Chapter 8 - 8: Training

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Training

As I pondered my next move in the quest for monster hunting, a sudden interruption jolted me from my thoughts—a rhythmic knock on the door, signaling an unexpected visitor.


With a reflexive response, I beckoned the visitor inside.

"Come in."

In stepped the morning maid once again, bearing news of lunch being ready. I acknowledged her message with a nod, assuring her of my imminent presence at the dining table.

Descending to the dining room, I found myself once more in the company of my family. However, this time, their gaze failed to register any recognition, affording me the opportunity to assimilate into the familial setting without undue scrutiny. Seating myself, I commenced my meal, awaiting the opportune moment to broach the topic foremost on my mind.

Summoning my resolve, I turned to address my father directly.

Engulfed in a wave of weariness, I succumbed to the embrace of slumber, only to awaken with a start the following dawn. Hastening through my morning routine, I joined my family once more for sustenance, steeling myself for the trials that lay ahead.

Accompanying my father on a solemn sojourn beyond the confines of our estate, I found myself amidst a throng of soldiers engaged in rigorous combat drills. The weight of expectation bore down upon me as my father conferred with Sir Miguel, a paragon of martial prowess and unwavering resolve.

With a solemn decree, my father entrusted me into the capable hands of Sir Miguel, a gesture laden with implicit trust and expectation. I met Sir Miguel's steely gaze head-on, unflinching in the face of his formidable presence.

"Why do you seek strength?" His inquiry pierced through the silence, demanding introspection and resolve.

Meeting his gaze with unwavering determination, I spoke from the depths of my conviction.

"I seek strength to forge a path of distinction, to safeguard those dear to me, and to honor the legacy of my lineage." The words resonated with clarity, a testament to my unwavering resolve.

Satisfied with my response, Sir Miguel ushered forth a grueling regimen of physical conditioning, a baptism by fire designed to forge resilience and fortitude. With each stride, I embraced the crucible of adversity, knowing that only through perseverance could I aspire to transcend the limits of my past shortcomings.

As the training ground stretched before me in daunting expanse, I steeled myself for the arduous journey that lay ahead.