If in the past, I'm afraid it's not a good face, but now, she carefully think about some things in the world, in fact, it's very interesting.

Such a delay, that green ointment directly applied to the face of Yun Jinxiu.

That smell is not really good smell, painted on the wound, there is also a kind of crisp pain.

The pain is not strong, but yunjinxiu is really afraid of destroying the wound again.

The humanist: "as long as half an hour, your face can recover perfectly, come on, let's eat something first!"

The man clapped his hands, and then a huge flat car was slowly pushed out, full of all kinds of delicious food.

Yun Jinxiu:.... " This is called a little bit?

"Sleeping trough! I like this one Pig nine went straight in.

"Where's the wild boar?" they said

"How ugly the boar is

"Grab it

Pig nine wolfed down, while eating and swearing: "lying trough! Isn't Laozi's appearance just in line with your aesthetic taste

People just want to poke their eyes, this pig is insulting their aesthetic!

Cloud brocade see chaos, this just a spin body, mysterious footwork easily avoid people, this just did not disturb people, go forward.

As she walked through a well, Yunjin Xiufang stopped and took some clear water to clean up the green things on her face. Originally, she wanted to apply some ointment from the basin, but when she saw the water, she was stunned.

Originally some ferocious wounds, at the moment, they all fade away. If you don't look carefully through the water, you can't even see it!

The scar on the face, Yun Jinxiu used many kinds of ointment before, but it recovered very slowly all the time. Now it's better than half of it.

Yun Jinxiu took out the mirror, and sure enough, the scars on her face were completely smoothed, but there were still uneven marks left.

If she really waited half an hour to clean it up, it might be true that, as the man said, the scar could be completely repaired.

Cloud brocade mind move, to pass the idea of the basin in the past, let it will that person's ointment to steal.

Although it's not authentic, she really doesn't have much time to collect this herb or study its ingredients.

Cloud brocade takes on the hat on the robe, this just went out, purchases the material which needs.

Three hours later, yunjinxiu returned to the silver leaf warship.

Tianze and the earth flame have come back, see her not from Qi Qi Yi Leng: "rich brocade, your face wants to restore."

Yun Jinxiu smiles and nods her head. As soon as she gets on the warship, she hears a roaring voice: "catch that pig!"

"Damn black pig, eat up our food!"

"This pig!"

Yun Jinxiu looks back and sees that the pig pots are running wildly, and behind them, there are countless huge fat people, huge landing sound, and the ground is buzzing.

"Sleeping trough! It's sailing Pig nine Ao a cry, pig tongue was blown to the back jaw by the wind.

"This stupid pig." The ground flame jumped down from the side of the ship, raised his hand, turned the ship, and the warship immediately rose into the air.

"Don't let them run away!"

The crowd roared with anger.

The pig pot added enough speed, in the silver leaf warship rushed out of the moment, rushed on the board.

Silver leaf warship fluttered away in a blink of an eye. Pig nine yelled at the ground: "goodbye, grandchildren. Remember to miss your pig grandfather!"

All of them said, "well you've got such a nerve!

"Goddess, I'll get you the ointment you want!" The basin opened its mouth excitedly.

Yunjinxiu is funny. It's not suitable to use it on them.

She still took the ointment, and then took out some of it and smeared it on her face. Although the smell was bad, the effect was gratifying.

"Sleeping trough! Yunjinxiu, you have to thank Laozi. If it wasn't for Laozi, you would have stayed to be the Huakui! "

Cloud brocade see it obviously fat two circles of the body, micro some fear.

Keeping a light body is very beneficial to combat. A fat man, in terms of strength, is difficult to compare with a person who is symmetrical and diligent in fitness.

The food in this place is really weird. It's just like this ointment. It's amazing.

"Thank you very much. Here you are." Cloud brocade brocade says, carry out a big bag to eat.

"You want to support me to death!" cried the pig

Seeing the smile between the eyes and eyebrows of Yunjin embroidery, Tianze also slightly raised the lower lip corner, and then opened his mouth: "how about the realization, we may try today."

"Little effect has been achieved." Speaking of folding heaven and earth, cloud brocade and color.

"Big brother, I didn't remember the formula!" Ground flame a face collapse.

Tianze said: "understand how much is how much, first try it."

The earlier they learn to fold the universe, the longer their time will be compressed. Otherwise, the long journey will not come to an end.Yun Jinxiu agreed: "folding heaven and earth requires the three of us to cast the array at the same time. Practice is conducive to our memory."

As soon as she raised her hand, an array model appeared in the palm of her hand: "this is what I have learned. I don't know whether it is accurate or not."

Tianze also overlaps the array seal of its enlightenment and cloud brocade.

The array of prints is crisscross and complicated, and when stacked together, it is obviously complete.

The ground flame only realized a few lines, but still stacked with them, and the formation barely took shape.

Tianze adjusted the array seal, and then said, "it has the effect of piercing the air. Try it."

After saying that, three people at the same time, and then a very strong force, from the body of the three people gush out.

With the front in the mid air convergence, yunjinxiu only felt the speed of the passing of the strength in the body, like a hole in the body.

No wonder Tianze wants to replenish the supply. The consumption of this power is terrible.

However, one front, cloud brocade feel that the body has been consumed more than half of the strength, the second line of convergence, yunjinxiu feel that the body is hollowed out in general.

Yun Jinxiu's mind moved, and the egg spirit rushed out, and then the extremely strong pith poured into the three people's bodies at the same time.

"Sleeping trough! what the fuck! Egg Ling Ya's won't swallow pith stone mine? There is such a huge reserve of pith Pig nine saliva four splashes wants to pounce to the egg spirit, by the basin and the nightmare simultaneously pulls pulls.

This stupid pig is greedy for money and lust. It's true that he doesn't divide the time!

With the influx of that violent force, yunjinxiu quickly weaves out the third front. With the appearance of the front, the surrounding void begins to twist.

Folding heaven and earth is an upgraded version of folding space.

Folding space is a big deal, which can greatly shorten the distance between two points. Folding heaven and earth is likely to fold countless element mirrors at the same time, or space and time are distorted, which can turn the infinite distance into a finite one, or transform the finite into two points of short distance.

However, when the cloud brocade weaves the last front, including the egg spirit, all the power is consumed at the same time.

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