Chapter 1022: Goodbye, the marshal, I'm going to climb the wall tonight (12)

Upside down overnight.

The dream was so real that she was still dizzy when she woke up.

Fu Yue clutched his head.

She rubbed her waist unconsciously, her waist was a little sore, and it seemed to be an illusion.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the neat bed, there was no strange mark on his body, and Fu Yue was silent for a while.

It's really a dream.

Still a very realistic dream.

The tip of his nose seemed to still be lingering about the nice cold fragrance of that person.

Recalling the heavy dreams, Fu Yue could not help but blush, and her fingers entangled her hair unconsciously.

...How could you have such a dream?

How greedy is she?

There was a knock on the door outside, accompanied by the gentle and gentle voice of the man.


Suddenly hearing this voice, Fu Yue shook her hand and almost pulled off a few strands of her hair.

"come in."

While she was talking, she had recovered her calm look, walked to the table and poured a cup of tea, sipped it in her hand, suppressing surprise.

The expression is steady like an old dog.

A lot of panic in my heart.

Sheng Yun pushed open the door of the room, looked at Fu Yue with those pretty dark eyes, and asked casually: "Did the girl sleep well last night?"

"Puff--cough cough..."

Fu Yue choked on her throat with a sip of tea, and suddenly coughed.

Sheng Yun was taken aback, as if she hadn't reacted to a word she said casually, she actually reacted so strongly.

"Are you OK?"

His tone was somewhat concerned, and he walked to Fu Yue and patted her on the back naturally.

Fu Yue coughed even harder.

Facing the man's dark eyes, worries faintly flashed inside.

If it wasn't for this person's expression to be too serious, she would have thought that he was deliberate.

She waved her hand, and followed the breath in her chest, "It's okay."

Sheng Yun smiled faintly, his thick long eyelashes drooping, covering the narrowness of his eyes.

But for a moment.

He resumed his usual uprightness, a gentleman.

Sheng Yun took out a purse and handed it to Fu Yue, saying, "The girl has no money, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to go home. A little bit of respect is not a respect."

Do not wait for Fu Yue to refuse.

He had already held her hand and stuffed the purse into hers, his dark eyes were smiling, and he stared at her without blinking.

"Thank you Mr. Sheng."

Looking at this person, Fu Yue couldn't help feeling a little melancholy.

A little bit reluctant.

She is here to do the task, and now the task has not been completed. According to the strong driving force of the plot, Bo Sijin may still pester her...

Fu Yue glanced at Sheng Yun.

This Mr. Sheng looked like a weak scholar, a jade-like person, gentle and deserted like a water, she did not want to disturb him in these things.

He is too clean to be contaminated with these mundane things.

Facing the difference.

Sheng Yun stopped her, and Fu Yue's footsteps responded.

"Can the girl give her name?"

he asks.

Seeing Fu Yue turned her head and looked at him in astonishment, she was a little startled in her eyes.

Sheng Yun smiled softly again: "It doesn't matter if you don't want it, I... just ask casually."

Fu Yue was surprised that she had forgotten to tell this person's name. She smiled lightly, "What can't you tell..."

"My name is Wenliang."

"Gentle and warm, cool and thin."

The woman turned her eyes back against the light and smiled, extremely beautiful, just like what he had in mind.

She is to him.

It is not a reunion, nor is it repeating the same mistakes.

It's the second heartbeat after many years, just like first time.