Chapter 462 Going To Exorcist’s Association

Chapter 462 Going To Exorcist's Association

Jun Tianyun sat on a chair, looking at the customers in the cafe leisurely. Soon enough, Ren entered the cafe, wearing an elegant dress.

" Tsk, I am the first time seeing you in a normal dress and not your miko dress." Jun Tianyun chuckled. " Sit, I have already ordered caramel cappuccino and plum cake."

" Oh my, You still remember my preference, eh?" Ren chuckled as she sat before Jun Tianyun.

" You look busy and tired. Too much work?" Jun Tianyun smiled, passing the cup to her.

" Of course, It's utterly chaos outside. The cultists of Blood Demon Cult are running amock everywhere. Their headquarters is destroyed and most of their higher members are dead."

" Without any leaders, most of them had gone rogue." Ren sighed as she took a sip. " Although it's pretty troublesome, hunting them has become easier."

" We also got news of some suspicious cultists trying to kill people and revive another demon called Hungry Demon. But the situation there is already taken care of by someone."

" Is that so?"

" Why are you asking?" Ren rolled her eyes. " You did it, didn't you?"

" Oh? How can I?"

Jun Tianyun appeared to be shocked. " I am just an ordinary person. How can I fight against demon gods?"

" I never said demon gods are dead?" Ren pursed her lips. " I only said high level members of the heretical cults are dead. How did you know the demon gods are dead?"

" Uhhh..."

Jun Tianyun chuckled as he shook his head. " Alright, You got me."

" Damn it! Just how powerful have you become?" Ren asked in an eager voice. " Killing demon gods? I doubt even the Celestial Masters can do that."

" Well, It wasn't only me. Tuba san helped me too." Jun Tianyun shrugged.

" They were trying to target my daughter. How could I leave them alone?"

" Target your daughter?" Ren was shocked. " Wh-What do you mean?"

Jun Tianyun looked at her as he explained everything. Ren was shocked the more she heard.

" No way! For them to think of your daughter as a perfect vessel for a demon god, just how powerful she is?"

" Well, She is my daughter after all." Jun Tianyun gave a smug grin. " How can she not possess such potential?"

" However, I won't let any bastard gaze at her with malicious gaze. If I find anyone, I will dig out their eyes and then the soul from their body."

" Well, It shall be enough. We are going to the Exorcist's Association right away."

Holding Jun Tianyun's arm, Ren took him to the headquarters of the Exorcist's Association.

After a while, they reached a large building. Jun Tianyun nodded when he saw it.

" Not bad, You guys spent quite some money on it."

" Well, Danger follows the fortune. Although the job is risky, being an exorcist is a pretty well paying job." Ren smiled.

As Jun Tianyun and Ren were about to step inside, a few guards in black suits stopped them.

" Let us in, It's me...Ren Asagaki." Ren showed them her ID, making them open the way for her.

" Who is that man beside Ren San?"

" Wow, He is so handsome. Could it be that he is the boyfriend of Ren San?"

" Impossible! Ren San is already so powerful. How can an ordinary person be her boyfriend?"

As Jun Tianyun entered the main building, he could see a large facility with various people coming and going. Each of them carried some sort of spiritual aura or treasure.

They are the exorcists, who take the job of hunting down the evil.

Suddenly, a person called Ren, making her flinch her brows.

" Ah, Miss Ren, I was waiting for you. I invited you for lunch today. But you didn't give any reply..."

' Here comes the trouble.'

Jun Tianyun sighed as he looked at the young man with a dead gaze.





Dear Fellow Daoists, Please help this poor scholar by purchasing the privilege of my new book, Eroge: I can Travel To Ancient World.

Alright, Promotion aside, I thank all of you for reading this book despite the irregular updates. I am trying to manage time to write chapters and hopefully, it works. Also, I am planning to end this arc in 30-40 chapters so we can return to more fun arcs in OG World.