Chapter 30 - 30: Journey (6)

Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Journey (6)

Pov Elsa Frostine

I remember that day as if it were yesterday, the day when my magical aptitude would be measured. As a family of wizards, magic was everything.

My sister was already admired for her skill in manipulating magic, and I admired her greatly too. It was incredible how she could form perfect snowflakes. I wanted to do the same; I wanted to be a great mage like my older sister, but things didn't turn out that way.

It turns out I had no talent for magic. Furthermore, it was discovered that I had no magical lineage, lacking what defined the family and made us one of the most powerful. Our lineage traced back to a creature from the past that formed a blood pact with the first head of the house. This lineage was possessed by each generation born from the main branch, named "Winterfrost Bird," a creature capable of manipulating ice entirely. No creature in the handling of ice magic could compare to it.

When I found out, my world crumbled. All my fantasies vanished with those words. I remember crying in my mother's arms. My father could only watch helplessly; he couldn't do anything. My older sister was by my side, trying to cheer me up.

One night, I left home. I escaped, even though I had discussed it with my parents; they vehemently refused, although I didn't tell them the location of the flower. I wanted to inform my sister, but I didn't. I wanted to do it for myself; I could do it alone.

In the city, I bought a carriage and hired some guards. I paid them to take me to the city of the beginning. But on the journey, a group of bandits attacked us. I felt fear, I felt insecure. I thought this was the end, but it wasn't. When I got out of the carriage, I found some corpses; I felt nauseous, but I endured it. According to what I was told, the boy standing in the midst of all the chaos saved my life.

When he told me his true identity, he told me he was heading to the same place as me and invited me to go with him. I hesitated at first; I already knew who he was, and his image was very bad. But somehow, I felt protected by his side, so I accepted. Besides, he's also handsome and strong.

The journey lasted another 3 days. During this time, he always cared about my well-being and that I was okay. I didn't know why he treated me so well, so I asked him. He said our situations were almost similar, and he also told me I was like a younger sister. I felt my cheeks turning red, and I couldn't help but give him a punch on the shoulder; I felt like he was teasing me or something.

Right now, we were at the entrance of the city. The walls were too high, I estimate around 30 meters. He handed me a hood to hide my face. Although I didn't understand why at first, I still put it on.

Finally, we had arrived in the city.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))