Chapter 2084 Composition Of The Spatial Fabric

With the unique properties of this Spatial Plane, Lin Mu couldn't help but be greatly interested in it.

The Formation arrays in the Spatial Fabric were extremely spread out, similar to an extremely stretchable muslin cloth that was pulled so much that the fine holes in it were now as big as a large gate!

It was the same as throwing a few grains of sand in a large pond or a lake, but the grains of sand were still connected. There was an extreme level of dilution in it that was very difficult to comprehend. 'It's certainly something that's beyond my level right now.' Lin Mu thought to himself. 'So this is what kind of skills are needed to make a Celestial Treasure.' It was quite impressive, and Lin Mu observed it further. He tried to piece some of the runes together, but they were wandering around freely like specs of dust in air.

'There's also multiple Formation Arrays in the Spatial Fabric, which will make it hard to recognize them if they're this spread out... the layers between them have also become quite thin with them being stretched this far apart.' He analyzed as much as he could.

Lin Mu then looked down into the ground and found that he actually couldn't look that far into it. After a certain point, his Spatial Reception simply saw 'blankness'.

'I can't actually see?' Lin Mu furrowed his brows. 'An illusory array mixed into the Spatial Fabric... now that's new.' He noted.

While Lin Mu could often look past illusory arrays, that was only when they were present in the usual format. He would ignore them with his Spatial Perception, but when the Illusory Arrays were added to the Spatial Fabric itself, things became a bit more complex. Lin Mu was technically still able to ignore the Illusory Arrays, but only up to a certain point. After that, things became too blurry before eventually turning blank.

'If my Spatial Perception hadn't improved earlier, I might not have even been able to see this.' He thought to himself.

A few minutes had passed since Lin Mu had started his observation now, and a message appeared in his mind, making him stop.

Lin Mu stopped his spatial perception and turned to Lady Kang.

"Let's go, they found something." He spoke. "Alright." Lady Kang nodded and then saw Lin Mu summon something.


Another beast appeared in front of them that was several meters tall.

"This... is another one of your tamed beasts?" Lady Kang looked at the Liger Beast.

"Where are you Xiao Yang?" Lin Mu called out while also spreading his Immortal sense.


A sound was heard before a white blur appeared.

"Found something in the ground." Xiao Yang spoke.

"Oh? Show us." Lin Mu replied.

Xiao Yang nodded and guided them to what was a small hole in the ground. It was barely as wide as a palm and seemed to be quite deep. At the very least, Lin Mu could not see its bottom.

"What's down there?" Lin Mu asked.

"Water, lots of it." Xiao Yang answered with a hiss. "The water smells nice." He added.

"Huh... That's interesting." Lin Mu spoke, making Lady Kang look in intrigue.

"What is it?" She questioned.

"Looks like there's an underground water source of some kind... and not the normal kind of water." Lin Mu answered.

"I see... Guess we'll have to dig down." Lady Kang replied to which Xiao Yang hissed.

"Seems like we can't dig... the place will collapse." Lin Mu replied, having understood Xiao Yang.

"How do we get there then?" Lady Kang asked.

"I have a way," Lin Mu replied. "Give me a minute." He said before suddenly sinking into the ground as if it were water.