On the dark sky, the thick black fog surged like an ink sea, blocking out the sky and the sun. The cold and terrible breath seemed to flow out of the Jiuyou underground mansion, making the space seem frozen.

This is a force belonging to the field of God. Even if it has just poured into the relic space, only the breath is emitted, which makes Ye Hao and ye Nantian feel an extremely strong crisis of life and death.

However, when a few people were in despair and horror, the decaying head in the void suddenly glowed and rose with hazy blood brilliance. A mysterious and mysterious terrible breath rose from it. In particular, its weed like hair floated in the wind and stirred up a chain of order, rising into the sky like a dragon, Directly into the overwhelming wave of black fog.


For a moment, the heaven and earth roared and shook, and the sound explosion startled the sky. I saw that the chain of order was in the air, like an angry dragon crossing the river, which made the wave of black fog blocking the sky and the sun suddenly stagnate, and then it turned violent.


"How is that possible?!"

"That head... How could it have such terrible power?"


This incredible scene made Ye Nantian's eyes shrink violently, and his face was full of shock and shock. He couldn't believe what he saw.

You know, it's just a human head after all. Even if it belongs to the first supreme in the last years of ancient times, it has been dead for a long time now, and even most of its blood and flesh have rotted. It's reasonable to say that it has long been a dead object. How can such terrible power erupt.

"Hum, it's just a decadent body. How dare you be fierce in front of me?"

In the depths of nothingness, the shadow creatures hummed coldly, and countless stars exploded in their cold and huge eyes, showing an extremely terrible vision. At the same time, in the depths of nothingness, they poked out a palm, pinched and pinched the seal, and finally pointed out a finger.


At that time, a terrible fingerprint fell like a star and crashed into the churning black fog, smashing all the Tao runes like Tianlong, which was very terrible.

Obviously, the shadow creature shot without reservation in order to erase the strange head in the void.


With the collapse of the order chain, the overwhelming black fog rolled down again, and the smell became more and more terrible. In a short moment, it shrouded most of the rotten head.

In an instant, the cold and viscous black fog seemed to be completely alive, and many evil and terrible creatures developed. They rushed to the head like wild animals, frantically grasping, tearing and biting, like an innocent soul climbing out of the 18th floor of hell, to completely wipe out the head and pull it into the Dungeon together.

This scene was really scary, which made Ye Hao and ye Nantian below creepy. At the same time, there was also a strong uneasiness in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, the water of this ancient relic is so deep that it directly involves the creatures who have stepped into the field of God."

"This time, I'm afraid we'll all plant here."

"Look, the head... His eyes... Are they open?!"


Just as ye Nantian and Qin Xiansheng sighed bitterly, Pei lingxu suddenly stared at the void with an extremely frightened look, which made Ye Nantian and Qin Xiansheng suddenly look up and see the rotten and strange head. Under the erosion of endless black fog, the originally closed eyes seemed to open a gap and emit cold and frightening blood, It's like coming back to life.

It's really scary. You know, the ancient emperor xuanhuang was a figure at the end of ancient times. It has been millions of years since now. For such a long time, even a real saint can only survive by cutting himself. Even if the ancient emperor xuanhuang was stronger, he was only in the supreme field.

Not to mention that the ancient emperor xuanhuang had already fallen, and now only half of his decaying head is left, but now there are such strange changes, which made Ye Nantian feel shocked and shocked, and even his body filled with bursts of cold.

"Hum! It's really haunting. Has the remnant corpse been psychic after falling for endless years?"

In the depths of nothingness, the shadow creature hummed coldly, the cold and terrible eyes twinkled, and stared at the rotten and strange head. "Even if the corpse is psychic, but dying, I want to erase you. Even if you reappear the peak, it won't help."


In the cold cry, the shadow creatures shot again and kept pinching with both hands, which made the surging black fog more intense, and the cold smell between heaven and earth became more and more terrible. Especially in the black fog, endless terrible creatures continued to condense and rush to the strange head like wild animals.

But what the shadow creatures, Ye Hao and ye Nantian didn't know was that when the rotten head and eyes opened a gap just now, there suddenly appeared an earth shaking roar and shock in the ruins of the medicine emperor sect in the southern region. In the deepest part of the ruins, the right hand of God, who once killed the Supreme God outside the region and spread like a mountain, seemed to be summoned at the moment, Unexpectedly, he took off on his own, with an extremely terrible breath, directly tore the space and disappeared into the depths of nothingness.

Not only that, Donghuang, a secret Jedi where no one has ever walked out alive, a left hand with the same terrible breath broke through the void from the depths of the earth and tore the void.

Southern Region

Far north


At this moment, earth shaking roars appeared in the five regions, or the famous Jedi, or unknown relics. Some seemed to be sealed here. At the moment, they all seemed to be summoned to break through the void and galloped towards Zhongzhou at an unimaginable speed.

When these broken limbs were broken into the air, the supreme masters and even saints of the five regions, all of whom were trapped in their ancestral lands, suddenly opened their eyes in the sitting room, and there was a deep shock and shock in their eyes.

"This breath..."

"What power is this?!"

"What's going on!"



"Hehe, after all, it's just some residual limbs. Even if there's some instinct left, what waves can it turn over?"

In the ancient ruins, in the void space, the shadow creatures sneered and whispered, and their voices were full of ridicule and pondering, "don't say it's your current state, even when you were in full bloom, you were still like a local chicken and tile dog in front of me..."

Whew, whew, whew!

However, just as its voice fell and the nothingness was deeper, several sharp and harsh broken winds suddenly came, like meteors breaking the air, and filled with bursts of terrible and terrible breath, which made the shadow creatures suddenly change their faces after being slightly stunned.

"What is this?!!"