Chapter 1348: The wife wants to be a widow every day (33)

"Yan Jun, you don't need me anymore."

When Fu Yue said these words, it was tantamount to inserting a knife in Yan Jun's heart.

"So, let me go."

"I want to go home..."

The last sentence was almost whispered, but Yan Jun still heard clearly.

She wanted to go home and defeated his pretending indifference across the board.

So, she has never regarded this as her home... Is she?

Yan Jun closed his eyes uncontrollably, his thick eyelashes trembling constantly, and his fingers hanging beside him gradually tightened.

"Chu Yunke, this is your home."

Fu Yue looked at him back.

"Not here."

"My home is in Nanchu."

Yan Jun stood up, he was very tall, and standing up made people feel very oppressive. He walked out a little embarrassedly, as if to escape, "Don't mention this matter, I will definitely not agree. "

Yan Jun did not leave.

Because Fu Yue took his hand, Yan Jun's body trembled. Although his footsteps stopped, he still did not turn his head.

"Yan Jun, you are killing me by leaving me in this deep palace."

Fu Yue's voice was calm, she was just telling a fact.

Yan Jun turned his head and stared at her, his eyes were dark and bottomless, "You are threatening me."

He suddenly smiled again.

"Chu Yunke, even if you die, you can only stay by my side."

His voice is gentle and remote, so it sounds like an illness.

Fu Yue said slowly: "If your majesty can only choose one between the world and me, who will your majesty choose?"

She suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

Yan Jun was taken aback: "What?"

Fu Yue: "I mean, if your majesty can give up the world for me, then I will stay with your majesty forever."

Yan Jun frowned two long eyebrows.

"There is no conflict between Tianxia and you."

Fu Yue's smile gradually faded a bit, and her tone gradually calmed down, "Look, your Majesty won't be willing."

Yan Jun did not understand Fu Yue's thoughts. He was really puzzled, "Why? I can guarantee that I will only love you in my life. I want the world, and this does not affect my feelings for you."

Fu Yue looked away: "Because my love, in my heart, there can only be me."

"Yan Jun, I can see that you have always been obsessed with seeking the world. There is no doubt that in your eyes, the world is the most important thing."

Yan Jun still didn't understand.

He didn't understand what Fu Yue was struggling with.

How did he know that all this was just an excuse Fu Yue made to leave him.

"Yan Jun, let's get together and leave."

The handsome emperor's face was gloomy, his lips were red, and he was pressed tightly at this time, "Impossible."

The essence is still an arbitrary person.

Yan Jun walked away, he even made a decree to put Fu Yue under house arrest. For several days in a row, Fu Yue never saw him again. She knew that it was Yan Jun deliberately avoiding her and avoiding this matter.

Fu Yue was also extremely helpless.

I didn't expect to make this thing so bad.

Yan Jun will not let go.

She can only be trapped in this small palace and can't do anything.

Looking at the moonlight outside the window, light but cold, Fu Yue gradually lowered her eyes, and her expression was a little low.

Perhaps, she really can only get this far with Yan Jun.

Helplessly smiled bitterly.


Perhaps only in this way, he will give up.