"Hmph, your bones are quite hard, I just don't know how you'll cry in the future."

Seeing that Lee Rui and the rest were all tough, the class monitor could not help but sneer. It could be said that the friendship between the students this time was practically nil.

Wherever there were people, there would be rivers and lakes. Wherever there were people, there would be comparisons. Only through comparison could one determine which was the better one and which was the shorter one. Some people get progress from it, others get vanity from it.

The squad leader did not get vanity, so he was naturally disgusted with them.

The person that the class monitor hated the most was Lee Rui. No matter if it was Wang Ke or Ke Shanyong, they had all been deceived by Lee Rui.

Sadly, the class rep was not able to kill Lee Rui.

After seven o'clock, the students arrived one after another. Some girls from other classes and their own classes who were good at stirring up emotions were already wiping away their tears.

"I remember you giving me a bottle of perfume. It's the most fragrant perfume I've ever smelled …"

"I won't blame you for stealing my boyfriend. In any case, you're still a trash …"

"We will never separate." The two of them embraced each other. They were in different classes, but their friendship was not ordinary.

As the music flowed around the table, the dean and some of the school leaders began to speak. Some were encouraging, while others were looking forward to it. To them, this year's batch of students had left, and next year would be the next batch of students. There wasn't much of a difference between a meal and a meal.

However, to the students, it was like they were splitting up.

"Next, I invite the student representative to take the stage to make a statement."

The host loudly announced from the stage. A few male students in suits went up to the stage. Lee Rui was ranked second, different from the other students who were carrying their written scripts. Lee Rui was holding nothing in his hands, intending to make an impromptu performance.

"On a beautiful summer's day, let's part ways at this season …"

Class 3's class rep's speech, full of lyrical tone, drew a wave of laughter the moment he opened his mouth. F * ck, he's too childish.

"Today, we will part ways …"

The moment the class monitor of Class 4 opened his mouth, quite a few people thought he was making a heartbroken speech.

The few school leaders below the stage were somewhat disgraced. The dean said privately, "Why do I feel like all of them are like children? They're so immature. If we go out, how are we supposed to survive?"

The counselor was embarrassed and, to be honest, blamed it on not having examined their statements beforehand. He was really too childish. What the hell was he talking about? Wasn't he trying to change his appearance to make himself look better?

Fortunately, Lee Rui was the next to speak. The counselor looked at Lee Rui with a gaze filled with hope, and hurriedly said to the academy leader. "This time, he should be more experienced.

"Which Lee Rui? was it that Lee Rui who was punished last time … "

"That's right, that's right. This Lee Rui is also my student." The counselor was all smiles.

But very quickly, the counselor's smile froze, because he saw that Lee Rui had actually gone up on stage empty-handed. The counselor couldn't help making a gesture of holding her forehead with one hand, indicating that she wanted to cry but had no tears!

These students really had no time to worry.

Under the light, Lee Rui's face was very white. He was tall and slender, with elegant bangs.

At this moment, many of the female students, who had not noticed this male student before, widened their eyes.

It was as if they had just discovered that there was actually such a handsome boy in the academy. It was just that he had always been very quiet, not liking to stand in front of the stage and be known by others. Now that he stood on the stage, all of the glory had been snatched away by him.

"So handsome." Quite a few female students became infatuated.

Lee Rui was silent for a moment, then said: "The new and the old will change, and time will pass. Today was a happy farewell and a grand journey to start a new journey. "Students, let's toast to the past tonight, and never look back …

On the stage, Lee Rui's voice sounded warm and pure, "You have done great deeds and achieved good deeds, and have lived a peaceful life. In the future, I hope that you will understand power, borrow power, build up power, and build up power. To win boldly, to attack, to solve, to overcome. "Perseverance in thinking, plotting, conducting, and accomplishing."

"..." After experiencing thousands of sails, I hope that what you have left behind is not vicissitudes, but the heart, because you do not forget the heart, but always. "

The eyes of many of the students in the audience turned red.

He didn't forget his initial intention, but he would always have to be true to his words.

There were so many lovers here who were looking forward to this sentence.

When Lee Rui finished his speech, the sound of clapping and applause unceasingly rang out. Even the Lian Courtyard Leader stood up and applauded.

In their eyes, the counselor saw relief.

This year's students were still okay.

There was still maturity.

The counselor gave Lee Rui a big thumbs up, "Lee Rui, good job!"

Lee Rui, who had returned to his seat and snatched away the gaze of everyone present, did not seem to be very excited at this moment. It was like completing the smallest of tasks.

Only after returning to Wang Ke's side did she ask with a smile: "I didn't disappoint you, did I?"

Wang Ke nodded her head heavily, "That's great!"

"Isn't it the best in the field?"

"That's a must!"

Lee Rui laughed, and laughed brilliantly.


The night gradually turned darker, and time quietly flowed by. With the clinking of glasses, the transparent liquid was drunk with tears.

"I used to be high-spirited, and I used to be arrogant. After graduation, I realized that my most glorious days are right now. "

Ke Shanyong said with emotion. It was rare to see him this depressed.

Lee Rui raised his wine cup and shouted towards his roommates: "You have been good brothers your whole life, come, drink!"

"I want to drink too!" Unwilling to lag behind, Wang Ke also raised her wine cup.

"Come, cheers!" Lao Bao bellowed, his voice hoarse.


More and more people got drunk. By nine-thirty, more than half of the students on the field had already fallen. For the remaining half, it was either due to the amazing alcohol capacity or the fact that the girls didn't drink.

Even men who couldn't drink anymore also wanted to get drunk on this day.

Lee Rui was also drunk, drunk to the point where he was hazy. He, who was the best speaker in the audience, clinked glasses with many female classmates, followed by his good friends and brothers who raised their glasses and drank to their heart's content. No matter how good his alcohol tolerance was, he would still get drunk.

Most importantly, Lee Rui wanted to make himself drunk.

Otherwise, with his abilities, he could have just gathered his Qi and forced the alcohol out.

But if Lee Rui didn't want to, he wanted to get drunk as well.

Not only was Ke Shanyong and the others sad, Lee Rui was also very sad and reluctant.

Having been schoolmates for four years, spending time with each other from day to night, how could they not be hurt and not be reluctant to part with each other?

Even after he was drunk to the very end, Lee Rui still didn't know how he left. At first, they knew that someone had helped them out of the hotel. Ke Shanyong was violently puking in front of the flowerbed in front of the hotel.

Lee Rui's eyes darkened. If he could not accept such a scene, he might as well close his eyes. It was unknown who was supporting him, but he could faintly hear someone calling out, "Zhen Zhen Zhen Zhen Zhong, you better be honest with me …"

On the second day, Lee Rui woke up and opened his eyes.

The sun was bright and the sheets were white. His head was still aching from being drunk and moving around, as if he had bumped into a person.

Lee Rui turned to look, and was immediately stunned.

A beautiful woman was sleeping by his side.

[How could there be such a good thing in the world?]

Lee Rui's heart started to stir. He reached out his hand and said, "Wang Ke, Wang Ke, why are you sleeping by my side?"