Chapter 556

Name:Warhammer Wizard Author:Emperor
It is a fair proposal for the Supreme Council to host Nether Floating City.

Of course, Master Tim Kenan still had a bit of selfishness. He asked the imperial consul to supervise the Nether elders, which actually left a loophole for himself to intervene in Nether in the future.

The current consul, Gnaeus Chikro, is the one pushed by the balance faction.

The consul's term is ten years, and he cannot serve more than four consecutive terms at most. Gnaeus is already in his third term.

Among the several candidates that year, Gnaeus was not the most vocal, not even ranked in the top three. He was just a running companion at the beginning. The reason why he was able to take office was because the Nesser faction and the Modu faction fought fiercely for the throne of the consul, and they were unwilling to compromise and approve the other party's candidate, resulting in a stalemate.

Tim Kennan took advantage of this to push Gnaeus, to the grudging acceptance of both factions.

Gnaeus ascended to the sky in one step and became the forty-fourth imperial consul.

The entire empire originally thought that Gnaeus was just a transitional person, and at most one term would have to be changed again. However, after he took office, he showed outstanding wisdom and skills, and sat firmly on the throne of consul within a few months. Although he did not have any outstanding achievements since then, he managed the empire in a stable manner, with steady progress in all aspects.

After several years of governance, Gnaeus has gained a good reputation among nobles and commoners, and has won the support of the people.

Even the holy soul wizards of the Nether faction and the Modu faction also recognized the consul.

As a result, Gnaeus was re-elected twice. If there is no accident, he will become a relatively rare consul in the history of the empire who can serve four terms.

Although Gnaeus was promoted by the Balance faction, he did not obviously obey the Balance faction or Master Tim Kennan. He has remained fair and strict and deeply trusted for many years.

Despite Tim Kennan's selfishness, it doesn't affect the justice of the proposal.

Everyone can trust Gnaeus to oversee the Nether elders.

Therefore, the proposal was immediately approved.

"I agree."

"I agree……"

The other two holy soul wizards of the balance faction, Master Oroin and Master Huo Huai, raised their hands in agreement. They voted for Duke Redstone before, because they had no choice but to betray Tim Kennan, and still regarded themselves as members of the Balance faction.

Add Master Tim Kennan himself, and you have three votes.

"I agree."

Anse Wodos also raised his hand, and the Queen of Storms, Prophet Medivh, and Dean Sabra followed suit, all agreeing to the proposal.

The Duke of Silver Star was still immersed in the disappointment of losing the Floating Void City. Facing the expectations of the Modu faction, she said in a deep voice, "I abstain."

She is expressing her dissatisfaction with abstention.

Anse Wodos frowned. Although the Silver Star Duke's abstention did not affect the result, it was a dangerous signal. If the Duke of Silver Star could not be appeased and her anger towards Renn resolved, the Modus would probably lose her vote forever.

If the Silver Star Duke turns to the Nether faction, from five against four to four against five, it will be tricky.

He looked at the Duke of Redstone, and sure enough, this psychic who was extremely sensitive to changes in people's hearts had a thoughtful expression on his face.

The Duke of Redstone withdrew his gaze and communicated with his three allies.

"I object."

"I object……"

The four holy soul wizards of the Nesser faction all voted against it.

Seven votes in favour, four against, with one abstention. Tim Kennan immediately announced loudly that his proposal was passed and became a formal resolution.

He was very pleased, this is revenge for the previous vote.

However, the expression of the Duke of Redstone was unexpectedly indifferent, as if he had accepted the reality that his decades-long plan had failed. He hid all his thoughts, as if he just missed an unimportant thing.

This made Tim *Kennan feel a punch on the cotton, but a little uncomfortable.

Ren watched coldly.

To his surprise, Duke Redstone's mood had indeed stabilized, not much different from the surface, and he didn't seem to be frustrated.

This obviously has the effect of "will to truth", even if the emotional ups and downs will not last too long, they will recover soon.

But it also shows that the Duke of Redstone is tenacious and indomitable. No matter how much the loss is, he will not be discouraged and sink. Instead, the more he fights, the more courageous he will be.

This is a man who does great things, but is also the most dangerous enemy.

Ren was extremely vigilant.

He saw the other three members of the Nether faction, the Great Sage Congerald, the Duke of Black Robe, and the Duke of Purple Flame, all nodded slightly, expressing their appreciation for Duke Redstone's quick recovery of calm, and also recognized him as the leader of the Nether faction. new leader.

"Now discuss the second matter." The Duke of Redstone said softly: "Everyone, shall we announce the truth about the fall of Master Ogulev to the people of the empire?"

His expression was very natural, as if he was already the spokesperson of the Nether faction.

The right to speak is a status symbol.

The Duke of Redstone had the right to speak for the Nether faction, and none of the other three opposed it. Anse Wodos and Tim Kenan did not question it, and they implicitly recognized the status of Duke Redstone as the new giant.

If the Duke of Redstone succeeds in controlling Nether Floating Void City, he will naturally become the leader of the Nether faction, and with the support of the Nether faction holy soul wizards in the Supreme Council, he will easily overwhelm the other two giants. Leap to become the veritable supreme ruler of the empire.

From this we can see the importance of Nether Floating City, and the gap between having Nether Floating City is like a world of difference.

Fortunately he failed!

Anse Woldas, Tim Kenan, and many holy soul wizards are secretly rejoicing, otherwise, the empire would be the empire of the Duke of Redstone.

Everyone is unwilling to have someone stronger on their head.

One is enough for Master Ogulev, no one wants to see the second one.

The minds of the holy soul wizards were a little bit off. For a while, no one responded to the words of the Duke of Redstone. He was a little embarrassed, and he also guessed what everyone was thinking. This hurt his heart, and a burst of anger surged up , I almost couldn't suppress it again.

A mechanical voice sounded, saving the silence: "Kelstone, and everyone, I have a few words to say."

The voice is Congerald the great sage.

"Your Majesty the Great Sage, please tell me." Duke Hongshi was very respectful.

People's attention is also drawn to the past.

Congerald said slowly: "Ogulev's depravity, this is something that no one expected, even I have been with him for more than two thousand years, and I have not noticed his abnormality, so I have a responsibility."

There was no expression on his slashed face, but his eyes were full of self-blame.

"Great Sage, this has nothing to do with you."

Anxi Wodas comforted: "No one wants to see Master Ogulev come to this point, but this is his own choice. If you make a choice, you have to bear the consequences." Wezelan is Ogulev The biggest victim of the master's depravity, so he has the biggest say.

"Anxi, I apologize to you on behalf of Ogulev." Congerard said earnestly, "If he hadn't fallen, he would never have attacked Wezelan. He is the witness of the birth of the empire and the guardian of the empire. How could it be possible to kill the people in the empire?"

Anse Wodoss was noncommittal and did not respond immediately.

Congerard went on to say: "You should also know the process of the Lich Transformation Ceremony. The first step is to commit suicide and dedicate your soul to the Lord of the Dead."

"From this step, his soul has been polluted and he has become a fallen person."

"And the fallen are no longer human beings."

"According to the Law of the Trial of the Fallen, everything the fallen person does has nothing to do with the person before the fall. The relationship between the two is cut off, right?"

The holy soul wizards nodded slightly, the imperial law indeed stipulated this.

Human beings are born with the curse of blood and soul. Every minute, someone has a curse attack and becomes a fallen person. They lose their sanity and cause great harm to their family, friends and neighbors. The evil deeds committed by some fallen people are so serious that it is shocking pointing fingers.

If these horrific crimes were committed by normal people, the death penalty would not be enough, and the family members would be implicated and people would cast aside them.

Especially the extraordinary, the more powerful the extraordinary fell, the greater the damage and killing power they caused, and they usually held high positions during their lifetime.

Many famous figures in history have accidentally turned into degenerates and committed heinous crimes. It is a pity that a hero who was admired by thousands of people during his lifetime was cast aside by countless people after his death.

Until the Law of Judgment of the Fallen appeared.

This law is common to the human kingdom, and it stipulates that the crimes of the fallen are not retroactive, and the moment of the fall is the dividing line.

The crimes before the fall must be liquidated, a fair trial will be conducted, and they will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history; the evil deeds after the fall must be eliminated regardless of the severity, and they will die anyway, so there is no need to calculate too clearly to avoid disaster and family.

But the law is the law and the facts are the facts.

Even if the law separates the charges of the fallen from the life, if the crime is too serious, it will still affect the merits of the life, and even the best reputation will be stained.

When it comes to the "Law of the Trial of the Fallen", Ren understands what the great sage thinks.

He wanted to preserve the reputation of Master Ogulevi.

The holy soul wizards all looked at Anxi Wodas, they didn't care much about this matter, only Anxi Wodas was actually injured, and Wezelan suffered heavy casualties.

Therefore, he and Wezeland are the key.

Of course, Anse Wo Daosi also understood, his face hesitated, thinking of the many wizards and tens of thousands of innocent people who died in Wezeland, as well as his own body that was seriously injured in those two years, he said in a deep voice: "He voluntarily became a witch. Demon, the "Law of the Trial of the Fallen" does not apply."

"I know……"

Congerald nodded and pleaded: "Anxi, Ogulev made great contributions to the empire during his lifetime. It can even be said that without him, the empire would not be as brilliant as it is today. The Supreme Council was also his idea in the first place. Can you and everyone have Today's situation is at least partly due to his favor."

"In addition to pursuing the truth of magic in his life, the importance of the empire ranks second."

"Ogulewei is willing to degenerate into a lich, not because he wants to become an evil person, but because he is really desperate and wants to live longer."

"He wants to continue to live, but also to continue to protect the empire."

"It's just that he failed. After all, he couldn't resist the will of the evil god. The current situation is definitely not his original intention."

"I can swear on my personality as a guarantee. Ogulev is not the kind of selfish person. I have known him for more than two thousand years. No one knows Ogulev better than me. He really is not Enemies of the Empire, only temporarily misled."

"Anxi, I beg you to think again."

Congerald spoke faster and faster, very earnestly and sincerely, and at the end even bowed deeply to Anse Woldas, maintaining a salute posture, unwilling to get up.

The holy soul wizards couldn't help but be moved.

"The great sage doesn't have to be like this."

Anxi Wodas was taken aback. The status of the great sage was too high. Now he is the most respected senior in the Supreme Council. He actually put his attitude down so low and begged himself in a way that was almost begging.

He hurried forward to help the great sage up, "I agree."

The great sage even put his own personality on the line. If he refused again, not only would the great sage look embarrassed, but the holy soul wizards would feel that he was deliberately making things difficult and lacking empathy.

"Thank you." Congerald said with gratitude in his eyes, "I thank you on Ogulev's behalf."

Anse Wodas couldn't be happy, and shook his head and let out a sigh.

Ren shook his head inwardly.

Your Excellency the great sage is well versed in the means of moral kidnapping, maybe the intention is good, it is really to preserve the reputation of the old friend, but for the teacher, Wezelan, and those innocent lives who died, this is too inappropriate Fair enough.

But he didn't make a sound to stop him, allowing the great sage to force the teacher to agree.

Ren had a hunch that this matter would never end.

It is even unknown whether Master Ogulev is really dead.

As long as Master Ogulev is still alive, no matter what form it is in, the truth will be revealed to the world one day.

After thanking the great sage Congerald, he warned: "Everyone, I hope that everyone can keep the secret and not leak it to anyone. Even the consul has no right to know the truth. As for the whereabouts of Master Ogulevi, Wait until a period of time before declaring that he is missing."


Ren shook his head secretly. With the status of Master Ogulev, even if he disappeared, it would cause a major earthquake in the empire.

Anxi Wodas asked: "Great Sage, there should be someone who knows more about the depravity than us over the Scourge Legion and the Knot Seal. If they spread the news..."

"Who would believe the nonsense of a group of undead?" The great sage Congerald smiled indifferently, "We just need to deny the news and let the consul come forward to denounce the fake news."

False news!

Why did Ryan feel so familiar? He couldn't help thinking of a sentence: Only things that are officially denied can be trusted.

This made him almost wonder if the great sage is a time traveler?