Chapter 482 Killing Lin Xingya's Rivals

Chapter 482 Killing Lin Xingya's Rivals

As Wang Jian soared through the celestial expanse towards the Lin Family's star, a sense of contentment settled over him like a comforting cloak. 'Lin Xingya's impression of me is favorable,' he thought, a pleased smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 'This incident will serve to strengthen our relationship.'

But his moment of satisfaction was abruptly shattered as he sensed a sudden rush of hostility hurtling towards him. Without hesitation, he swiftly intercepted the blade hurtling towards his heart, his senses alert and focused.

Whirling around, he came face to face with Lin Fei, the fiery determination burning in his eyes mirroring the flames that danced in his palms. Wang Jian's brows furrowed in mild surprise, though he remained composed. 'So, the confrontation begins.'

"Well, well, if it isn't Lin Fei," Wang Jian remarked, his tone laced with amusement. "What brings you to my doorstep, my friend?"

But Lin Fei's response was anything but friendly. With a scowl etched upon his features, he declared his intention with chilling certainty. "I'm going to kill you," he spat, his voice dripping with venom.

Without hesitation, Lin Fei unleashed a torrent of flames, imbued with the power of the Phoenix Ascension Technique.

But to his astonishment, Wang Jian remained unfazed, a knowing smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

As the flames dissipated harmlessly against his defenses, Wang Jian's figure shimmered with an ethereal glow, his form becoming translucent before vanishing altogether.

In his place stood an illusionary projection, a mere shadow of his true self.

"It's not time for our little dance just yet, Lin Fei," Wang Jian taunted, his voice echoing through the void. "Save your rage for another day."

With a mocking laugh, the illusionary image dissipated, leaving Lin Fei seething with frustration and impotent rage.

'An Illusionary Clone Divine Talisman,' Lin Fei realized, his anger boiling over at the realization of Wang Jian's deception.

The knowledge that Wang Jian had outmaneuvered him only served to stoke the flames of Lin Fei's fury. 'How dare he toy with me like this? And to think he's getting closer to Lin Xingya...'

Determined to avenge his wounded pride and protect his feelings for Lin Xingya, Lin Fei made a solemn vow to himself. 'I will kill you Wang Jian, no matter what it takes. And I will do it swiftly.'

With his resolve hardened like steel, Lin Fei set his sights on his elusive foe, plotting his next move with a fierce determination burning in his heart.

In the bustling heart of the Branch Family's territory, Wang Jian and Yu Qing found themselves amidst a hive of activity. The air crackled with anticipation as they navigated through the maze of streets and alleys, their destination clear in their minds.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

As they finally arrived at their meeting point, Wang Jian's eyes lit up with satisfaction at the sight of Yu Qing.

"Yu Qing," Wang Jian began, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "Thank you for your swift action in setting up the Astral Vision Network. Your efficiency has been truly remarkable."

Yu Qing waved off his thanks with a casual gesture, but inwardly, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of satisfaction at his words. The warmth of his touch sent a shiver down her spine, and she found herself unwilling to pull away.

Without hesitation, the maid listed off the names of the heirs who harbored ill will towards Lin Xingya, their enmity simmering beneath the surface like a dormant volcano waiting to erupt.

Armed with this knowledge, Wang Jian wasted no time in setting his plan into motion.

Making his way to a nearby painting shop, he enlisted the aid of a skilled artist to draw the portraits of each of direct heirs of the Lin Family.

With painstaking precision, the artist meticulously crafted their portraits, each stroke of the brush imbuing the canvas with a sense of foreboding.

Once the portraits were complete, Wang Jian wasted no time in deploying the Astral Vision Network, the magical network of crystals illuminating the starry expanse with ethereal light.

With a deft flick of his wrist, he summoned forth the images of Lin Xingya's adversaries, their faces flickering in and out of focus like ghosts in the night.

In the vast expanse of the Lin Family's domain, Wang Jian and Yu Qing soared through the celestial skies, their mission clear and their resolve unwavering.

With a flick of her wrist, Yu Qing opened up a spatial rift, its shimmering tendrils unfurling like ribbons in the cosmic winds. Without hesitation, they plunged into the rift, hurtling through the spatial tunnel with unparalleled speed.

As they emerged on the other side, they found themselves standing on the outskirts of a sprawling estate, the ancestral home of Lin Hong, one of Lin Xingya's rivals. With a silent nod, Wang Jian gestured for Yu Qing to make her move.

With a graceful sweep of her hand, Yu Qing unleashed a torrent of divine energy, her movements fluid and precise as she dispatched Lin Hong's guards with deadly efficiency. Like leaves in a storm, the guards fell before her, their cries echoing through the night as they met their demise.

With a swift strike, Yu Qing dealt the final blow to Lin Hong, his lifeblood staining the ground beneath him as he crumpled to the earth.

Wang Jian watched with a sense of grim satisfaction, his gaze unwavering as he surveyed the scene before him.

"Onto the next one," he declared, his voice ringing with determination.

Without a moment's hesitation, they set their sights on their next target: Lin Xia, another of Lin Xingya's rivals. With a sense of purpose, they made their way to her estate, their footsteps echoing through the silent night.

As they approached the estate, they were met with a formidable force of guards, their weapons glinting in the moonlight as they prepared for battle. But against the might of Yu Qing, they stood little chance.

With a fierce battle cry, Yu Qing unleashed a whirlwind of destruction, her movements a blur of motion as she cut through the ranks of Lin Xia's guards with ruthless precision. Like wheat before the scythe, they fell before her, their bodies littering the ground in her wake.

With a final strike, Yu Qing vanquished Lin Xia, her victory complete as she stood triumphant amidst the carnage. Wang Jian watched with a sense of quiet admiration, his gaze lingering on Yu Qing's form as she basked in the glow of her triumph.

"Excellent work," Wang Jian praised, his voice filled with admiration. "Now, let's move on to the next phase of our plan."

With their mission accomplished, Wang Jian and Yu Qing set their sights on their next destination: a settlement controlled by the branch family of the Lin Family.