Liu Hao wanted to curry favor with Lee Rui, but Lee Rui did not put him in his eyes anymore, so he naturally did not allow him to curry favor with him. There was an old saying: a dog cannot stop itself from eating feces. Liu Hao would curry favor with you because of you, so when you fell, everyone would know what would happen to him.

They could not be friends with such people, even if it meant that he would have to deal with things in the future.

However, Lee Rui did not want to go overboard, so he just left him to the side. This made Liu Hao feel extremely uncomfortable.

He had already realized that this high school classmate of his might be an amazing person at the moment, but he did not make any breakthroughs in making friends with him.

It was also a headache.

Suddenly, Liu Hao thought of something, he took out his phone and sent a message to Qian Yuan.

Since ancient times, heroes loved beauties. Maybe they could use Qian Yuan's name to get close to Lee Rui.

Qian Yuan agreed to come over very quickly.

After the first match between Lee Rui and Brother Kong Hua, Lee Rui crushed Brother Kong Hua with brute force. In the past, Brother Kong Hua's level was higher than Lee Rui's, but now that Lee Rui had broken through to the third stage of Qi Gathering, his five senses were different from an ordinary person's.

No matter what he did, Lee Rui always played better than most people.

"Reiko, it seems like you have played quite a lot in university." Brother Kong Hua only said that Lee Rui was a frequent customer and teased him.

Lee Rui thought, I don't have the mood to play with this in university, it's just that I can see it more clearly now, and my grasp of strength is more precise. Seeing the harmony between the two was also something that one had to learn in order to be able to train in Qing Gong. The principles and principles in this world were all the same.

However, on the surface, Lee Rui still nodded and said: "Indeed, I often go out with my roommates to play."

Just as they were chatting, Qian Yuan came over. The weather was not bad today. She wore a white dress, and her long hair fell to her shoulders, revealing half of her calves.

As soon as they met, she greeted them, "Hey, we meet again. You two."

Brother Kong Hua did not even want to play billiard anymore and looked at Qian Yuan in a daze.

Surprised, Lee Rui asked her, "It's weird, Liu Hao is not from Jing Yuan Town, nor are you. Why are you all here?"

"Our relatives are here. We are here to visit them. I even came in his car this morning. " Qian Yuan pointed at Liu Hao and revealed a smile, saying, "I heard that you and Kong Hua are here, so I came over."

"Oh, not bad." Lee Rui said indifferently, and ignored him.

This made Qian Yuan a little discouraged, but she quickly calmed herself down and said, "Lee Rui, you're being too unreasonable. I'm coming over here, and you're the host.

Lee Rui originally wanted to say that he was not close with him, why did you come to light with him? However, he still paid attention to his classmates' feelings and said, "What do you want to play with? Tell me."

Qian Yuan said: "The three of us are all outsiders, how could I be clearer than you?"

Unknowingly, Qian Yuan had also pulled Brother Kong Hua into her squad. Lee Rui smiled slightly: "Then I'll bring you guys to the KTV to sing. There's really nothing fun here."

Qian Yuan and Liu Hao were overjoyed.

Lee Rui glanced at Brother Kong Hua, and realized that his thoughts were entirely on Qian Yuan, so he knew that he wouldn't mind this suggestion.

Actually, Brother Kong Hua was a smart person and he might know what kind of person Qian Yuan was. It was just the word love, so it was hard to say clearly. For some people, liking is liking, not changing because of what kind of person she was.

This was something that Lee Rui had experienced before when he first met Bai Xiaohua. The first time he saw Bai Xiaohua, when Lee Rui was on the school grass selection platform, he immediately went straight to the point. "You are this year's school grass? Be my boyfriend. "

In the following period of time, Bai Xiaohua always took the initiative to ask Lee Rui out for a meal and see a movie together. At that time, it was as if he had bumped into an evil spirit. Even though he knew that Bai Xiaohua liked to be conceited, he still wanted to persevere and see, perhaps one day, he would fulfill her request and she would stay by his side.

It was only until reality gave Lee Rui a cruel slap that he woke up the previously ignorant youth.

Seeing Brother Kong Hua like this, Lee Rui suddenly had a plan.

Lee Rui drove Qian Yuan around with Brother Kong Hua. Although Qian Yuan's family was considered good, she couldn't afford to drive a Mercedes-Benz. This was because she had the honor of opening the window, making it seem even more glorious.

But this time, Liu Hao drove his small BMW and followed behind Lee Rui. No one was willing to sit in his car again.

Lee Rui got his driver's license in his first year of university, spending more than 2000 yuan at that time. The KTV wasn't far away, after a few minutes, Lee Rui parked the car in front of the KTV and went inside to open up a private room.

The level of consumption in small areas was not low at all. For example, the price of this KTV box was much higher than elsewhere. This is due to the small local entertainment, forming a monopoly effect. Usually, Lee Rui would not even bother to look at a room 380.

"Wow, as expected of the wealthiest person in our class. He immediately took out a luxurious box." Qian Yuan slowly stood beside Lee Rui. She did not know that people were afraid that she was Lee Rui's girlfriend.

Lee Rui only laughed, and maintained the distance between him and Qian Yuan, and brought them up.

Arriving at the luxurious private room, Qian Yuan took the initiative to order a song, causing Lee Rui to ask the waiter to send him a beer.

It was good to have wine to liven things up, Liu Hao also wished that he could have a good relationship with Lee Rui. Once the wine was served, Liu Hao had to toast Lee Rui's wine. Qian Yuan was singing right there and Lee Rui did not accept his wine, saying, "We should toast the beauties first."

Qian Yuan heard Lee Rui praise her as a beauty, so much that she stopped singing and came over to drink. Sitting close to Lee Rui, Qian Yuan raised her wine cup: "Come, let's toast about our hard-earned classmate!"

"No, no, no. We'll toast you alone." Lee Rui raised his wine cup and raised his head to drink.

Seeing that, Liu Hao and the Brother Kong Hua turned to look at Qian Yuan. As a man, she would always rather drink a woman's wine. Since Qian Yuan was not anyone's woman, she would naturally be able to drink wine with her.

However, Liu Hao had noticed something from it long ago.

Sure enough, after Qian Yuan drank the wine that she respected, Lee Rui pointed at Brother Kong Hua: "It's your turn to toast to the beauties of our class."

Lee Rui called her a beauty left and right, making her extremely happy in her heart. If she could become Lee Rui's girlfriend, then she could lead an upper-class life. This was something that Qian Yuan had always dreamed of.

Qian Yuan did not resist against all of them.

After Brother Kong Hua finished with the toast, it was Liu Hao's turn again. Liu Hao gave Qian Yuan face when he toasted to him.

Three glasses of wine, actually not too bad, the taste of this RIO cocktail is quite good. Taking advantage of their interest, Lee Rui suggested that everyone drink a cup together and everyone responded loudly.

Like this, Qian Yuan drank a total of four cups of wine. However, Qian Yuan wasn't unsuitable for getting drunk at all, as the aftereffects of the cocktail wouldn't evaporate so quickly.

On the other side, Lee Rui told Liu Hao to nod and sing first, and the three of them continued to drink. Lee Rui's opinion was like an imperial decree, so of course Liu Hao would obediently follow it.

On the other hand, Lee Rui pulled Qian Yuan to drink her wine again and again.

While Liu Hao was singing, he would watch the scene from time to time, and had a plan in his mind. He could tell that Lee Rui wanted to get Qian Yuan drunk, but as for what a man wanted to do by getting a woman drunk, there was a saying, that a man has no chance unless a woman is drunk.

"Last time at the reunion, you spoke nicely and said that you had no interest in Qian Yuan. Liu Hao was a little sour in his heart. He was also interested in Qian Yuan, but in the face of benefits, women were nothing to him.

Liu Hao quickly changed his mindset and decided to seize this opportunity. As a result, after singing a song, he followed Lee Rui's thoughts and poured Qian Yuan a large gulp of wine.

Qian Yuan kept feeling that today was the happiest day for her. She wasn't an idiot for what Lee Rui thought of her. Usually, she would not drink beer when her friends told her to, but today, she drank it all on Lee Rui's account.

Two hours later, Qian Yuan was completely drunk. Brother Kong Hua was also drunk. She was drunk on Lee Rui, so Liu Hao only thought that Lee Rui wanted to seal his mouth because he had also coordinated with him a little.

Only Lee Rui was awake, he had the best alcohol tolerance. Liu Hao had always acted as the partner, but he was actually pretty drunk. Now, he burped and laughed: "Should we go get a room? I won't disturb you anymore, help Qian Yuan up the stairs. "

The KTV itself was in the hotel, and above it was the house. Lee Rui said to Liu Hao: "You go down first, I'll come down later to talk to you."

What Liu Hao wanted was this chance, he slapped his thigh, and with every step he took, he wobbled down the stairs.

Lee Rui looked at Qian Yuan and Brother Kong Hua, who were both already drunk, and shook her head. She muttered to herself: "Brother, I can only help you until here."

Lee Rui asked the waiter to prepare a room, he supported Qian Yuan up, and the attendant helped Brother Kong Hua. When they were upstairs, Lee Rui threw Qian Yuan and Brother Kong Hua onto a bed and covered them with their blankets. After he locked the door, he went downstairs.

The best bro, can perform the most perfect support attack.

This time, Lee Rui was helping Brother Kong Hua.

The rest was up to him.