Chapter 4217: Not as good as a surprise attack

Name:Urban Madness Author:Lu Tong
"Since Master Chi You is so disobedient, we thought of you, Master Xiang Liu."

The old man said with a smile.

But listening to his words, Xiang Liu shuddered, his tone was as if he had chosen randomly among a group of people.

As if seeing Xiang Liu's jealousy, the old man said immediately.

"I won't stay in this world for a long time. After I catch Ye Fan, I will leave immediately. It's easy to go to a world through the gate of time and space, but it's harder if I want to go a second time."

The old man looked at Xiang Liu meaningfully.

"Master Xiang Liu, do you think this deal is not a good deal?"

Xiang Liu lowered his head and said nothing. After a while, he gritted his teeth.

"Okay, I promise you, as long as you can help me control the evil faction, then Ye Fan belongs to you."

If Chi You knew that the war was imminent, but there were such contradictions within him, he would definitely be half-dead with anger.

But Xiang Liu didn't care.

In his opinion, as long as he becomes the leader of the evil faction, then, with his own strategy, it will not be easy to conquer the Illuminati.

"Hahaha, good! The old man likes a cheerful person like you!"

The old man put away the fishing rod and laughed.

"Master Xiang Liu, don't worry, the old man promises you, he will do it, but you promise the old man, I hope you don't break your promise."

Xiang Liu snorted coldly.

"That's natural, but it's just a person, and I'm not going to break my promise for that."

"Since Master Xiang Liu has said so, the old man will give you a gift first. Within three days, you will definitely leave this broken place."

After the old man said, he flashed away and left. The speed was so fast that even Xiang Liu couldn't see where he was going.

"If you need it, you can contact the old through that gourd!"

The old man's figure had disappeared in front of Xiang Liu, but his voice still echoed in this empty river valley.

Xiang Liu left the river with a cold face.

This old man, he had seen him beside Chi You.

Although I don't know how true or false his words are.

But Xiang Liu is a careerist, and every careerist is a gambler.

He is willing to bet, even if he loses his fortune, it doesn't matter if he loses his life.

Because if he doesn't take a gamble at this time, after a while, there may be no place for him in the evil faction.

If he had returned to the camp without incident, everyone thought he had just patrolled around, and no one knew where he had just gone or who he had seen.


It was late at night, Qinglong was sleeping in his clothes, and as soon as he entered sleep, he was shaken by Ye Fan.

"Tomorrow's plan has to be cancelled."

Years of military life, Qinglong has no habit of lying in bed at all.

As long as he opens his eyes, his mind is clear.

He looked at Ye Fan who had come to disturb his rest in the middle of the night, and couldn't help frowning.


"I just went to the camp to take a look. There are big people in it."

Qinglong only reacted for two seconds, and then immediately reacted, which camp Ye Fan was talking about.

"What big people can there be in such a small camp?"

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Qinglong couldn't believe that the evil faction could send someone to guard such a small camp.

Ye Fan said with a serious face.

"A Qun, a Xiangliu, don't you think it's too big!"