li, why do you pull us to have supper at night? I dare to wait for Jane Su Mei. "

Li Rui glared at Ma Donglai's mouth. However, Ma Donglai was not afraid of it. He knew it was a joke.

"Donglai, brother Li is not like you. Brother Li is concerned about Jane Su Mei. If he was troubled by the last incident, don't misunderstand him. "

Lu Zhao's speech was much more interesting. He gave Li Rui a hand from the spiritual level.

But in fact, both of them are helping Li Rui to say good things. They just sing "white face" and "red face". It sounds different, but it's actually the same.

Li Rui couldn't hear it and immediately stopped: "OK, OK, what are you talking about. Just eat. Don't talk. Su Mei, you don't mind. "

"No, I don't mind." Jian Su Mei nodded and drank the watermelon juice slowly.

Ma Donglai and Lu Zhao really stop talking and eat. Li Rui talks with Jian Su Mei about her study. Li Rui's math is not bad. Basically, he took part in the post Olympiad math class in high school and won a prize.

It can be seen that Jian Sumei's learning foundation is also good, but there is still a long way to go from the top.

When it comes to learning, Jane Su Mei is very interested.

"Brother Li, what's your tactics, tactics and specific methods?"

Before she knew it, Chien Su Mei also called brother Li.

"Tiaohai tactics is only a widely adopted method. If we achieve it on this basis, we should start to expand our weaknesses. There are not many people who sincerely implement this point. Many of them are superficial. Now I can't teach you which papers to do in detail. In this way, the only advice I can give you is to do more than the questions, but in fact, it's the most critical point. It comes down to execution. "

Li Rui points his fingers on the table. His eyes are no longer focused on Jian Su Mei. Ma Donglai and Lu Zhao are serious.

"Execution is the key to doing everything and overcoming all difficulties. Most of us, if the executive ability is a standard of 10, then the average person is only 5. Don't look down on this 5. If you can do this, it's no problem to be well-off.

If you can do 6, that is to say, you will do it better than most people, so it is very easy for you to be rich. For example, those who write online novels, he can write two shifts a day, but he keeps three shifts a day, so he has more advantages. "

Li Rui knows that Ma Donglai also likes to read online novels, but Ma Donglai is a reader. Li Rui is now explaining this concept from the perspective of an analyst.

Ma Donglai is really more energetic.

Li Rui went on to say: "execution to 7 is equivalent to getting up before dawn every morning to do what you want to do, that is to say, we get up earlier than chicken. And can put in most of the heart to do that thing, maintain a high degree of enthusiasm. You can go to see the outstanding entrepreneurs of our time. Most of them have the perseverance and execution. At least in the early days. "

Lu Zhao nodded: "my father started a business when he was young. At that time, I was just sensible. I saw that he was really tired every day, but he always kept a smiling face on his face."

Li Rui nodded: "eight points or more, that is a life we can hardly experience. I mean, Donglai's current state may be 4, Luzhao's may be 6, Sumei's may be 6, but it's not enough to achieve your goal. "

Ma Donglai, Lu Zhao, and Jian Sumei ponder deeply.

Li Rui's words touched them a lot. The previously vague concepts have now been explained clearly, and many current situations have been made clear in his mind, so there is pressure.

Li Rui said: "I hope you understand that it is not so difficult to improve one point. In the process of improving this one point, you will feel that you are becoming more and more excellent, and it is worth the sweat. "

All three were silent.

After a while, Lu Zhao asked Li Rui, "brother Li, who are you?"

Li Rui thought, "about 7."

On the issue of the underground wechat group, he went all out to carry out it and firmly remembered two words.

Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.

Opportunities don't come all the time. Only those that can be grasped are opportunities.