Chapter 57: Returning to the city

57 Chapter 57: Returning to the city

The trees were sober, the atmosphere was dark. The whole place was monotonous; there wasn't much visibility. We were exactly traversing Zone 1, after reluctantly resting, I emerged from the cave. Now we were back in this place.


Absolutely nothing had changed in this place; everything remained the same. Everything was depressing. Taking two apples from my ring, I handed one to Elsa, and I ate the other. They were incredible for this moment. I hoped everything would go smoothly until we managed to get out. I didn't feel like fighting right now.

Guaaaaaaa! Guaaaaa!

Feeling multiple presences running in our direction, I clicked my tongue.

"Tsk, seriously, I can't believe it, me and my big mouth."

Taking my sword from my ring, I went on guard. I looked annoyed at the bastards who ruined my moment of peace.

Elsa quickly positioned herself behind me, clasping her hands, ready for battle.



We were greeted by dazzling daylight, the sunlight burying our eyes. I covered them with my forearm; the heat quickly bathed me in a pleasant sensation. Finally, after all these days, I felt the warm welcome of the light penetrating my skin. Although I still couldn't open my eyes completely...

After a few minutes, I managed to get used to it. Opening slowly, I looked around. It was good to see something other than gloomy trees and endless fog. Here in this place, there was green grass and normal trees, a magnificent sun shining brightly in the sky. Breathing deeply, I nodded.

"We're back to the real world" after who knows how much time we've spent in the forest.

"It certainly feels good to be back," Elsa commented.

"Let's go to the city. We have a lot to do," I started walking towards the guild's created building where the teleportation place was. On the way, we encountered many people, but they were all in groups. I even saw some young ones with their bright eyes; all had the same goal: to kill creatures.

Arriving at the same building, there were two guards at the entrance. Passing through the doors, we reached the place and had to pay for the journey. I frowned; I would feel that strange feeling again. Getting ready, the whole place lit up. I felt my stomach turn. Enduring for a few seconds, the sensation disappeared.

Walking as if I were drunk, I bent down a little and put my hands on my mouth. Right now, I really wanted to vomit. Out of the corner of my eye, Elsa, as if nothing had happened, looked at me with mocking eyes.

"Really, this shameless girl," I thought internally.

"Are you done with your drama?"

"Yes, I killed it," I said with a smile.

The scroll in my hand filled with flames and disappeared. The flames didn't hurt me; they are recognized as flames of justice. If I had lied, the flames would immediately burn my hand, causing me terrible pain.

"That's perfect, sir. According to the guild's reward, you will be given a bonus for successfully killing the anomaly. For the eyes, you will receive 5 gold coins, and for the horn, you will receive a total of 10 gold coins, with a total of 15 coins. Are you satisfied, sir?" She asked with a smile. I felt like her gaze was getting deeper and shining with interest towards me.

I feel a little strange with his gaze but he acted as if he hadn't noticed and responded calmly, "It's perfectly fine, thank you."

"No, we should thank you for taking care of this problem for us."

"I would also like to sell these claws if you're willing," pointing with my finger at the yetis' claws.

She took one of their claws in her hands and turned them, observing them carefully. She took out a knife from her drawer; the knife was covered in a small red aura. Applying pressure, she pointed directly at the claw.


After hitting it, she checked the claw again; there was no scratch on it.

"It's a good material to create daggers, sir. How much do you want for all the claws?"

Hmmm, I'm not really sure. I don't know the market, and I don't know the price of this. "How much do you think is the optimal value?" In the end, I decided to leave it to her. I guess he wouldn't fool us

"In my opinion, since you have so many claws right now, how about I give you all of them for 12 gold coins?" She said with her typical smile.

Looking at the table, there were more than 20 claws, shrugging, I accepted without any problem. As long as they are gold coins, I have no problem.

Taking a bag from her ring, she put it on the table. If you look closely, it's full of gold coins; she counted 27 coins and handed them to me.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you, sir."

Standing up, I thanked her too. She offered to accompany us to the exit.

Leaving the guild, a sunset welcomed us. The sky was orange, and the streets, as always, were full of people walking everywhere.

If you like my novel, shower it with power stones, golden tickets or gifts!!!! This motivates me to update daily!
