Seeing He Ye push his aside and scold his dog, Chen Erpu's small hands pressed down on her tongue and extended outwards. He kissed his lips that were smeared with lipstick and only then did Chen Erpu realize how much force he had used, causing her tongue to hurt from using too much force.

The kind Daoist smiled innocently and lowered his head, then raised it to look at He Ye. Seeing her like she was an ill patient, he thought to himself that He Ye was actually so beautiful, so beautiful that it would make one's heart tremble. Those so-called female stars were like birds;

Chen Erpu turned his head around his neck and extended his tongue out to kiss his chapped lips, feeling deep regret in his heart.

Stupid Xiong and his servant were people who deserved a beating. It was one thing if they didn't touch a woman, but once they touched a woman, they would be like a mad dog that couldn't be dealt with. Luckily, they didn't bite her tongue off; how could they afford to bite off a country stick that was as poor as dregs?

Chen Erpu showed an expression of disappointment and regret. It was a type of remorse that made him feel guilty.

However, the overflowing regret did not calm the raging flames in his heart, so how could Chen Erpu retreat? After looking around, he walked towards He Ye without a care.

He Ye stood where she was without moving. After all, she had accepted Chen Erpu's 300 yuan; taking money from others was the right thing to do. From another perspective, He Ye was still waiting for Chen Erpu's initiative.

If Chen Erpu took the initiative, he would definitely unleash his full powers as a virgin; he would not have wasted He Ye's efforts.

He Ye was now a chicken, how could a red-faced hen reject the attack of a rooster with a fiery red crown? He could not refuse. He could only accept.

He Ye suddenly became obedient, her eyes filled with anticipation as she stared at Chen Erpu who was walking over.

Chen Erpu was really excited, he raised his head, stuck out his chest, and walked forward with vigorous steps. A gust of wind blew from under his feet, causing He Ye to fly over.

He Ye felt her bones go soft, this was the feeling of a hen; although He Ye thought hard, in the end, she was still a hen.

The hen releases the female hormone, which can only be used as a hen.

The rooster with the red crown came close to the hen, pressing it to the ground without a word. A pair of powerful claws clung to the hen's waist; the back of the stepping hen trembled all over, and the chicken was infected; it began to shake with the rooster.

The process of the rooster trampling on the hen's back has long been a shrewd generalization in the village - the chicken trampling on the egg.

A rooster does not trample on an egg, a hen's egg is not nutritious, and hatching a chicken is nonsense.

What was the importance of a rooster? How much do hens need? He Ye hoped that Chen Erpu would turn into an energetic rooster and attack him, or try to kill him.

Chen Erpu immediately understood this logic. With bloodshot eyes, he ran over to He Ye and picked her up, gently placing her on a fixed row of chairs in the Immortal Pavilion.

He Ye laid on her back with her limbs spread out, Chen Erpu wiped off her bra with his claws, and kissed it passionately.

The god-like quality of it could be sensed from Chen Erpu's tongue. He Ye fiddled with the two black cores of her body that had a tinge of red;

Chen Erpu heard He Ye shouting and he did not know why, but he had secretly watched footage of He Ye shouting and knew that it was called calling a bed, so he did not panic anymore and wholeheartedly charged forward.

Chen Erpu's charge was like the unstoppable eruption of a volcano, but it also sounded like a thunderbolt that could not be stopped.

Chen Erpu screamed out repeatedly as he sprinted forward. He Ye looked at him with his eyes closed, his two small hands holding onto the servant's arm tightly, his body moving forward while stopping.

Chen Erpu was even more powerful when it was being transported by He Ye, just like how King Chu Ba was able to last a thousand kilograms.

He Ye, who was pressed down by Chen Erpu, trembled as he coordinated with him. Chen Erpu was a rooster; no, he was a majestic bull; he worked hard on the grassland, almost wanting to tear the grassland under the plow to shreds.

He Ye felt that she was crazily tearing and ravaging everything as she entered the illusory world, where even he was drunk like a fairy.

Although the impact of Chen Erpu's Lightning Thrust was extremely strong, He Ye's body was beautiful and flawless; it melted him little by little.

In the end, who was the most formidable one? If he were to put it to the test, his legs would surely turn into mud when he comes out of the water!

He Ye was perfecting her theory in the midst of all these beautiful things. According to her argument, three male gods in Room 411 had already been played by her.

He treated external affairs as toying with it, which was called He Ye's exclusive creation. It could be seen just how elegant He Ye's realm was.

Although Gu Zi did not enter into the essence with He Ye, but He Ye had already personally witnessed the majesty and heroic looks of Gu Zi.

He Ye had kneaded her bones before, but she did not regret the moment she took off all her clothes at the South Sky Hotel.

Chen Erpu was blind. This was why He Ye deliberately left him in the Immortal pavilion to comfort his heart.

"At this moment, Sima Lin must be riding on the Black Turtle Ship leisurely, and singing a few lines in a sour mood?" He Ye said in her heart: "That guy is just a male donkey. When I'm together with him, I'll always go through the back door.

Damn it, will not fall for the trick of Sima Gouge; play with the goods that you don't want to pay, He Ye will not care about you anymore!

He Ye scolded Sima Lin in her heart as her thoughts returned to Chen Erpu.

Chen Erpu was a virgin, so he had investigated Chen Erpu's background when he went to room 411; his bones were also that of a virgin, this was something He Ye obtained from Zhu Dazhang and Sima Lin.

He Ye had an intimate relationship with Sima Lin and Zhu Dazhang, she also wanted to beat them up, but their relationship was so clear and lofty.

Furthermore, Gu Zi had a girlfriend, Fan Linlin. Fan Linlin and He Ye had the strongest relationship, they were sisters; He Ye had always respectfully addressed Fan Linlin as Sister Lin, even though she was only a child, He Ye always addressed her as Sister Lin.

The reason why He Ye respected Fan Linlin was because she did not reveal her disgrace. Fan Linlin had long known that He Ye was causing trouble at school;

The clever Fan Linlin did not be alarmed, but sat in front of apartment building number 2 and chatted with Sun Erniang until the boy came out from the corridor.

The boy appearing in Building 2 was to be investigated by Sun Erniang. Fan Linlin craftily said that he was the Principal's nephew.

Sun Erniang was a temporary worker and heard that she was the Principal's nephew. She did not even dare to open her mouth.

When Fan Linlin returned to dorm 208 and told He Ye about this situation, she hugged Fan Linlin and laughed, showing that she was not telling the truth.

That matter had already reached the bottom of Fan Linlin's stomach. Fan Linlin had never brought up that matter in front of He Ye;

This was probably one of the reasons why He Ye did not violate the bones …