Today's monster college has a very serious atmosphere. All students are strictly forbidden to stay in their own dormitories. No student is allowed to go out.

Everyone gathered in their dormitories and looked at each other with a frightened face. They said that outside the dormitory of the railway, all the elders of the monster college poured out and wrapped the whole monster college. These elders looked serious, which made all the students feel frightened. Such a state is already very obvious. Something must have happened to the monster college, Unfortunately, people don't know what it is.

"What's going on?"

"That's why Lao Meng asked us to stay in the dormitory and not go out."

"It is said that the monster Academy was attacked."

"It's impossible. Who in the whole demon world dares to attack the monster Academy."




The locked up students kept whispering.

"In the end, it's the eldest lady and young master who have always been spoiled in the family. At this time, a little things are in a mess." elder Changfeng and others shake their heads when looking at a group of students who can't form a climate. At this time, the more we can see the difference between genius and mediocrity.

It doesn't mean that those who are surprised and fussy when entering the monster college are mediocre. They just show cowardice and panic at a critical moment. They are really ashamed of their talent and entering the monster college. After all, when they arrive at the monster college, what they need to cultivate is to be calm in the face of any situation.

On the contrary, Xiao Sheng and Zhou CE are young people who even the elders of the monster college appreciate very much. At the moment, these people are very indifferent to the situation of the monster college. It seems that the mountain and river collapse in front of them will still remain unchanged, and even take the initiative to help elder Changfeng and others maintain the order among students.

Thus, we can see what kind of people can become talents in the future, and what kind of people can only end their life and do nothing.

Any talent who is a great general can make the mountains and rivers collapse in front of him without changing his face, and elder Changfeng and others need to cultivate such talents as the next generation of fresh blood of the monster college. Unfortunately, there are few young people who can be fully trusted in the monster College of Nuo University.

Once again, he set his eyes on a small building, which is the location of the Green Gang. Shen binghe, Lifeng and Xi Qingxue led the Green Gang to stand in the small building calmly.

Unlike ordinary students, no one in the whole Green Gang showed any panic about the situation of the monster college at this time. Although the scale of the Green Gang is small, her name is not small.

Since Zhao Qiang's seclusion, the name of the Green Gang has changed straight to the Youming gang led by Xiao Sheng. In addition, the last fight with Lin Yan has made Zhao Qiang famous. Now the Green Gang is completely different from the large-scale Green Gang just established in the monster college.

Although the number of the Green Gang has been halved now, everyone is extremely united and fearless of life and death. It doesn't look like a student of the monster college at all, but a dead soldier who has gone through the battlefield. I really don't know how Zhao Qiang did it.

With a feeling in his heart, elder Changfeng once again moved his eyes to the void.

At this time, there was a gray thick fog floating on the void of the demon and beast college, which made elder Changfeng frown.

All the elders of the monster college poured out, and even the vice president looked at the void with a dignified face.

On the void, the gray fog is carrying strong poison gas. Even the strong elders such as Changfeng dare not walk in the air easily. They have tested it before. The toxicity of the gray fog is extremely strong. Even the demon respected strong people can't avoid being recruited, let alone these students.

The gray fog above the void is getting lower and lower, and more and more rich. It seems that it is to wrap the whole demon and beast college in the gray fog.

A gorgeous man with silver hair on his back in fancy clothes stood barefoot in the void, surrounded by a strong fog. But the man was not afraid of the poisonous fog, and even showed a rather enjoyable expression in the void.

Elder Changfeng saw the man's eyes shrink suddenly, and then roared: "Lehman, what's the meaning of you coming to our monster college so arrogantly today to release your poison gas?"

It was the handsome man in Chinese robes on the void who was called Lehman. The man had silver hair, and Xie Yu's back was vertical to his ankles. His red Luo's feet slowly stepped on the void, and a wicked smile came up at the corners of his mouth and said, "what do you mean by coming to the demon and beast academy today? It should be self-evident.

I advise you to think about it for the sake of the students of the whole monster college. If your aura barrier is not enough to support my poison gas corrosion, it will be all the students of the whole monster college who will suffer at that time. I advise you to think carefully about the conditions I put forward, but don't come up with that set of dead brains to deal with me

。 After all, you will suffer a loss at that time, but so many students of your demon and beast college have an accident together. Your demon and beast college can bear this responsibility. I'm afraid it's not just the people of our leopard family who want to trouble your demon and beast college at that time. I'm afraid the whole three families of the demon world want to trouble you.

You know, the monster academy has gathered the fresh blood of the younger generation in the whole demon world. These people are the hope of major families. Once these hopes are destroyed by the monster academy, do you think the monster academy that has committed public anger will have any foothold? "

Hearing Lehman's words, elder Changfeng frowned, and then took a fancy to the vice president above the void. At this time, the vice president condensed strong aura on his hands, while the other elders stood still and exercised their skills to condense the aura around him.

The thick aura barrier gathered by the elders shrouded the whole monster college. At this time, the aura barrier is a huge clock, which shrouds the whole monster college, and all the students are safe under the shelter of the aura barrier, but once the aura barrier is broken and the gray poison gas enters, I'm afraid things are quite difficult.

Even elder Changfeng and others find it very difficult to deal with the poisonous gas unleashed by Lehman, not to mention ordinary students, who have almost no resistance. On the void, the aura barrier keeps hearing "Pooh Pooh" and "Pooh Pooh".