
The elemental arrow with cyclone light shot down another knight and dismounted. There are two more.

I bounced up from the ground and chopped another one with my sword. Ling Xue also flew a sword, and the last one was pulled off the horse.

Several Knights got up from the ground and looked at each other. No one thought that their mount toughness would be destroyed so easily.

Ling Xue stepped forward and kicked a residual blood knight with a kick. White light flew up in the air and kicked him to death.

"Still dare to chase? Still dare to chase?"

Ling Xue stamped her feet and was very angry. It can be imagined that she must be very embarrassed when she escaped just now.


But just then, suddenly there was a roar in the air. It was the sound of dragon singing!

Not good, the opponent's Dragon Knight finally came!

Ling Xue and I wanted to have a look, and we both saw deep concern from each other's eyes.

Are you doomed?

Looking up, a huge green figure blocked the brilliance. It was a green dragon knight! In my memory, there is no green dragon knight in China.

Dark arbiter lv-257 Dragon Knight (helmets city)

Guild: dark world

Position: Deputy Leader


Ling Xue and I can't help but be awestruck. The dark world is the first guild in the United States after the integration of dark roar?

Judging from the name, the dark judge, the vice leader of the dark world guild, this person is likely to be a player of the dark roar family. This is terrible. There is a dragon knight chasing me. Ling Xue and I have no way in heaven and no way out. Most of us can't escape this disaster!

The dark judge lowered the flying height of the green dragon, stayed in the air directly in front of us, stood on the back of the dragon, looked down on us like a king in the world, and a grim smile appeared at the corners of his mouth: "tut Tut, the top three people in China's tianbang were wanted. Interesting, interesting, how can you let me do it?"

Then he glanced at my equipment and said, "eternal suit, the God suit many people dream of. Today, I finally have the chance to see it. If I can get it, hehe..."

Ling Xueqing sword came forward and angrily scolded, "the eternal suit is good, but do you have life to take it?"

"Just try!"

The dark judge shouted, "don't move. I can deal with two people alone. Hey, I'm wanted and can't ride. It's like breaking two legs!"

My eyes were cold. The dark judge was wearing a set of S5 armor. If I rode Tyrannosaurus Rex, I wouldn't pay attention to this kind of goods at all, but now, this man has posed a fatal threat to Ling Xue and me.

There are a large number of dark world players at the edge of the forest. It's really hard to be watched by the first guild in the United States. On the other hand, there are also doomsday players. The total number of both sides is at least 2000. There is no doubt that even Ling Xue and I can't escape this time.

Invincible time is limited, and the movement speed is no faster than that of players riding war horses. They can't enter the main city. The scroll back to the city fails and can't go offline. If they are forced to go offline, they have to burst out more than n equipment. All this seems to have pushed us to the edge of the cliff.

I looked at the dark arbiter coldly and said with a soft smile: "Xiaoxue, my only wish now is to kill the dark arbiter and die again. It's not wronged."

Ling Xue nodded gently: "then do it!"


At this time, the dark judge has launched an offensive. The green dragon roared and roared down. The dive speed is very fast, with a bright sword spirit of the dark judge!


I've been hit by the sword.


That's terrible. In that case, I'll explain it with a few more swords.

The dark judge also knew that Ling Xue and I were powerful, so he didn't fight. He just killed and pulled away from each other at the moment of diving. He was deeply afraid of being seized by Ling Xue and me.

"Scholar..." Ling Xue smiled. Her beautiful eyes twinkled with a moving look. She said with a smile: "next time, you change the soul chasing bow, fix the green dragon, and then jump up. Let's have a ladder cloud vertical and kill the mount toughness of the dark judge. How about it?"

I nodded and said, "it's up to you!"

The next moment, the dark arbiter comes again!

The green dragon opened his mouth wide, roared at the top of his voice, and dived down with the dark judge!

I took the opportunity to quickly change into a soul chasing bow and put a cool poss. The element arrow condensed on the bow string and shouted: "dizzy arrow, medium!"


The cold light flies away. The next moment, the dark judge, even people and dragons, are dizzy in mid air and no longer move.

I quickly changed into Chixiao sword, and my feet suddenly stepped on the ground and jumped up high.

At the same time, Ling Xue jumped up like holding my arm. The two people had a very tacit understanding. Ling Xue held me and smiled. She had climbed up to my shoulder along my body, stepped hard, jumped up again with my momentum, and was able to reach the height of the dark judge!


It landed steadily on the dragon's back. Ling Xue was covered with orange flame and took out a thin dagger from the package, which was the silver reward of the system just now!


Ling Xue nailed the dagger and his cloak into the green dragon's shell cleanly, so she didn't worry about falling down.

"Keng Keng!"

The eternal ice blade with snowflakes splashed out sword lights, followed by another accurate ice cut, and the dark judge could only continue to faint.

After a round of fierce attack, the dark judge finally woke up and was furious. After waking up twice, his life was less than half. What's wrong?!

"Bold Chinese chick, you're looking for your own death!"

The dark judge scolded angrily, turned back at the same time, and the long sword shone with sword light.

Ling Xue sneered, the anger of sword and shield!

Fully absorb all the damage. Now the dark judge has no choice.

Ling xuechong rushed forward, grabbed the neck chain armour of the dark judge with one hand, and waved the eternal ice blade with the other hand to attack the green dragon's meat wings. The divine sword blasted out a series of fierce sword Qi, which cut the green dragon's meat wings into a splash of scales and flesh. In this way, if you don't attack the body, you will greatly reduce the toughness of the mount.

The mount toughness of the green dragon is not as good as my Tyrannosaurus Rex. After being destroyed by Lingxue's violence, the dark judge's face is about to turn green.


The green dragon moaned and disappeared out of thin air. The mount toughness was finally knocked out.

The dark adjudicator fell down with Ling Xue. At the moment, he was desperate and was beaten back to the prototype. He asked himself that he could not withstand the joint attack of two hall of fame experts in China.

I flew to the landing point, stretched out my hand and firmly hugged my beautiful girlfriend. Ling Xue was held in my arms, giggling, couldn't help hugging my neck and kissing my cheek.

I was so excited that I stepped on the forehead of the narrator's dark judge and kicked two feet in a row, and his Qi and blood bottomed out. Without riding a dragon, the mere S5 simply couldn't withstand the eternal suit.

Put Ling Xue down, I took one hand, and the blood light flew up.

Suddenly, the dark judge's face turned purple. Although he was in the United States, he still heard about the unique skills of the first person in China, and this blood border is famous for being cruel, resolute, domineering, shameless, despicable and inhuman. At the moment, shrouded in the brilliance of skills, I'm afraid only he can understand the mood of the dark judge.

I asked, "Xiaoxue, how much is an S5?"

Ling Xue pondered: "S5 is very difficult. Many people in Baiyun city are inviting people to take brushes. Lin Ao's price is to pay 5W for one brush. The price of a complete set of brushes is about 100W."

"Lin Ao has gathered all the S5?"

"No, I asked XueYue to help me brush it, but the shadow didn't agree with the wind, so it blew..."

"So the price is still above 100W, hehe..."

With that, Chixiao sword had been put on the neck of the dark judge.


Blood splashed everywhere and killed once. Sure enough, a cangming helmet burst out. It's very good. The level 255 masterpiece can really be worth more than one million per set. Basically, the attributes of this thing are not much different from the God of war suit.

Originally, players can't make money by brushing FB, because the copy equipment is picked up and bound, but it's a good way to make money by forming a set of S5 with blood. The dark arbiter came to the door by himself and can't blame anyone.

I summoned ling'er to guard one side, and Chixiao sword cut at the target with the fastest frequency.

In an instant, the dark judge hung up three times in a row, and his S5 burst left his underpants. Why is the explosion rate so high? What a surprise

Looking at the reduction of his equipment one by one, the dark judge roared: "what are you waiting for? Bastards!"

Suddenly, a group of players in the dark world woke up from the shock and saw that the powerful vice alliance leader of the green dragon knight was killed by two non mounted players. The shock was too fierce.

Kill the dark judge for the fourth time. Finally, even the shinguard burst out. I took the package. It's good. I've got a set of S5 together.

At this time, the players of helmet city in all directions also crowded up.

I immediately removed the blood barrier of the dark judge, sent him back to the city with a sword, and then shouted, "Xiaoxue, let's kill to the East, OK?"


The two men rushed out immediately. This time, they were determined to die. The number of each other was definitely above us. It was difficult not to die.

But at this time, there was a noise behind the players in the dark world, with the shock sound of horse hoofs. At the same time, a black shadow flew over the head, and it was another Dragon Knight!?

"Shit, it rains every night when the house leaks. We're too back, Xiaoxue..."


Just when we sighed, we didn't want the crowd of players in the dark world to be torn apart. A group of elite cavalry rushed over, with a bright red five-star red flag on everyone's head!

Chinese players?!

Suddenly, I was ecstatic.


The sword Qi wrapped by countless currents fell into the crowd and completely tore apart the front composed of players in the dark world.

The next moment, a beautiful woman wrapped in purple flame appeared, riding on an ugly horse named Zhuzhi.

The beauty said with a smile——

"Hee hee, two, do you want to escort?"