Cyrel quickly arranged for someone to prepare the carriage, and Fu Yue got into the carriage while holding an umbrella and wearing a black cloak.

The coachman drove away quickly.

It's still raining outside.

The cloudy sky is like the robes of an evil witch, hiding dirt and grime. Some conspiracy is brewing, or something bad is about to happen.

A well-dressed and beautiful robot stood at the door.

There was obviously a perfect smile like a mask on his face, but for no reason, a coolness was rising from behind.

"Last night, who was it that belittled the master..."

"Whoever it is, he deserves to die."

"And that woman from Jessica dared to find someone to offend her master. Damn it."

Cyrel turned his head.

He put on the clean and elegant white gloves again, his movements were as good as the ruler, and every move was extremely standard.

A mark appeared on the palm of his hand.

The complicated and ancient lines appeared, and the white light gradually faded, then turned into a blood-red color, and finally turned into night-like black.


This is a spell about curses. Its power and backlash are too great, so it is classified as a forbidden spell, and it is forbidden for magicians to learn on this continent.

Cyrel smiled.

Since she has done something wrong, Jessica and her entire family should pay the price for her willfulness, and it will be difficult to get rid of the **** of bad luck.

As for Jessica herself...

Oh, she might die miserably. As for how to be miserable, Ciller said he didn't know it himself.

Celer is a robot.

The robot has no compassion.

In his world, there is only the master.

His existence is only for the master.

Throughout life, unswervingly until death.

After Fu Yue arrived at the college.

Passing through the gate, you can see the high spire of the White Tower at a glance. If it is a sunny day, there will be white pigeons flying around, occasionally stopping on the front lawn.

The beauty is like a picture scroll.

The college as a whole exudes a heavy and majestic aura, which makes people can't help but be in awe of this atmosphere.

Fu Yue had just arrived in her classroom, and after she was seated, the surrounding students looked away from her after taking a look at her, and didn't mean to talk to her at all.

The original body is extremely beautiful, after all, she inherited the peaceful beauty of her mother, this skin is very attractive.

But because of this black hair, it is enough to discourage the boys who have a love for the original in the academy, for fear of getting bad luck.

As for the girl, it may be due to the innate hostility between the same sex, coupled with the original origin, no one wants to befriend her.

Cloya has always been alone.

I haven't made good friends, but there are a few enemies. One of them is Jessica, the second lady of the cabinet minister.

No, when Fu Yue just came to the classroom, Jessica couldn't help but sneer.

The arrogant and beautiful blonde girl has a very obvious white appearance with delicate red lips, but it is a pity that her eyes are like poisonous snakes, swallowing scarlet snake letters.

"Oh, my God. Cloya, you stupid stupid actually put on a black cloak, do you want to bring bad luck to everyone? God, goddess is here, the duke will actually give birth to you such a vicious-hearted stupid , It's sad--"

As soon as the legendary Jessica appeared.

Fu Yue just couldn't control his eager hands.

She wants to slap her ears.