Chapter 32 - 32: Guild

Chapter 32: Chapter 32: Guild

The next morning, we woke up and brushed our teeth at the same time; luckily, I brought two... Later, Elsa decided to take a bath first, and I decide to bathe after her.

We went down to the hall where the adventurers were already eating. We sat in an empty spot. While I was checking the menu, I suddenly overheard an interesting conversation.

"Hey, did you hear about the massacre in zone 2?"

"How could I not hear! Gods, it was a complete pity. They were a good group on the rise, but they underestimated the beasts. Although not very intelligent, they like to hunt in groups, and once you fall into their trap, you have to fight against a large number of them."

Sigh. "It can't be avoided. Not even their remains were found. It's a shame. They were good kids, but you know, they say they were deceived."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"Well, rumors say they bought a map that led them to a hidden treasure in zone 2, exactly in the Caves of Oblivion."

"Caves of Oblivion, wait! Ah, are you talking about the place where these abominations are?

I saw from the corner of my eye how the woman shuddered, and her expression was filled with absolute fear. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"Yes, you're right, it's that damned place."

Reflecting on what I just heard, it reminded me of a time when this place was a death zone. You can't fully trust a person, but I never heard of the Caves of Oblivion. It sparked my curiosity about that place.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I heard the sound of the plate on the table. I ordered two fried eggs with a meat pie and a cup of coffee. Surprisingly, coffee exists. Elsa ordered only one egg with bread and coffee. Watching her eat, I smiled a bit and said,

"You know, at your age, you should eat more to develop well, you know."

"To prevent people from lying about their rank, a sphere was created that identifies in which rank you are. This way, we avoid people choosing missions that exceed their capabilities and dying in battle."

Nodding my head, I understand. The promise of being a hunter is very good, but there is always danger, death by your side every moment you explore the forest. You don't know if you will come back alive or not.

She led us to a small room in the middle of which was the sphere. Putting my hand on it, it starts to shine in a yellow tone.

"Congratulations, sir, you have become a hunter of rank D."

Sighing to myself, I'm glad it worked. Yes, the sphere detected me as silver. My plans were going down the drain.

The next turn was Elsa's. The sphere shone the same way as mine, but the color was different, brown.

"Congratulations, miss. It's rank F."

With the same smile and joy, she said it. Indeed, she is a professional in her job.

"I would like to form a group with my sister," I quickly told her. I don't want her to advertise me once we leave.

I could see a hint of amusement in her eyes, quite cunning.

"Of course, sir. No problem, but it has to have a name."

"It will be called 'Losts'."

I say with a smile.