A few days later, Yang Wu found Lee Rui once again. Two days ago, she had contacted Lee Rui many times, but Lee Rui did not pay attention to her.

To be honest, the fact that Yang Wu did not bring anyone along at that time had already chilled Lee Rui's heart. With the power of the Yang Family, she shouldn't have this kind of attitude.

Yang Wu was also well aware that this was the reason why most of her words were filled with apology. But this time, she really couldn't sit still. Her grandfather's injuries were severe, and at any moment, his life could be in danger.

She went to school, went straight to Lee Rui, and asked him to come out to talk.

Yang Wu, this woman, looked very young and beautiful. Many of the students thought that she was the standard-bearer of the National Flag.

Standing under the dormitory building, she had already refused three conversations with boys.

"I was planning to go to your room, but I thought you wouldn't come down." When the two of them met, Yang Wu smiled.

Lee Rui also laughed, "How can you be so condescending?"

"Let's talk as we walk. Also, show me the scenery of your school." Yang Wu pointed to the front.

At the turn of winter and spring, the sun shone brightly. With such rare good weather, if a girl was willing to accompany them for a walk, it would naturally be a great thing.

Lee Rui was in a good mood, so he brought her and casually strolled around the campus.

Yang Wu said: "About the last time, I'm actually here. They are currently in the prison. If you are willing, I can send them to prison at any time. "

"But to me, it doesn't matter anymore." Lee Rui looked at the dazzling sunlight and said indifferently, "If I didn't rely on myself and waited for you guys to save me, I believe that even if I'm not a dead person right now, I would still be severely disabled."

"Qing Er said that you wanted to help me, but I knew that I was too weak to make it in time. So this time, I'm not asking for your help, I'm here to sincerely apologize, that's all. "

Yang Wu said solemnly: "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry, that's not your responsibility." Lee Rui did not stop and continued to walk. He did not even look at Yang Wu.

After that incident, Lee Rui and Yang Wu no longer had any relationship, and because of Yang Wei, Lee Rui did not have much of a good impression of Yang Family.

It's good to be like that.

"My Yang Family is willing to pay ten million, please treat my grandfather." Yang Wu said.

Lee Rui did not express his stance, but asked: "Is money omnipotent?"

"Money isn't everything, but I know that the Fang family will agree to give you 10 million." "If you have my help, you'll definitely be able to get it. Otherwise, the Fang family might as well pay ten million for your head."

"That will depend if they have the guts, that life, or the ability." Lee Rui smiled.

"Even if the Fang family can't deal with you, what about your family?" Yang Wu paused for a moment, then continued, "I've checked, your parents are all normal people, and you're not talking about Chinese Medicine Aristocratic Family, the Fang family might make a move against them."

Lee Rui remained indifferent: "I have my own methods to control the Fang family's life, and I don't dare force them to submit."

Yang Wu was speechless.

She had originally come here with confidence, but now she realized that there was nothing she could do.

"My grandfather treated me like the pearl of his palm, my family favors me the most. Even if he is seriously ill, he would still be concerned about my future. In his eyes, I am not only the most promising person in the family, but also his most precious granddaughter. "

"If it were not for this illness, he would still have more than ten years to live. I was the one who personally lost my last hope. It didn't affect my younger brother, nor was I able to save you in time. "

Yang Wu's eyes flashed with a sense of sorrow, as she stopped in her tracks and said. "Money, power, wealth … I know now that this will not move you. But if... If I marry you, would you be willing to help me save Grandfather? "

Lee Rui stopped and looked at her.

Even for a place as beautiful as the clouds, like Jianghua University, Yang Wu's appearance was still considered outstanding. Her body exuded a heroic aura, a disposition that was completely different from her delicate self.

For people like Yang Wu, who married back to their families, they would definitely be women who did not need the protection of men.

Coincidentally, Lee Rui doesn't have a wife now, not even an official girlfriend.

"With your family background and ability, if I were to marry you back home, you might even ride on my neck and crush me. I feel that this is a very scary question."

Yang Wu flushed red and said stiffly: "I am not as bold as you think I am. You can consider it, or you can try to kill me … "Tame."

Lee Rui was speechless for having come to the point of training.

"Is it really necessary? "You've made up your mind?"

"Yes sir!" Yang Wu answered decisively.

Lee Rui nodded his head: "Alright, I will go to your house to take a look."

Lee Rui returned to his dorm room with a backpack. After that, he sat in Yang Wu's car and headed towards Yang Family.

didn't think that she would have any intimate interactions with such a woman. But since she owed her a favor, Yang Wu was not so easy to repay.

The Fang family would never be willing to pay a large sum of money. Even if he gave it up, the Fang family would still think of other things. It was true that Lee Rui could take the Fang family's life, but that might involve a crime that was against the law, or even an accidental murder.

Lee Rui did not want to take that risk. He wanted to be a pure and innocent good person. Therefore, when he was still not strong enough, he had to borrow some momentum from the Yang Family, and even borrow Yang Wu's momentum.

This was a win-win situation.

The current Yang Family was completely solemn. Old Master Yang had a headache, the doctors were helpless, they could only use pain-relieving needles and anesthetic, the old man was already unconscious.

Old Master Yang had three concubines under his command, the eldest one was from the Second Army and the second one was from the Third Political and Third Yang. However, there was nothing they could do about their father's situation.

"We can't go on like this," Third Bro said with concern. "Aren't we being too selfish?"

"Third Bro, we understand what you're thinking, but we can't give up. Didn't Little Wu say to find a Godly Doctor? There might be a way. " The second brother said solemnly.

"Do you also believe in the martial arts world?" I don't believe it anyway! " "Xiao Wu is messing around, the girl is unreliable, and she's even throwing a tantrum at Wei. She doesn't look like a big sister at all."

The boss said, "Little Wei's character has yet to be properly nurtured. It's difficult to take on such a big task."

Yang Wu was her eldest brother's daughter, Yang Wei was her third brother's son, and her second brother's son was still young.

The second generation of Yang Family had developed very well, but for the third generation, other than Little Wu, they could not even compare to the children of the other families.

To this extent, the clan's legacy is an extremely important matter. No one had discussed such matters much before, but the lordmaster was so ill that they had no choice but to consider such matters.

The founding generation, the second generation, the third generation.

If the third generation were to have an eye-catching performance, then they would have the qualifications to control Yang Family.